A Bright Center to the Universe, Time Location, space
12,000,567,896 BC Devron System: Period when Anti-time anomoly engulfs
the entire universe, preventing the Big Bang.
-Plays on table. Immediatly download Anti-Time Anomaly from outside
the game here. Anti-Time Anomaly now has [Countdown:7]. If Anti-Time Anomaly
counts down, timeline disrupted: All non-
personnel, ships, facilities and equipment on the table, in any draw decks
or side decks are removed from the game. Any player may nullify this and
the Anti-Time Anomaly by discarding 3 ships from the Devron system. No
one is native to this time location.
A Day Long Remembered, Event
"When Morn died,Qaurk held a nice ceremonial for him. He even held
his chair free to remember him."
-Seeds or plays on table. Whenever a unique personnel dies, your copy
of that card now reports for free where it died. May be nulified by showing
the same personnel from opponent's hand. (Discard event.)
A Real Hero, Dilemma, space
-The galaxy is a dangerous place, its needs a hero! That hero is...Captain
-Unless Tom Paris OR Harry Kim present, one
personnel is discarded (your choice). (Discard dilemma.)
All Power To Weapons, Tactic
-You may boost Attack bonus by +1 for each item of special equipment
on any of your ships firing which you take offline for the next 2 full
turns. Hit = .
Direct hit =
*Defense Systems Overload: destroys any Tactical Console on ship, and
opponent may immediately place one extra damage marker .
Blast Points, Interrupt
"'Blast patterns indicate a Type III Disruptor.' 'Great. That limits
it to Romulans, Klingons or Breen.'"
-Plays on a location where opponent used an energy weapon in personal
combat on a previous turn. You may counterattack at any location this turn.
Blown Clear, Event,
"Inventive thinking allowed Picard's zero-G assault team to disable
Borg on the ship's hull. Though the drones adapted to phasers, their footing
did not."
-Plays on table. Nullifies Adapt: Modulate Shields OR kills one drone
scouting aboard your ship OR returns an intruder to owner's hand; discard
Event after use.
My Favorite Decoration, Event,
"During one of his pleasant incursions, Tomalak promised Picard a day
when the broken hull of his USS Enterprise would be displayed on Romulus."
-Place in your points area along with a unique ship in opponent's discard
pile; you score 10 points (20 points for any Enterprise OR if you have
any Kang OR Tomalak OR Borg Queen on table). (Unique.)
Cloud City Occupation, Mission, planet, Klingon/Bajoran/Cardassian
Strathos*Mirror Universe: Celebrate anniversary of mining colony takeover.
-SECURITY x2 + Leadership x4 + 3 Unique differently aligned
-Span 3; 20 points; After you solve, may download any Cloud City card
(to here or hand) once per turn.
Cloud City: Upper Walkway, Event
"Various cultures have similar concepts of an afterlife, or Heaven.
The Klingons have Sto'vo'kor, the Bajorans have the Celestial Temple, and
the Tamarians believe in the Upper Walkway of the Cloud City."
-Plays on table. Your personnel with Honor OR INTEGRITY>5 may relocate
here after death. Score 2 points for each personnel here. Nullified by
The Devil.
Come Here You Big Coward!, Event
"When Data attempted to show Geordi his pet cat, Spot, Spot was not
a willing conspirator. Geordi suggested that Data 'house train' Spot so
that she would do what he wanted."
-Plays on Spot. Spot may not attack or "pounce" for the rest of the
game. OR Plays on table. If opponent is playing Klingon, all their personnel
without Honor lose their second listed skill (first if only one) and are
Coordinated Attack, Interrupt
"During the final battle of the Dominion war, Admiral Ross ordered
the combined Federation, Romulan, Klingon and Cardassian fleet to divide
into groups in order to attack the Jem'Hadar, Breen and orbital weapons
-Plays at the start of any space battle involving at least three ships
on each side. Split your ships present into up to three groups. Each group
may select a different ship or facility to fire at.
Counter Surprise Assault, Interrupt
"Lore: In order to save his own life, Keevan informed Sisko of the
impending Jem'Hadar attack. Sisko took appropriate measures to defend against
-Nullifies No Way Out OR If your captive is affected by Torture or
Brainwash or just answered five lights to Interrogation, then your cards
are all attribute +3 in a battle that your opponent initiates. (Not cumulative.)
Destroyed Homestead, Dilemma, space/planet,. Countdown: 3
"When home is no longer there, it can rock individuals to the core.
The fire at Chateau Picard, which killed Robert and René, devastated
Jean-Luc. There'll be no more Picards."
-Place on one personnel present (Jean-Luc Picard if possible, otherwise
random selection). Personnel is disabled until countdown expires, and then
is Attributes -1 (-1 more for each of that personnel's family members in
any discard pile). (Unique.)
Dreaded Imperial Starfleet, Incident, 5 points
-Seeds or plays on a non-homeworld planet. If you bring WEAPONS > the
point value of targeted mission and you are unopposed there, then the planet
is now "conquered". All affiliations involved in the conquest add their
icons to the mission and all personnel cards identified as natives to the
planet lose their previous affiliations and gain the icons of the conquering
affiliations. Score points.
Firepower, Event
"Security officers are highly trained in armed combat. They must be
familiar with and have access to a variety of firearms in order to be prepared
to handle all possible situations."
-Plays on table. Once per turn, you may download Weapons Locker (to
the location of one of your SECURITY personnel) or a handweapon. Your SECURITY
personnel may use any handweapon as if "stolen".
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