The Kai's Revised Premiere: ................................F

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Earth is a member of the United Federation of Planets.  The Federation establishes outposts throughout its territory.
Seed one if playing Federation OR build later at any location where a Federation ENGINEER is present.
Shields 30

Changes: Changed the lore to clarify that it is a space facility, and tightened the wording.

Final version:
Facility: OUTPOST
Typical Starfleet facility found throughout the Federation.  Provides repair facilities to Federation starships.
Seed one OR plays where you have a  ENGINEER.  Your Federation ships may repair normally here.
Shields 30

Federation PADD
Standard Federation Personal Access Display Device for computerized information.
Federation use only.  Each of your personnel CUNNING +2 where present.  (Cumulative.)

Changes: Reworded the text to make it clear that it affects everyone in the group, but nothing else...

Final version:
Federation PADD
Standard Personal Access Display Device of Federation design. Used to store and transfer computerized information.
If present with your Federation personnel, all your personnel present are CUNNING +2. (Cumulative).

Re-creation of mythical Klingon beast.  Guardian of Gre'thor, where the dishonored go to die.
Honor  Treachery
Integrity 6 Cunning 1 Strength 15

Changes: Everything.  A personnel card is not really the best way to make use of this image.  I made him an event, which "guards" dishonorable personnel in the discard pile.

Final version:
Mythical Klingon beast.  Guardian of Gre'thor, where the dishonored go to die.
Plays on table.  Personnel may not leave any discard pile by any means unless they have Honor OR are Klingon and do not have Treachery.  (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge).

Female's Love Interest
Planet Dilemma
A genetically-engineered leader.  Once romantically involved with Deanna Troi.
Female Away Team member (random selection) runs off with lover to furthest planet where she remains.  Can be rescued later.  Discard dilemma.

Changes: Altered the lore to make it make more sense and be more "generic".  Also tightened the phrasing of the text.

Final version:
Female's Love Interest
Planet Dilemma
Charismatic beings, such as the genetically-engineered leader of the Moab IV colony, may be very attractive to starship crew members.  To choose love over duty can be a very strong temptation.
If any females present, one (random selection) runs to farthest planet on spaceline.  Discard dilemma.

Fever Emergency
Planet Mission
Nahmi IV: Coordinate aid for Correllium Fever outbreak.
[Klg] {3} [35]

Changes: I don't have any problem with the Feds being excluded from this, as it was hardly a critical (or Fed-exclusive) mission in the episode (Hollow Pursuits).  The requirements, though, need help.  3 MEDICAL implies a *lot* of medical attention.  How does a single Biology and an OFFICER help?  By developing a cure?  Wouldn't that be Exobiology?  What's OFFICER there for?  I've widened the potential affiliations, too.

Final version:
Fever Emergency
Planet Mission
Nahmi IV: Coordinate aid for outbreak of Correllium Fever on this independant planet.
MEDICAL x3 OR Exobiology x2 + OFFICER

Planet Dilemma
With advanced technology, personnel can work together to survive natural phenomenon such as the firestorms on Bersallis III.
All Away Team members with INTEGRITY< 5 are killed unless Thermal Deflectors present OR Away Team escapes using emergency transporter armbands.  Discard dilemma.

Changes: The lore and effects seem to refer to any dangerous phenomenon; not just the Firestorms.  I've altered it to make it represent the Firestorms themselves more accurately (and gave Physics a dilemma-passing use!)

Final version:
Planet Dilemma
Deadly phenomenon faced by Enterprise crew members on Bersallis III.  If technological measures are unavailable, personnel must work together to survive such an event.
Unless SCIENCE + Physics present, place on mission.  Now and at end of every turn, kills all personnel on planet with INTEGRITY <5, and all those in single-person Away Teams unless Thermal Deflectors on table OR personnel escape with Emergency Transporter Armbands.

First Contact
Planet Mission
Malcor III: Make initial contact with advancing civilization.
Diplomacy + Empathy
[Fed] {2} [30]

Changes: Not much.  Only the Feds make this kind of contact regularly, and Diplomacy is certainly required.  Empathy is suspect, but it needs to have *some* use in Premiere, so I'll let it go.  I've added two requirements-- a personnel "authorized" to begin such talks, and honorable intentions.

Final version:
First Contact
Planet Mission
Malcor III: Make initial contact with advancing civilization.
Diplomacy + Empathy + ( Captain or Admiral) + No Treachery
[Fed] {2} [30]

Fleet Admiral Shanthi
Fleet Admiral Shanthi authorized the blockade of Romulan forces covertly supporting the Klingon Civil War in 2368.
Leadership  Diplomacy
Integrity 9 Cunning 6 Strength 4

Changes: Made her a little more useful, adding to the Federation's legion of "selective battle admirals".

Final version:
Fleet Admiral Shanthi
Admiral assigned to the area near the Romulan/Klingon border.  Authorized the blockade of Romulan forces during the Klingon Civil War of 2368.
Leadership  Diplomacy
Your ships at this location may initiate battle against .
Integrity 9 Cunning 6 Strength 4

Full Planet Scan
Sensor instruments can make detailed scans of a planet's surface and atmosphere.
Glance at the Dilemma and Artifact cards located under one planet mission for twenty seconds.

Changes: Redid the wordings, limited it by requiring a ship in orbit, and removed the unnecessary time limit.

Final version:
Full Planet Scan
Sensor readings of a planet's surface and atmosphere are an invaluable tool for discovering what challenges may face an Away Team.
Plays if you have a ship with Computer Skill orbiting a planet.  You may look at the cards seeded under that location.

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Star Trek TM Paramount Pictures; Star Trek: Customizable Card Game TM Decipher Inc.