Arc Welder, Equipment
"Exocomps used many devices to go about their every day duties. An
arc welder can be dangerous in the hands of a feisty Exocomp."
-Doubles one skill on your ENGINEER present. Also during battle your
ENGINEER may stun his adversary.
Bargaining Table, Event
"In 2366, negotiations over the Barzan Wormhole led to intense competition.
Only one party could win the coveted prize."
-Each player may make an "offer" (place any number of cards from draw
deck, sight unseen, in a pile). Player with highest "offer" discards pile,
downloads 3 cards, and draws no cards this turn. Discard event.
Deflection, Event
"'Lasers? They won't even penetrate our navigational deflectors.'"
-Plays on a ship. Unless that ship's WEAPONS are enhanced or opponent
uses a tactic card, it may not damage your ships with RANGE or SHIELDS>
"You ever piloted a Grinthmain water-hopper Commander?' 'Sure.' 'You
ever popped the clutch?' 'Are you saying we're going to stall the Hathaway?'
A good way to restart after stalling is to apply the choke."
-Plays on your crew or away team. The first time they are "stopped"
this turn you may discard this card to "unstop" them.
Fallen Portal, Interrupt, Countdown: 3
"When rogue Jem'Hadar took control of an Iconian gateway, the crew
of the Defiant banded with a group of other Jem'Hadar in order to stop
-Destroys an Iconian Gateway. OR In place of your card play, downloads
Treaty: Federation/Dominion (place on treaty, discard treaty when countdown
Hidden Compartment, Interrupt, Countdown: 3
"In one of Barash's illusionary scenarios, Riker and 'Ethan' were forced
to seek refuge in an abandoned section of the Romulan base in which both
trapped. Once there, they were able to elude capture by Romulan security
forces for a short time."
-Plays on your opponent's ship or facility where you have personnel.
They may avoid being killed, disabled, or captured by opposing personnel
until countdown ends, but are "stopped" during that period. Discard Interrupt.
I Must Be Allowed to Speak, Event, 5 points
" 'Captain Spock, you do not stand accused.' 'I stand with my shipmates.'"
-Plays on any VIP or
OFFICER. Once per turn, that personnel may do one of the following: Nullify
Drumhead, Discommendation or any court-martial card; replace another personnel
here chosen to be returned to hand or draw deck (discard event); or once
per game, any Spock may place this card out-of-play to score points. (Unique.)
Revealed, Event, -5 points
"Spies are everywhere, but so is counter-intelligence. If a spy's identity
should be revealed, the consequences can be unpleasant."
-Plays on opponent's infiltrator. If you have CUNNING > (infiltrator's
total attributes x2) and Law, FCA, Klingon Intelligence, Obsidian Order
or Section 31 OR Tal Shiar present, infiltrator is captured; opponent loses
points. You may discard event on a later turn to download any capture-related
Sandwhirl, Dilemma, planet
"Nickname originally given to Sybok's uprising on Nimbus III. Came
to mean any planetary uprising led by a religious authority."
-Place on planet. Mission or scouting attempt ends. Mission is unattemptable
and unscoutable. Nullify with 4 Diplomacy OR STRENGTH>70 and no hand weapons
OR 4 [Defense] drones OR by discarding a ship with at least one staffing
icon from hand. Dilemma doubled if Sybok here.
Skull, Equipment, X points
"Hirogen warriors pride themselves on their success in the Hunt and
take many prizes to remember their prey. This skull belonged to a Hirogen
Alpha that held Tuvok and Seven."
-Plays immediately after your Hirogen mortally wounds a personnel(limit
one) X=5. Each time your Hirogen mortally wounds a personnel where
Skull present, add 1 to X (2 if a
personnel). (Unique.)
Someone Who Loves You, Event
"There are so many fish in the sea, moreso in the galaxy. The currents
of the Great Material Continuum can bring people together from very different
places. That would explain Leeta and Rom."
-Plays on table. Romantically Involved personnel (including married
and imzadi) may report to the same location as the person they are involved
with (for free). Also, all such personnel are immune to romance dilemmas.
(Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.)
Strangle, Dilemma, space/planet
"'Stop it. Stop. Stop it... stop it!' During a confrontation with Rogue
Borg mercenaries, Data felt a wave of hatred for the drones attempting
to harm his friends. He warned them."
-"Stops" one android or SECURITY present (random selection). Unless
3 Diplomacy OR STRENGTH>30 present, rest of Away Team may not continue.
Cure with 2 hand weapons OR any Data present.
The Signal, Event,
"Covert operations are often signaled by obscure words, such as the
transmission 'Janeway to Chakotay. Scorpion.'"
-Seeds or plays on table. You may play one non-
Event, Incident, or Objective under this card as an
Flip both cards when activated; discard this card after use.
Unfriendly Fire, Interrupt
"When Gaila accidently killed Keeven he was actually trying to kill
his cousin Quark..."
-Plays to nullify Friendly Fire OR Plays where you have a personnel
with Treachery and a phaser or disruptor to kill one personnel present
(random selection).
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