IKC Bortas
Vor'Cha Class
Gowron's flagship during the Klingon Civil War of 2367-68. Lieutenant
Worf briefly served aboard as a weapons officer.
Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam
Range 9 Weapons 9 Shields 7
Changes: Clarified the lore regarding Gowron's commander status. Also gave it a thematic bonus-- I don't like boring ships :-).
Final version:
IKC Bortas
Vor'Cha Class
Ship where Worf served as weapon officer during the Klingon Civil War.
by Gowron during battle with the Duras forces.
Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam; If Worf, Son of Mogh
aboard, may draw an additional Tactic during ship battle here.
Range 9 Weapons 9 Shields 7
Changes: A lot of the K'Vorts are similar, but this one is pretty good. +1 Shields over the regular K'Vort is appropriate for a vessel that carried Gowron. Nothing needs changing.
Final version: No change
Changes: This one is overpowered compared to other unique K'Vorts. I've weakened it a bit, but added a bonus for being with the Bortas.
Final version:
IKC Hegh'ta
K'Vort Class
Bird of prey commanded by Kurn in support of Gowron during the Klingon
Civil War of 2367-68.
Cloaking Device,
Tractor Beam; Range and Weapons +2 if IKC Bortas
in play.
Range 7 Weapons 6 Shields 7
Changes: No problems. Universal ships aren't too exciting, but they really shouldn't be.
Final version: No change
Changes: One of two ships with these exact stats-- this one will stay the same, but the Vorn will change.
Final version: No change
Changes: Made Torak a matching commander, but nothing else. Not a very interesting ship, I'm afraid.
Final version:
IKC Qu'Vat
Vor'Cha Class
Attack cruiser commanded
by Governor Torak on his mission to aid a
Federation inquiry into a murder at Relay Station 47.
Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam
Range 9 Weapons 8 Shields 8
Changes: Nothing. Universal ships should be simple.
Final version: No change.
Changes: Identical to the Pagh, this one gets a makeover. Since it has no matching commander, a little bonus won't overpower it compared to the others.
Final version:
IKC Vorn
K'Vort Class
Bird of Prey which transported Duras to meet
with the Arbiter of Succession in 2367.
Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam
Range 9 Weapons
7 Shields 7
Changes: The lore suggests investigating the Federation presence, but the name and requirements suggest investigating the planet itself. I've gone with the latter interpretation, and modified accordingly. Also made the region more clear and added a thematic bonus to Iconian Gateway.
Final version:
Iconia Investigation
Planet Mission
Neutral Zone Region*Iconia:
Study ruins of ancient civilization here.
Archeology x2
+ Computer Skill x2 + SCIENCE
Iconian Gateway played here may not be nullified,
and may relocate personnel anywhere in play.
[Rom, Fed, Dom,
Fer] {3} [35]
Changes: A lot. The effect makes little Trek Sense, and is only ever used to fuel degenerate decks anyway. I hope the text is clear-- transporters are disabled first turn, then WEAPONS next, etc.
Final version:
Iconian Computer Weapon
Space Dilemma
Destructive compuer virus from the ancient Iconians.
Transmitted to enemy vessels via a probe.
Destroyed the USS Yamato in 2365, and nearly did the same to the USS Enterprise.
Unless 2 Archeology present, place on ship. Start
of every turn, disables transporters, then special equipment, then WEAPONS,
RANGE and SHIELDS, in that order, then destroys ship. Cure with ENGINEER
and 3 Computer Skill; ship is then 'stopped' for a full turn.
Changes: Ugh. I've upped the requirements to make it a little more challenging.
Final version:
Impassable Door
Planet Dilemma
Forcefields are often used to bar entrance
to sensitive areas. Can be bypassed by command overrides, or by tapping
into the control systems.
To get past, requires Data's Head OR a personnel
with Computer Skill x2 OR an ENGINEER with CUNNING >8 OR Transporter Skill
on a ship here which is
or has Invasive Transporters. Owner may nullify with
Changes: All the Incoming Messages get combined into one card. This uber- Message gets a bit of a facelift as well-- it becomes a bit of a Cytherians style dilemma.
Final version:
Incoming Message
Space Dilemma
Priority messages from authorities are universally
disliked by starship captains. While such communiques are never trivial,
they often neccessitate significant disruption to the ship's mission.
Unless ship is ,
, place
on ship. Ship must travel to a matching facility on spaceline. When reached,
score points. X=5 OR 10 if matching commander aboard, but ship is then
'stopped' for a full turn. [X]
Changes: Just some revisions to what it nullifies. I like the effects here.
Final version:
Interphase Generator
Experimental device developed by Romulan scientists.
Can render matter "out-of-phase" with normal matter,
as it did to Geordi LaForge and Ro Laren in 2368.
Use as Equipment. Where
present, nullifies: Angry
Mob, Archer, Armus, Chalnoth, Ferengi
Attack, Hunter
Gangs, Impassable Door,
Malfunctioning Door, Nausicaans, None
Shall Pass, Phased Matter and Rebel
Changes: Clarified the region, added Navigation to the requirements (those pockets of time are tough to avoid), and added a special ability-- once everything is figured out, the distorions disappear. (this card is from the episode Timescape). No problem with only allowing the Romulans, as it is in their space.
Final version:
Investigate "Shattered Space"
Space Mission
Neutral Zone Region
* Border Sector: Study fragments of distorted
spacetime reported in this sector.
Leadership + Computer Skill + Astrophysics x2
+ Stellar Cartography + Navigation
Once solved, X=2
Rom [5-X]
Changes: Added to the list of affiliations that can solve it, and tweaked the requirements a little. Oh, also corrected the lore-- according to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, Parvenium is a Sector.
Final version:
Investigate Alien Probe
Space Mission
Parvenium Sector:
Evaluate mysterious probe sighted here.
Anthropology + (Biology OR
Empathy) + Computer Skill
Klg / Car
/ Rom [2] [40]
Changes: What, pray tell, do Exobiology and STRENGTH have to do with radiation anomalies? Made the requirements a bit more explicable, and the mission itself accessible to more affiliations.
Final version:
Investigate Anomaly
Space Mission
Gamma Arigulon II: Trace radiation anomalies
reported at this location.
Physics + Computer Skill + CUNNING >30
Fed / Rom / Klg / Baj
/ Car [4] [30]
Changes: Corrected the spelling of "Hekaras Corridor" and tweaked the requirements slightly. Not much else.
Final version:
Investigate Disappearance
Space Mission
Hekaras Corridor:
Trace medical ship reported missing in this
Physics + Navigation + SCIENCE
+ Astrophysics x3
[5] [Fed] [35]
Changes: Altered the weak lore, and modified the requirements slightly. Keep in mind that Gowron in Revised Premiere is a Chancellor only if Arbiter of Succession is on him.
Final version:
Investigate Disturbance
Planet Mission
Boreth: Deal with
potentially destabilizing situation at this remote monastery.
Chancellor OR VIP x3) + Biology + (INTEGRITY
>30 OR Worf)
When solved, you may download Kahless here.
[4] [Klg] [35]
Changes: Moved it to the Neutral Zone, and made it a space mission in the general region (which better reflects the episode).
Final version:
Investigate Massacre
Space Mission
Neutral Zone Region* Tarod
System: Initiate
investigation into destruction of outposts
in this area.
(OFFICER + Leadership
+ Diplomacy x2
OR Tebok) + INTEGRITY >35
[3] [Fed, Rom] [35]
Changes: Allowed more affiliations in on the act, and altered the lore so it's clear that this isn't responding to the attack, but investigating afterwards. Changed the requirements a bit, too.
Final version:
Investigate Raid
Planet Mission
Ohniaka III: Examine
destroyed station for clues to the Borg.
(Cybernetics OR Computer Skill x2 + Exobiology)
If any facility present, Wake of the Borg may
play here.
[3] [Rom, Klg,
Fed] [35]