Plotted with Lursa to seize power from Gowron with the support of the
Romulans. Younger of the two Duras sisters. The pretty one.
Treachery Leadership Physics Youth Greed
Integrity 2 Cunning 8 Strength 7
Changes: Not much; a bonus for being with her sister, and a special downlaod that seems appropriate. (Lursa will have complimentay abilities).
Final version:
Younger of the sisters of Duras. Plotted with her sister Lursa to overthrow
Gowron, with the aid of the Romulans. The pretty one.
Treachery Leadership Physics Youth Greed V: Klingon
Civil War
Attributes +2 if with Lursa.
Integrity 2 Cunning 8 Strength 7
Changes: There are two other Klingon Navigation specialists, both of them better. I gave him a special ability to reflect his posting in the diplomatic delegation, and gave him Music, a skill which Klingons are very short on.
Final version:
Male officer in the Klingon Defense Force.
Served as a junior adjutant to Gowron's diplomatic
delegation. Enjoys Klingon opera.
Navigation Music May
report to where your
Diplomacy is present.
Integrity 5 Cunning 6 Strength
Changes: The reprting ability makes her a little stronger in a Colony strategy (especially a Gi'ral/Tokath based one). Nothing else major.
Final version:
½ Klingon, ½ Romulan female born
in Tokath's prison camp/colony for survivors of the Khitomer Massacre.
Daughter of Gi'ral and Tokath. Romantically involved with Worf.
Anthropology Youth May report to your Colony
(free if Tokath or Gi'ral present)
Integrity 6 Cunning 6 Strength 4
No changes: No problems with the current version, and no special abilities that he's crying out for. He's good.
Final version: No change
Changes: This is such a sacred cow that I'm not touching it. I'll just tighten the wording and fix the awkward lore. DNA Related is a new key phrase to easily identify dilemmas that do not affect androids, holograms or exocomps.
Final version:
Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease
Space/Planet Dilemma
Contagious affliction named for Lieutenant Reginald
Barclay. Triggers dormant DNA fragments, causing victims to de-evolve into
primitive forms.
Entire crew or Away Team dies unless MEDICAL, SCIENCE and SECURITY
present. Discard dilemma. (DNA Related) [10]
Changes: Boooor-ing! Korris does exactly the same thing, and there are plenty of Klingon Honor specialists. Shouldn't an outpost commander have, oh, maybe... Leadership?!?! I also spiced up the lore a little bit, made him unique and gave a complementary special ability.
Final version:
Representative member of the Klingon Defense
Force. Former commander of the Narenda III outpost. Said to be able to
outdrink anyone in the Empire.
Leadership Honor Nullifies
Blended where present, scoring points. [5]
Integrity 7 Cunning 3 Strength 7
Changes: Ugh... truly awful lore, Integrity that defies rational explanation, and no worthwhile skills. Gave him a special ability which reflects his actions in the show and a few other tweaks. Expect the Pheonix to have excellent synergy with it's captain when it arrives.
Final version:
Benjamin Maxwell
Captain of the USS Pheonix. Miles O'Brien's former
commanding officer. In 2367, launched a series of unprovoked attacks against
the Cardassians, believing them to be developing weapons.
May initiate battle against
Leadership Honor Treachery
Integrity 6 Cunning 7 Strength 5
No changes: It's powerful, but with so much downloading in the game, not overly so. Just like a good artifact should be.
Final version: No change
Changes: Not much. Added a special download which is in flavor and keeps her from being completely worthless compared to her FC version.
Final version:
Dr. Beverly Crusher is the chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise.
Dancer and thespian. Widow of Jack Crusher. Mother of Ensign
Wesley Crusher.
MEDICAL Biology Exobiology V: Hypospray
Integrity 8 Cunning 8 Strength 5
Changes: Nothing functional, but I tightened up the wording (which needed it badly)
Final version:
Birth of "Junior"
Space Dilemma
Large spaceborne lifeform. Attatched itself to the USS Enterprise,
it mistook for its mother. Endangered the ship by draining power
from its systems.
Place on ship. Range reduced by 1 each turn. When
Range=0, ship destroyed. Cure with 3 ENGINEER aboard.
Changes: I added an extra skill to make him more useful, and altered his lore a bit. Nothing earthshaking, I'm afraid.
Final version:
Navigation officer aboard a Romulan scout vessel
which crashed on Galondron Core. Forced to work with Geordi LaForge
in order to survive.
Navigation Youth Stellar Cartography
Integrity 7 Cunning 7 Strength 6
Changes: I added Biology for the DNA trick he pulled with Jason Vigo. I also made him Ferengi affiliation. Even though his title of DaiMon was revoked, he was still part of Ferengi society.
Final version:
Former DaiMon whose son was killed by Jean-Luc Picard during
the Battle of Maxia. Seeks revenge, even
at the expense of his profits.
Greed ENGINEER Treachery Computer Skill Biology
Integrity 4 Cunning 9 Strength 4
Changes: Nothing functional, but I tightened up the wording a lot, and clarified the lore.
Final version:
Borg Ship
Space Dilemma
Borg cubes posess powerful weapons and remarkable
regenerative shields. If disconnected from the Collective, they may
begin attacking everything in their vicinity.
Start here. Attacks everything like a ship
with WEAPONS and SHIELDS of 24. At end of every turn, moves one card
toward and off long end of spaceline. Score points if destroyed in
battle. [45]
No changes: Simple, but effective. Nothing wrong here.
Final version: No change