Week 4 - The Getaway  - WRONG ANSWERS


In which we laugh at everyone's errors


1. What now-famous music producer scored the film?

No errors.


2. Who stars as Doc and Carol McCoy in the remake?

Again, no errors.


3. Which two vehicles were not used by Doc McCoy in his getaway?

A and B both got some responses in their favor. Unfortunately, they were both used in the getaway.

a)   b)   c)   d)   



4. What other film did director Sam Peckinpah do with Steve McQueen?

No errors.


5. Which is not true?

The basic error here was to disbelieve the second statement. Hey, McQueen's a man's man. He's not afraid of a few murderers. He's like Chuck Norris that way. As for the stunts, well, that's an insurance thing.

-Steve McQueen did all his own stunts.

-Steve McQueen showered with real prison inmates in the opening scenes.

-Steve McQueen and Ali MacGraw fell in love during the making of the film and had to end both their marriages.


6. Which "All in the Family" cast member plays somewhat of a villain in this film?

Everyone got it right.


7. In what town (seen here) were the last few scenes shot?

Again, no errors. Like y'all had been there.


8. How many people are killed during the actual bank robbery (i.e. in the bank)?

0 and 2 were errors.


9. What kind of doctor is Harold Clinton?

No mistakes here.


10. Who is this strangely-named character actor?

Mistaken for Richard Farnsworth who didnt' play in The Getaway (1972), but did appear as a character named Slim in the 1994 version (as a hommage to Slim Pickens?)


11. At what actual prison were the opening scenes shot?

Most got it, but Sanderson Prison was a mistake.


12. This film is based on a novel by Jim Thompson. Where specifically do Doc and Carol end up at the end of the book version?

"A hideout" isn't very specific.


13. What two actresses were scheduled to play Carol before Ali MacGraw got the part? Hints: The first was original director's, Peter Bogdanovitch's, girlfriend, and the second was busy with The Poseidon Adventure.

Everyone got Cybill, but the second dame wasn't Carol Lynley.


14. Why don't the numbers on the key and locker match here?

One person thought the key was for the motel room (there is no motel in the film).



15. What "moral" country had an additional ending with Doc and Carol being caught?

Wrong answers include Japan, Australia and Mexico.


Bonus Question : What is the next Movie of the Week? Clues -

"I'm not drinking any FUCKING Merlot!"


Easy, and everyone got it, but we like throwing you a bone sometimes.