Balanced Attack, Incident,
-Seeds or plays on table. While in play, all players lose 10 points
unless they have at least four staffing icons between any two ships on
table AND at least one ship with less than two staffing icons. If your
opponent initiates a ship battle where he has at least three ships with
less than two staffing icons, you may download Obelisk of Masaka. You may
discard to download one ship with from 19 to 21 in total attributes.
City Celebration, Event
"After equal rights were granted to the Troglyte miners of Strathos,
the entire city united in a day of celebration."
-Plays on table. While in play, your personnel with Honor are INTEGRITY
and STRENGTH+2. Nullified if no Treaty in play OR by The Devil. OR Plays
on any Nor. Doubles Process Ore there; Reactor Overloads on that Nor destroy
Process Ore but not Ore Processing Unit.
Cloud City: West Gallery, Event
"The Cloud City West Gallery was famous for the exellent view of the
Planet. But it was also a symbol for the superior status of the inhabitants
of Cloud City."
-Plays on table. Scores one point per turn for each personnel on Cloud
City or at Promenade Shops. Nullfied by Cloud City Celebration.
More Dangerous Than You Realize, Q-Dilemma, Countdown: 3
"The universe is a dangerous place, Picard. There are dangers out there
that you can't even dream of."
-Unless you have at least 12 different non-classification skills present,
opponent may relocate this ship and/or Away Team to any planet mission
in another quadrant. Place on mission; you may not attempt until countdown
expires OR you have 3 Diplomacy OR any Picard present.
Desert, Dilemma, planet
"In his search for the Orb of The Emissary, Benjamin Sisko and company
crossed a vast desert on Tyree. The heat alone could have penetrated a
Breen refridgeration suit."
-To get past requires 4 personnel present (random selection) to "cross
the desert". All four are examined individually and killed if INTEGRITY
Desperate Tactics, Interrupt
"Many Jem'Hadar ships as they are about to be destroyed ram themselves
into enemy ships. This destroyed ships like the IKC Ning'tao and the USS
-Plays on any non-Breen
ship. As it is being to be destroyed in a ship-to-ship battle it does damage
to target ship
The ship still has to be discarded.
Direct Assault, Objective,
20 points
-Seeds or plays on table. Target a homeworld. Score points if you destroy
a headquarters at that homeworld, double points if opponent uses game text
of Defend Homeworld prior to headquarters destruction.
Disruptor Pistol, Equipment
"An easily concealable, 'hold-out' disruptor weapon favored by Romulans
and nefarious smugglers and mercenaries. Much smaller than the standard
-Where present, your personnel add STRENGTH +1. Romulan and Non-Aligned
use only. May report to a just-initiated personnel battle involving your
with Treachery.
Docking and Repair Facilities, Mission, space, Any crew may
attempt if same player controls a facility here,
Repair Yard: Spend an uneventful vacation watching personnel fill deuterium
-ENGINEER x2 + Computer Skill + empty docked ship
-Span: 3; 30 points; Owner's Side: When completed, you may download
Spacedock to a facility here. / Opponent's Side: A Fast Ship Would Be Nice
may not be seeded here.
Don't Tread on Me, Event
"The Ansata, a separtist radical group, were revolting against against
the government on Rutia IV. Finn, the leader of the movement, compared
himself to George Washington and saw himself a patriot."
-Plays on any non-homeworld planet. One personnel here is captured
(random selection), and start of every turn one person here is randomly
killed OR one ship at this location is randomly damaged (opponent's choice).
Down With the Emperor!, Interrupt
"Klingon history holds that the warrior K'Trelan killed Emperor Reclaw
and plunged the Klingon Empire into what was later called the Dark Time;
the Empire was actually ruled by a constitutional democracy during this
-Plays to kill any VIP OR OFFICER. If that personnel was an Emperor,
Chancellor, President or Maje, all other personnel of that affiliation
are INTEGRITY - 1 until end of game. (Cumulative.)
Draw Their Fire, Event
"Ships or away team members will often put themselves in the line of
fire in order to protect their goal. USS Voyager did so in order to conceal
the Delta Flyer in 2376."
-Plays on table. Once per ship battle, you may re-direct opponent's
damage markers to one of your staffed ships present. OR Once per ship or
personnel battle, you may exclude one ship or personnel from that battle.
Entrenchment, Event
"Given sufficient time, soldiers can build elaborate trenches that
can help them withstand the assault of even vastly superior forces."
-Place on your Away Team that has been on the same planet for at least
one turn. If attacked, they are STRENGTH +1 for each turn they have been
on that planet (limit +3). Discard if Away Team moves.
Farm, Objective, 4 countdown
-Plays on any planet. Unique. Each turn you have an unopposed CIVILIAN
with Geology or Biology here, you may "work the land" (place one card from
hand onto this objective). At end of countdown, either "harvest": discard
objective and all cards on it (must be at least 3) to download any one
card (or any two equipment) OR "crop rotate": discard cards, draw an equal
amount from draw deck, and reset countdown.
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