In which I attempt to go through my DC Comics collection (mostly running from 1983 through 1997) and hash out stats for all characters in Mayfair's DC Heroes RPG terms. How is this done? Check out the Ground Rules. New! as of 25/08/06.
All entries by series/issue number, but also available is a Character
Index. All series available not yet listed.
Action Comics (new pictures!) Action Comics Weekly New! Adventure Comics Adventures in the DC Universe Adventures of Superman Adventures of the Outsiders Agent Liberty All-Star Comics All-Star Squadron Amalgam Comics* Ambush Bug Ambush Bug Nothing Special Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer American Freak: A Tale of the Un-Men Angel and the Ape (2nd series) Animal Man Aquaman (2nd series) Aquaman (3rd series) Aquaman (4th series) Aquaman (5th series) Aquaman Special Arak Son of Thunder Argus Arion Lord of Atlantis Arion the Immortal Arkham Asylum Armageddon 2001 (and all related Annuals)* Armageddon: Inferno Armageddon: The Alien Agenda Atom Special Aztek |
Superman (1st series) |
Character index
-Characters are listed alphabetically by codename,
or by first name. A distinction is made between pre- and post-Crisis versions
of a character, including post-Zero Hour versions when necessary.
-Note that the transition between pre- and post-Crisis
versions of a character doesn't necessarily occur with the Crisis. The
post-Crisis Hawkman, for example, does not appear until the Hawkworld mini-series,
years later. Similarly, some characters appeared prior to the Crisis, but
were not particularly changed by the event (most of the Titans, for example).
-Characters with more than one version (Elseworlds,
but also to represent changes in powers and storylines) are linked to their
own index, itself linked to all versions as well as to various notes on
slight or temporary changes in their stats. The number of versions is indicated
in the main Character index.
-Elseworlds are coded by a number reminiscent
of pre-Crisis terminology. If Crisis on Infinite Earths basically numbered
Earths 1 through 5, then Elseworlds start at Earth-6. "Whatever Happened
to the Man of Tomorrow?" and The Dark Knight Returns are considered to
be the first 2 Elseworlds for purposes of this index. The divergent realities
appearing during Zero Hour are marked as Earth-01, 02, etc. in their order
of appearance on this website.
-When a character has already appeared with those
attributes, a cross-reference to the appropriate ones will be included.
Duplication will only occur at the start of a series index, and only for
the star of the book.
Character statistics
-Whenever possible, statistics for characters
have been pulled from DC Heroes sourcebooks and adventures (credit given).
I have edited most of these however to represent a specific time in a character's
life, or have had to extrapolate modern statistics from 1st edition source
material. Any changes will be so marked in red
-I will never pilfer character run-downs from
other fans on the web however. If no official source material is available,
I will design the characters myself.
-Do not be surprised if pre-Crisis statistics
appear to be inflated, this is normal for an era in which Superman could
juggle planets.