Changes: I don't intend to alter the lore of very many cards, but this desperately needs it. One of the greatest scientists in human history gets two sentences?!?! Details of the implications of the theory, including its prohibition of FTL travel, and the existence of black holes would be nice. He also needs a special ability. I wanted to give him some synergy with the Black Hole, but I didn't want to overpower it even more, and couldn't come up with a decent ability. The ability I chose reflects the fact that the Theory of Relativity prohibits faster than light travel (thus making the discovery of the warp drive a much greater accomplishment). Since the Pheonix is never used now, this would give it some more play time.
Final Version:
Recreation of the legendary human scientist.
Revolutionized science with his Theory of Relativity, which proved the
impossibility of exceeding lightspeed in normal space.
Physics x2 Astrophysics While in play, Pheonix's
points are doubled, and apply continuously.
Integrity 9 Cunning 11 Strength 2
Changes: Not much. He's not used a whole lot, but there's not much that makes sense for him, and not everything can be a top-level card. I added one special ability that reflects his tendency to show up when Worf least expects him.
Final version:
¾ Klingon, ¼ Human male. Born on the 43rd day of Maktag.
Son of Lieutenant Worf and K'Ehleyr.
Honor Youth May play free to same location as
Integrity 6 Cunning 4 Strength 2
Changes: The original is truly terrible. The Integrity is far too low, and he is sorely lacking in skills. The Honor-Treachery combo fits him well, since he used dishonorable methods to accomplish worthy goals.
Final version:
Conscientious admiral who questioned Romulan policy. Eventually stole
a scout ship and defected to the Federation in 2366.
Leadership Treachery Honor Navigation
Integrity 5 Cunning 8 Strength 8
Changes: First of all, why is this planet only? It occured in space on the show, and it's doubtful that this could even occur on a planet. Also, the cures don't make any sense! It was Geordi and Data's discovery of the nature of the aliens that let them stop them, not a bunch of Leadership. I've reworked this entirely to make it more in tune with the show.
Final version:
Space Dilemma
Solanagen-based aliens, existing in a subspace domain, can access our
universe and abduct personnel for study.
Place on ship. Personnel with highest total attributes
is held by aliens atop mission (placed out of play if ship leaves this
location). Cure with Astrophysics x2 OR ENGINEER + Physics + CUNNING >40.
Changes: First of all, this is a concept that really should be a dilemma. In its original form, it's pathetically weak, so I've changed it to a Penalty Box-like effect.
Final version:
Alien Groupie
Planet Dilemma
Lanel, a Malcorian nurse, agreed to help Commander William T. Riker,
but only if he would...
Unless any Kirk or Riker present, place on mission.
Now, and at the start of every mission attempt here, one male present must
be 'detained' (stopped) in order to proceed.
Changes: There's a few conceptual problems with the effect, but this is such a mainstay that I'm not changing anything. Just a little tweaking to the wordings.
Final version:
Alien Parasites
Planet Dilemma
Intelligent parasites can enter and take control of a humanoid. Their
presence can be detected by a gill-like protrusion on the back of a host's
Unless INTEGRITY >32, Away Team infected. They
beam back up (if possible) and opponent controls them (and ship) until
"stopped". Turn then resumes.
Changes: Making it seedable it obvious. I've added the special ability more for flavor than anything, and to increase it's utility. I'll adress the TAK issue when I do that card.
Final version:
Alien Probe
Space probes of unknown origin are sometimes encountered by starships.
such as this one launched by the Cytherians, seek information or contact.
Seeds or plays on table. Both
players play with the cards in their hand face up on the table. Cytherians
is worth +5 points if 3 Diplomacy aboard ship, -5 if no Diplomacy aboard.
Changes: The Integrity is obviously too high. Diplomacy is debatable, but the last sentence of lore justifies it. It also justifies the special download, which reflects her talks with the Cardassians. As a Vice-Admiral, VIP is a more fitting classification for her.
Final version:
Vice-Admiral Alynna Nechayev is an antagonistic
superior of Jean-Luc Picard. Responsible for liaison with the Cardassians
and the Maquis.
Leadership Diplomacy V: Treaty: Federation/Cardassian
Integrity 6 Cunning 8 Strength 3
No Changes: Anything I could add would remove her valuable Mission Specialist status. No reasonable skills are worth that, with the possible exception of Exobiology, which would make her inferior to her FC version. I'd love to change the lore, but unless it's relevant to gameplay, I don't alter lore on otherwise unchanged cards.
Changes: Tightening up the wording only. Yes, the three omnis are slightly overpowered, but there's no good way to weaken them without destroying them entirely. You can probably expect a few "Immune to Amanda Rogers" on other Revised Premiere cards, though...
Final Version:
Amanda Rogers
Female Q raised as a human on Earth. Taken to the Q-Continuum by Q
after she could not resist the benevolent use of her powers.
Nullfies one Interrupt just played (except
Kevin Uxbridge or another Amanda Rogers) OR any other
card just played as an Interrupt.
Changes: She's such a cool character, I've enhanced her quite a bit. Twice the arms should equal twice the Music, shouldn't it? The special skills both work well with Qualor II, especially the second (which represents her helping out with undercover investigations). Make Giral and Tokath Nonaligned and have the ultimate in defense for your Colony! I'm quite proud of this one.
Final version:
Four-armed pianist in a Qualor II lounge. Four
times widowed, her most recent husband was an arms smuggler. Works as an
information broker to support her sucksalt habit. Knows Aktuh and
Music x2 May report to Qualor II. May treat up
to two of your aligned personnel here as Non-Aligned.
Integrity 5 Cunning 9 Strength 2
Changes: Not a whole lot. The requirements are easily met, but then, this dilemma is one of the reasons everyone brings SECURITY and MEDICAL on every mission. I'm tightening up the wording, and fixing the badly-worded lore.
Final version:
Anaphasic Organism
Planet Dilemma
Noncorporeal lifeform that enchants and feeds
off of a female host. Appeared to Dr. Beverly Crusher as Ronin.
If any female present, the one with the
highest total attributes resigns (discarded)
unless SECURITY and MEDICAL present. Discard dilemma.
(okay, so I mainly wanted an excuse to fix the
Changes: If it's ancient, wouldn't Archeology help you out? Actually, I'm just looking for a way to make this a bit tougher to get past. As is, it's nearly useless.
Final version:
Ancient Computer
Space Dilemma
Information vital to the completion of a mission must sometimes be
retrieved from old or damaged computer systems, like
this one aboard a derelict Promellian battlecruiser.
To get past, requires 2 Computer Skill
Changes: It doesn't really reflect the Anomaly as seen on the show, but that would be far too powerful, and too confusing. I'm altering the wording a bit, including using a countdown. (The CD is 4, since it will countdown the turn it's played, making three "full turns"). I also altered the lore to explain why it kills everyone (not just humans).
Final Version:
Anti-Time Anomaly
Event {Countdown: 4}
Phenomenon created by Q as a test for Jean-Luc
Picard. Created in the future, it grew backwards in time. Had it not been
sealed, it's effects could have prevented life from beginning on many planets.
Plays on table. When Countdown expires, all personnel
on table (unless time-travelling) are killed.
Changes: As Siskoid's Rolodex points out, either SECURITY or MEDICAL should be enough-- you can keep the archer away or heal the shot personnel. Since that would make it far too easy, I required two of the appropriate skill. Anthropology was added as a way to increase that skill's usefullness.
Final Version:
Planet Dilemma
Standard protocol on away missions is to remain
hidden from local inhabitants. If this secrecy is broken, fearful natives
may attack the Away Team as a threat.
Unless Anthropology OR 2 SECURITY OR 2 MEDICAL
present, Away Team member with highest total attributes is shot and dies.
No changes: Someone dies. No ifs, ands or buts. Simple, elegant, and deadly.
Final version: No change
Changes: I've altered the lore to make it something that could more reasonably done at any location. I've also prevented playing this on an opponent's ship, and tightened up the wording.
Final version:
Asteroid Sanctuary
A skilled pilot can take refuge in an asteroid
field to avoid detection or attack. Even large ships can remain undetected
among the large masses of rock.
Plays on your undocked ship with 2 Navigation
aboard. It may not move, attempt missions, or take
part in battle. You may discard interrupt at any time.
Changes: Changing it to only two beamings per turn makes it a bit more limiting (and makes it a nice combo with Thine Own Self). I added in the line about Transporter Skill because it makes sense. Seeding makes Botanical Research somewhat obsolete, but that's not my problem ;-).
Final version:
Atmospheric Ionization
Charged particles often found in the atmosphere
of planets. Capable of disrupting transporter beams in high concentrations.
Seeds or plays on a planet location. Maximum
of two personnel per turn may beam up or down
here (plus one for each Transporter Skill on ship).
Changes: Just a few. I've added a bonus for preventing the takeover or assimilation of the ship. Requiring staffing reflects needing the senior officers aboard, and downloading Escape Pod reflects preperation to evacuate.
Final version:
Auto-Destruct Sequence
Self-destruct countdown which can be activated
by the senior officers aboard a ship. Employed as
a last resort against hostile boarders.
Plays on your staffed ship. You
may download Escape Pod to hand. Ship destroyed at end of your turn,
damaging all other ships present with SHIELDS<8. Score
points if ship was targetted by Assimilate Starship or Comandeer Starship.
No changes: Nothing glaringly wrong with this, so I'll leave it as is. Expect most missions to be fairly unchanged (with a few exceptions).
Final version: No changes