El-Adrel Creature
Planet Dilemma
Nearly invisible predatory electromagnetic creature. First encountered
by Dathon and Captain Jean-Luc Picard on El-Adrel IV.
Attacks two strongest members in Away Team (owner's choice if tie).
Kills one of them (random selection) unless their combined STRENGTH >16.
Discard dilemma.
Changes: I altered the lore to Tamarian, just 'cause it's so cool! Made it a wall dilemma, as well.
Final version:
El-Adrel Creature
Planet Dilemma
The Beast of Tangara. Picard and Dathon,
their knives unsheathed. Dathon, his journey ended. Tama and
Enterprise, mourning together.
Two strongest Away Team members (owner's choice
if tie) are attacked ('stopped'). One is killed (random selection)
unless their total STRENGTH >16.
Changes: The clause prohibiting escape from dilemmas is unneccesary, due to the rulings on valid responses. I changed it's second sentence to allow you to escape from a battle entirely, as it was originally intended.
Final version:
Emergency Transporter Armbands
Devices which allow quick remote activation of a transporter when in
Immediately beam one of your crews or Away Teams
to anywhere they could legally beam to. May be used in response to
a battle.
Changes: I changed the lore to reflect the game text, and clarified how the effect works.
Final version:
Energy Vortex
Whirlpool-like phenomena that endangered the
USS Enterprise in 2365. By adopting a new course of action, the crew
saved the ship from destruction.
Play if opponent just played a non-Interrupt
card from hand. That card returns to their hand, and
they must play a new legal card (if possible) instead.
No changes: Yawn. No problems. Not exciting. Next!
Final version: No change.
No changes: Another one? Yawn again. No problem.
Final version: no changes
Changes: Okay, first of all, he becomes an Admiral. Secondly, I added a bit more of the background to their mission in The Pegasus to the lore. The special skill makes him more useful, and reflects the show.
Final version:
Eric Pressman
Admiral Eric Pressman commanded the USS
Pegasus when it was lost in 2358. Came aboard
the Enterprise to recover its wreckage in 2370. Formerly William
T. Riker's commanding officer.
Leadership Treachery Physics
Scores points if helps solve Pegasus Search
Integrity 5 Cunning 7 Strength 5
Changes: No problems, but some major rewording to make it make sense.
Final version:
Escape Pod
Most ships are equipped with escape pods
which can be used to evacuate in an emergency. This one was used
by Roga Danar in 2366.
Suspends play when your ship is being
destroyed. Place with crew on mission. Personnel
may be rescued by your ship present, then discard Escape Pod.
Changes: Okay, the lore gets retrofitted to a DS9 episode. Hey, no reason Revised Premiere can't be DS9-compatible. The free play makes it a bit more flavorful. Prohibiting it if a Treaty exists is another bit of flavor for the honorable feddies.
Final version:
Espionage: Federation on Klingon
As an allied power, the Klingon Empire was not
a target for Federation espionage activities. Upon their withdrawal
from the Khitomer Accords in 2372, all such restrictions were lifted.
Plays on a
mission if you have no Treaty: Federation /Klingon in play (free if you
have Section 31 here). You may attempt that mission as
though it were
Discard Event when mission completed.
Changes: Reworded it, made one seedable, not too much else.
Final version:
Espionage: Klingon on Federation
Although not as feared as the Romulan Tal Shiar,
the Klingon Intelligence agency is quite effective. What its operatives
lack in subtlety, they make up for in paranoia.
Seeds (limit one) or plays on any
mission (free if you have Klingon Intelligence here). You
may attempt that mission as though it were
Discard Event when mission completed.
Changes: Made it seedable as a Hidden Agenda, while preserving its interaction with Plans of the Tal Shiar. Didn't change the lore a bit.
Final version:
Espionage: Romulan on Federation
Romulan spies are everywhere.
May seed on table as a .
Plays on any
mission. You may attempt that mission
as though it were
Discard Event when mission completed.
Changes: Changed the lore to a Monty Python reference that I've wanted to use forever. Also made changes similar to the Fed version.
Final version:
Espionage: Romulan on Klingon
No one expects the Tal Shiar. Amongst its
weapons are such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency
and an almost fanatical loyalty to the Praetor.
May seed on table as a .
Plays on any
mission. You may attempt that mission as
though it were
Discard Event when mission completed.
Changes: A bit of skill improvement to help out the Rommies and Klingons. She was a military operative, which sounds like SECURITY to me. And MEDICAL fits about as well as SCIENCE, and is more critical, so that's what she gets.
Final version:
Etana Jol
Female Ktarian military operative.
Attempted to subvert the Federation in 2368 with a psychotropically addictive
Treachery MEDICAL Computer Skill
May beam to and comandeer opponent's ship if
crew disabled by Ktarian Game
Integrity 2 Cunning 8 Strength 3
Changes: I allowed two different methods to solve: by diplomacy or by force. I also allowed the Cardassians to attempt it. I didn't put it in the DMZ or Cardassia regions, since it was in Cardassian space (thus not in the DMZ) but not in the Cardassia system.
Final version:
Planet Mission
Dorvan V: Evacuate Federation colony on planet
ceded to Cardassia.
(Evek OR Alynna Nechayev OR Leadership x2) +
x3 + Honor OR Treachery + STRENGTH >35)
[Fed][Car] {3} [35]
Changes: Why is Geology not required for this? Of all the skills, it seems like it would make the most sense for this. Sadly, it means that Bev, Bev, Julian, and Alyssa can't go solo here anymore, but them's the breaks...
Final version:
Evaluate Terraforming
Planet Mission
Velara III: Evaluate progress of terraforming station here.
Geology + Exobiology + SCIENCE
OR Geordi LaForge + MEDICAL x2
[Fed] {3} [35]
Changes: Made him a bona-fide Cardie, of course. Also improved his skills just a bit.
Final version:
Gul assigned to administer worlds ceded to Cardassia by the Federation.
the Dorvan Compromise with Jean-Luc Picard in 2370.
Leadership Diplomacy Anthropology Navigation
Integrity 7 Cunning 6 Strength 7
Changes: I've tried to make a little more sense out of the requirements, while keeping it fairly easy. Gave a few more affiliations the chance to get in on the act, too.
Final version:
Planet Mission
Kurl: Search for artifacts at new archeological
dig site.
Archeology + (Anthropology OR Acquisition)
*: +5 points if you recover an artifact here.
[Fed][Fer][Car][Rom] {3} [25]
Changes: Gave it some real skills, and a way to "replicate" certain Equipment cards. Normal repairs are defined as repairs such as at an outpost.
Final version:
Artifical life-form developed by Dr. Farallon
for repair tasks. Incorporates an advanced microreplication system. Proved
sentient by Lt. Commander Data.
Computer Skill Honor Once per turn,
may replace one of your Equipment cards here with another in your hand.
(Except Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone) If on a ship, it may repair normally.
Integrity 9 Cunning 8 Strength 1
Changes: Added Navigation (to avoid the pulses) and special text to reflect the hazardous nature of the cluster.
Final Version:
Explore Black Cluster
Space Mission
Sector 97: Study enormous cluster of collapsed proto-stars.
Stellar Cartography + Navigation x2 + CUNNING
End of each player's turn, all their ships here
without (Astrophysics OR CUNNING >30) + Navigation aboard are damaged.
[Fed][Klg][Dom] {5} [40]
No changes: No problems with this one. Reflects the episode quite well.
Final version: No change
Changes: Okay, I know the Rommies and Klingons needed missions in Premiere, but excluding the Feds from this one is ridiculous! I also gave it a special ability to reflect the rescue of the Bozeman. The repetetive lore is a homage to the episode (Cause and Effect).
Final version:
Explore Typhone Expanse
Space Mission
Typhone Expanse: Trace time distortion time distortion
reported in this desolate this desolate region of space.
Astrophysics x2 + Navigation x2 + SCIENCE x3
When solved, you may download one ship and any
number of personnel
{5} [35]
Changes: There's no reason the Romulans would be trying this, since they were the ones helping the rebels in the first place. Instead, it can be done by the Feds (to help out the Klingons), the Ferengi (to take over the supply lines themselves), the Cardies (to keep the militant rebels out of power), or the Dominion (to encourage unrest and distrust in the Alpha Quadrant). I also changed the requirements, and upped the points.
Final version:
Expose Covert Supply
Planet Mission (Homeworld)
Qo'nos: Uncover covert supply lines supporting rebels on the Klingon
(Section 31 OR FCA OR Obsidian Order OR [Inf:
Klg] OR Treachery x3 OR Honor x2) + Computer
Skill x2 + (Smuggling OR CUNNING >45)
[Fed][Car][Dom][Fer] {3} [35]
Changes: Added a way for the Tal Shiar to make things easier. Not a whole lot else.
Final version:
Planet Mission
Cerebus II: Secretly acquire age-reversal drug reportedly under development
(Treachery x2 OR Tal Shiar) + Biology
[Rom] {3} [35]