High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Eighth Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook Vol.2 is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Eighth Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook Vol.1 is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

2020 Addendum
in High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Fifth Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Seventh Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook Vol.2 is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

2020 Addendum in High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Fourth Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

  High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Seventh Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook Vol.1 is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

2018 Addendum in High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Third Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

  High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Sixth Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

2017 Addendum in High-res print-quality pdf and Low-res bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Second Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

  High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Fifth Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

2016 Addendum in High-res print-quality pdf and Low-res bandwidth-friendly pdf
The First Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Fourth Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Third Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The Second Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production.

High-resolution print-quality pdf / Low-resolution bandwidth-friendly pdf
The First Doctor Expanded Universe Sourcebook is a not-for-sale, not-for-profit, unofficial and unapproved fan-made production

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Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG Copyright Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
Doctor Who and all related concepts and characters Copyright BBC
No attack on such copyrights are intended, nor should be perceived.