Week 10 - The Usual Suspects - WRONG ANSWERS


In which we laugh at everyone's errors


1. Which of these actors was NOT the first choice to play his role?

Everyone got it right.

a)    b)    c)


2. Won't tell you who Keiser Söze actually is, but which actor was angry when he watched the movie and found out his character wasn't Söze?

Again, so all you pass go and collect your 200$.


3. Who breaks this stare-down first? McManus or Hockney? 

Hockney does not disengage.


4. What was the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled?

Everyone got it right.


5. Who does Agent Kujan work for? 

No mistakes


6. Name everyone appearing in the movie who won an Oscar for their work in The Usual Suspects.

Once again, no mistakes.


7. Who do the gang meet at this location?

Though the Asian theme might propose it, Kobayashi meets them in a pool room, not here. Jewel smugglers is not specific enough.


8. The title of the film harks back to what classic film? And did that really inspire the title, yes or no?

It's really too bad that saying yes to the second part of the question makes you lose 2 points.


9. The lawyer's name is taken from what object? 

One answer somewhat mystified us: 26th street in Austin Texas


10. Place the characters on the poster in the order they were in the line-up in the movie (use their last names to do so).

We had to dock 1 point off anyone who gave the actors' names, as we did ask for characters.


11. Söze is a word that points the finger at Keiser's true identity in what language? 

All right.


12. The mothers of which two men who appear in the movie also appear onscreen?

You all got it right, even though Singer barely appears in the movie (as feet or hands).


13. This detail of the wall inspires Kint to tell a story about what he did in Skokie, Illinois. What did he do there?

Yes, you all knew.


14. Which crewmember wanted to put the word "shit" in the credits to describe his equipment?

Again, no mistakes.


15. What is the name of the boat that blows up in the movie?

Ah-HA! Alibi is not right.


Bonus Question : What is the next Movie of the Week? Clues -

"Now that I've met you, would you object to never seeing me again?"


No mistakes here