The problem I had with this card was that all the entries were cool or hilarious!!! So rather than deprive you of all those good cards by selecting only one winner, I've made a special page containing all of them, in the order they were posted and with no comment :-).
Big One, Incident
-Seeds or Plays on table. Target a homeworld matching an affiliation
you are not playing. If opponent uses Defend Homeworld's game text at target's
location, you must duplicate it's download to that location. You may not
download more cards than your opponent does. After use discard Incident.
Big One, Personnel, Non-Aligned
"Orion Syndicate's current leader. No one knows his real name. From
his Qualor II office he runs his vast underground empire with an iron fist."
-VIP, Orion Syndicate x2, Leadership, Treachery x2; May report on Qualor
II; Your Orion Syndicate personnel are all attributes +1
Big One, Incident
-Plays at Quark's Bar. If you win dabo, you score 6 points instead
of 2. If you lose dabo, you must place out of play the probe card, the
top card from the draw deck, and the top card from discard pile.
Big One, Personnel, Non-Aligned,
"Blue humanoid inmate at Rura Penthe internment camp in 2291. Convicted
of indecent exposure. Has very vulnerable... weak spots."
CIVILIAN, Treachery; May report (for free) at Rura Penthe; Once per
turn, if a captive, may initiate battle against opponent's personnel here;
Big One, Interrupt
"Da casino racket was run by da bosses Frankie Eyes an' Tony Cicci,
but both o' dem hadda report to da big bad boss Zeemo."
-If Dixon Hill's Business Card was just put outta commission, trash
it instead. OR For one time dis roun', get Mr. Zeemo ta show up early.
Big One, Mission, planet, Ferengi
Unexploited Planet: Make greatest deal of a lifetime with unsuspecting
-Greed x3 + Anthropology + (FCA x2 OR Treachery x4)
-Span: 3; 45 points
Big One, Dilemma, planet
"On stardate 5554.4 Starros Keniclius began a project to clone Spock.
The clone was exactly like Spock in every way--8 times his size. While
the clone never referred to the original as 'Mini-Me', this is probably
how the original was regarded."
-One personnel present (highest Diplomacy if present, otherwise opponent's
choice) is disabled until Mindmeld present. This card enters play as a
personnel with the same skills, affiliation and 4x the STRENGTH, but may
not leave the planet.
Big One, Event,
1 point
"As times go by, old friends leave and new friends come. Crew rotations
are a big deal, at least on the senior staff level."
-Plays on table if you need one point to win. If Tasha Yar, Wesley
Crusher, Jadzia Dax or Kes leave play OR if Dr. Pualski, Worf, Ezri Dax,
Seven of Nine enter play OR if Beverly Crusher enters or leaves play OR
if Julian Bashir swicthes personae, score point.
Big One, Event
"'My, you are a big one, aren't you?' Worf wasn't interested in Mrs.
Troi's advances, however."
-Plays on Lwaxana Troi. Any personnel with STRENGTH> 9 is STRENGTH
+2 where she is present OR immune to love interest dilemmas.
Big One, Event, Countdown: 4
"While helping Picard save the Ba'ku many of the away began to feel
the regenerative effects of the planets sorrounding metaphasic rings. Worf's
gorch provoked Riker into saying, 'The Klingons never do anything small,
do they?'"
-Plays on a Klingon with Youth or on the Ba'ku Planet. Until end of
countdown, INTEGRITY and CUNNING are -2 and STRENGTH is +2. At end of countdown,
Klingon loses Youth and gains Honor OR Treachery (your choice).
Big One, Ship, Non-Aligned
"Pakled Flagship! Over a mile long and holds nearly 10,000 Pakled.
Former Husnok ship. Uses systems of 200 different races. Can't use a clocking
device. Can hardly use warp speed."
Unknown Class[6 Pakled] Tractor Beam, Holodeck, Particle Scattering
Device; X=0 OR 4 (changing each turn); SD We look for Things
Big One, Personnel, Klingon/Non-Aligned
"While held in a Dominion prison on a remote asteroid, Worf
was forced to fight the Jem'Hadar. Their First considered him a worthy
and honorable opponent."
-VIP, Leadership, Navigation, Honor x3; Cannot be stunned in personel
battle; Once per game if randomly selected to die, you may choose one of
your opponent's personnel at the same location to die instead
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