Battle Plan, Objective
-Plays on table; you may draw one more Tactic card each turn. Once
per turn, in place of your normal card play, you may download any Attack
Pattern OR Klingon Right of Vengeance to your hand. You may ignore Hails
if they prevent the start of a battle. You may discard at the start of
ship battle to download one Tactic card.
Careful Planning, Event
"With the Enterprise under Ferengi control, a youthful Jean-Luc Picard
devised a plan that would both retake the ship and capitalize on Ferengi
-Plays on your ship (may not be nullified). Once per turn, your Youth
personnel aboard may nullify Commandeer Ship played on this ship OR download
Intruder Alert! OR discard event to stop all opposing personnel here.
Commando Training, Event
"Brainwashed by Vori conscription techniques, Commander Chakotay fought
as a soldier against the Krayden 'beasts'."
-Plays on any crew or away team. If you have SECURITY and Treachery
present, remove all Honor and first-listed skill on personnel present.
Their classification changes to SECURITY; they are STRENGTH +2, and may
ignore attack restrictions.
Count Me In, Interrupt
"Many crew members new to Starfleet are eager to go on their first
away missions. Some shouldn't be."
-Plays at the start of any planet mission attempt. If no personnel
with youth present, you may download up to two Lt. Grants. For this turn,
he may replace anyone randomly selected to die.
Landing, Event,
"When trying to find his father at a secret Romulan Camp, Worf used
the piloting skills of a Yiridian to land unnoticed."
-Plays on your ship with no staffing icons. This ship may land using
2 RANGE. One personnel aboard may exit undetected (may not be targeted
by opponent). May attempt this mission with +2 CUNNING.
Deactivate the Shield Generator, Event,
"Someone may lower shields for many reasons, to cloak or to beam, for
example. Covert agents prefer to cripple a ship or facility before an attack."
-Seeds or plays on table. If you have an infiltrator on an opponent's
ship or facility, you may reduce it SHIELDS by half before you attack.
OR Discard from hand to nullify Duonetic Field Generator.
Explosive Charge, Interrupt
"Admiral Satie's overzealous accusations began to fatally damage her
credibility during the Enterprise-D sabotage hearings. Her outlandish charge
against Jean-Luc Picard became explosive in more ways than one, when an
incensed Admiral Henry finally halted further investigation."
-Nullfies Drumhead OR New Essentialists OR Gulity - Provisionally OR
Framed for Murder OR Fightin' Words OR Hate Crime. (May not be nullfied.)
Firefight, Event,
"Cooperation was required to overcome the firestorms at Bersallis III,
but cooperation means nothing without some good old thermal deflectors
to help out."
-Seeds or plays on table. Whenever you encounter Firestorm (with at
least 50 INTEGRITY present) OR Radioactive Garbage Scow, you may download
Thermal Deflectors. (May not be nullified.)
Fly Casual, Event
"Having overcome the V'Ger threat, Admiral Kirk's proclamation was
'Out there, thataway'."
-Plays on your ship (for free if ship's crew solved a [S] mission last
turn). It is +1 RANGE for each Navigation aboard (not cumulative; Captain's
Free Ride, Event
"Even though Lt. Cmdr. Worf was no longer a crew member of the USS
Enterprise-E, his transfer during the Borg invasion, and later during the
Ba'ku incident, came as no suprise to the rest of the crew."
-Plays on table for free. Any Worf may move from Deep Space Nine to
USS Enterprise-E at any time without restriction. (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.)
Get Alongside That One, Objective
-Plays on one of your runabouts or shuttlecraft at same location as
opponent's runabouts or shuttlecraft. Probe:
Both ships have no RANGE. You may transport aboard opponent's ship.
Unless Navigationx2 present, your ship crashes. Ship and crew are destroyed
#Anything else: No effect.
Here We Go Again, Event,
"Interestingly enough, many of the planets visited by the crew of the
Starship Enterprise looked very much the same. Often only the sky was different."
-Seeds or plays on table. Points scored by a player solving a second
copy of a mission solved earlier in the game by either player OR in the
last game played by both players are instead divided evenly between both
players (round up).
I Have a Really Bad Feeling About This, Interrupt
"Many species have developed certain talents that allow them extra
senses that humans do not have. Betazoids have the power of empathy, and
even El-Aurans have some sense of spatial distortions."
-Twice per game, plays just after a dilemma you encountered killed
two or more of your personnel. If your Empathy or El-Auran is present,
undo the effects of the dilemma, replace under mission, and crew or Away
Team is "stopped".
I Hope She's All Right, Event
"Members of a close-knit crew tend to bond with each other and their
ship, even assigning ships a gender. Humans tend to refer to ships as female,
a tradition dating back to ancient times. Few want anything unfortunate
to happen to 'her'."
-Seeds or plays on table. Once per turn, may "stop" one ship with its
matching commander aboard, then immediately probe:
Immediately "unstop" ship; it is all attributes +1 until end of your next
Remove one damage marker from ship (random selection) OR cancel one battle
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