Accuser, Interrupt
"'Don't wait for the translation, answer me now!' General Chang accused
James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy of murdering Chancellor Gorkon in 2271.
His vigorous prosecution made a conviction a foregone conclusion."
-Plays on your Law personnel at same location as opposing personnel.
Two personnel here (random selection) are captured.
#Otherwise: Return Interrupt to hand if played on General Chang; otherwise
Deployment, Mission, space, Federation/Klingon/Romulan,
Critical Sector: Organize allied ships and deploy them against Dominion
incursion here.
-OFFICER x2 + Leadership x2 + INTEGRITY>30
Span: 3; 30 points; Your Side: When you solve, you may relocate any
of your ships here; Opponent's side: If unsolved,
ships may report here with crew
Bring Him Before Me, Q-Dilemma
"Bringing the innocent to trial would be unfair."
Q randomly selects a personnel in your crew or Away Team. If that personnel
has no Honor, or has Treachery, Greed, Smuggling, or Acquisition, that
personnel is immediately discarded. Discard dilemma.
Chimaera, Ship, Federation,
"Typical search and rescue vessel. Equipped with advanced technology
for quickly rescuing lifeboats and personnel from the depths of space."
-Chimaera Class[]
Tractor Beam; Personnel aboard your destroyed ship (or thrown out Airlock)
at this location are relocated here.
Combat Response, Incident,
Countdown: 1
-Plays on table. At the beginning of a battle opponent initiates, target
your crew or away team involved. If
, you may
nullify battle with Diplomacy x2 there. If
you may
draw an additional 2 tactics or predetermine the order your personnel will
fight in. If
your ships here may immediately cloak. If
you may assimilate opposing stunned personnel. If
you may make any regular move(s) that would allow your forces to avoid
Desperate Counter, Event,
"Impact in 11 seconds... 10...9........8............7....In times of
a crisis, sometimes time seems to slow down, allowing more to be done than
was originally thought."
-Seeds or plays on table. Once per game, when one of your cards is
about to count down, you may reset that counter to 2.
Dominator, Dilemma, space/planet, 8 points
"'Derada' means 'Dominator' in the Romulan tongue. Name for a complex
and subtle game of strategy. Made popular among the Federation sometime
after the Earth-Romulan Wars, when the human Novokovich invented a famous
opening gambit for the game."
-To get past, must have eight different personnel present with total
CUNNING>opponent's eight personnel in play (random selection). Discard
Emperor's Personal Shuttle, Ship, Federation,
"Small shuttlecraft used by Emperor Tiberius the First. Used by him
to flee the eventual lose of the Imperial Navy at Wolf 359."
-Type VI Shuttlecraft []
Tractor Beam; SD Any
Kirk OR Royal Guard.
Emperor's Power, Event
"Even though Emperor Kahless was exposed as a clone, he still held
great respect and power over the Klingon people."
-Plays on table. While Kahless in play, all Klingons with Honor are
INTEGRITY +2, and if Kahless is in battle, they automatically stun 2 opposing
personnel at the start of that battle.
Fighter Cover, Interrupt
"The Swarm was a deadly force of hundreds of small ships. Their speed
and maneuverability made it nearly impossible to combat one on one."
-Plays during ship-to-ship battle where you have more than 3 undocked
ships with no staffing icons after opponent has targeted one of your ships.
Your opponent must choose another target to fire on.
Fighters Coming In, Interrupt
"When faced with a fleet of hostile 900 year old alien fighters, Voyager
found that trying to disable as many as possible was an effitient technique."
-Plays at the start of a ship battle. If your ships make a direct hit
on opponent's ship with no staffing icons, you may fire any remaining WEAPONS
(those not needed to make that direct hit) at a second target.
Flagship Executor, Ship, Non-Aligned
"Sheliak Corporate treaty enforcement vessel heretofore assigned to
assert negotiated claim to Tau Cigna 5. Aforementioned ship encountered
USS Enterprise on 43133.3."
-Unkown Class[]
Tractor Beam. Once per game, may nullify The Sheliak.
Flagship Operations II, Mission, space, Your side: Dominion;
Opponent's side: Federation/Klingon/Romulan
Cardassia Region*Dominion Space: Train Alpha Jem'Hadar to serve aboard
Dominion flagship; beware sabotage!
-Your side: Staffed (Weyoun's Warship OR Dominion Battleship) + Leadership
x3 + 2 Alpha Quadrant Jem'Hadar + Vorta
-Span: 2; 40 points
-Opponent's side: (Any Enterprise OR unique D'deridex-class ship OR
IKC Ning'Tao OR ship with >3 staffing icons) + CUNNING>40
-Span: 4; 40 points
Force Lightning, Tactic
-Attack bonus +2 if firing ship is Husnock Vessel. Hit ,
direct hit
Opponent may reduce direct hit to
by moving to adjacent spaceline location.
*Charged hull: Ship may not land, take off, or launch carried ships
Imperial Command, Event
"Many interstellar empires are often ruled by a single person or council.
These ruling officials usually take it upon themselves to take command
of any starship they wish."
-Plays on table. Your Presidents, High Council Leaders, Chancellors,
Generals, Legates, Kais, Proconsuls, Chairmen, Intendants, Ministers, Founders,
Naguses, Queens, and counterparts may act as matching commander for any
matching ship.
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