Asteroid Field, Mission, space, Dominion
Iceteroid field: Locate and destroy vessel carrying a defective Vorta
-SECURITY x3 + Treachery x2 + WEAPONS>12 + CUNNING>35 OR <15
-Span: 4; 30 points; Until mission solved, ships here may choose not
to fight in any battle.
Asteroids Do Not Concern Me, Interrupt
"With phasing cloak technology, the USS Pegasus could fly through almost
anything. But when a malfunction occured it phased and solidified in an
-Plays on your ship with Phasing Cloak. It downloads Asteroid Sanctuary
to be played as an Event with Countdown of 3 (does not require Navigation
x2) OR may nullify one dilemma at any asteroid belt Mission.
At Peace, Event, Countdown: 3
"After the end of the Dominion War in 2376, the Alpha Quadrant entered
a quiet period, rebuilding from several years of long, costly conflict."
-Plays on table. While in play, no player may initiate battle or play
any hand weapons or WEAPONS enhancements cards. Both players may play CIVILIANs,
Treaties, and facilities for free.
Away Put Your Weapon, Interrupt, 5 points
"Sometimes, weapons are unnessecary during battle. Other times, they’re
not used because of a desire to fight fairly."
-Plays on your hand weapon involved in a just-initiated personnel battle.
It is excluded from the battle. Choose: score points OR exclude one opponent’s
hand weapon from this battle.
Big One: Here I had a problem. All the
entries were cool or hilarious!!! So rather than deprive you of all those
good cards by selecting only one winner, I've made a special page containing
all of them. Follow this link!
Blasted Varmints, Objective
-Once per turn, if you have a hand weapon present, you may kill "1
Tribble" present. If 10 tribbles, you must have two hand weapons present,
if 100 tribbles, you must have three hand weapons present, etc. OR Draw
a probe card:
#: The only
good tribble is a dead tribble. The top card of opponents tribble side
deck is discarded.
One of your personell present (random selection) is "stopped" for one turn.
Closer?!, Event
"Jean-Luc Picard, to save his ship from an energy vortex, realized
he had to do the one thing that 'would never work'. It did."
-Plays on any mission. Changes one skill requirement listed on this
mission to any other skill (your choice, multiplier stays same). Also,
while in play, nullifies Energy Vortex.
"When constructing the Delta Flyer, Paris thought that old style controls
would be more interesting and improve crew-to-ship interaction."
-While on a ship, ships RANGE +2 for each unique Navigation x2 personnel
in crew and Navigation personnel are protected from Panel Overload. Immune
to Disruptor Overload.
Descent Into The Dark, Mission, planet, Federation
Janos VI: Identify the cause of several deaths of miners at this underground
mining facility.
-Span: 4; 35 points; Your side: If INTEGRITY>50 here when solved, you
may draw up to two cards; Opponent's side: Horta may seed for free here
Do, Or Do Not, Dilemma, space/planet
"Often inexperienced leaders 'freeze' or hesitate when faced with a
tough decision. This can lead to very dangerous situations for everyone
-Unless one personnel present with Leadership x2 OR OFFICER and Leadership
and CUNNING>6, double all penalties faced by dilemmas present at this mission.
Discard only when the mission is completed.
Domain of Evil, Event
"Gre'thor, roughly translated as 'domain of evil', represents the afterlife
for the dishonored, according to Klingon belief. This cursed realm is said
to be guarded by the beast Fek'lhr."
-Plays on table. Whenever either player's
personnel with INTEGRITY<5, Treachery, or Greed is killed or discarded,
place them here instead. Owner loses X points for each of his personnel
here, where X=that personnel's INTEGRITY. (Cannot be nullifed if your Fek'lhr
is in play.)
Effective Repairs, Event
"You didn't tell him how long it would really take did you?!"
-Seeds or plays on Table. Once per game, you may suspend play to download
one of the following: Defense System Upgrade, Exocomp, Medical PADD, Spacedock,
Tricorder, or any Miracle Worker (cumulative).
Egregious Pilot Error, Interrupt
"Young, unexerienced pilots are bound to make mistakes, and even the
best pilots are not safe from them, as Nick Locarno learned the hard way
back at the Academy."
-Plays on a ship with a personnel that has both navigation x1 and Youth
(or Nick Locarno). Ship "rams" another ship present of the same player.
Both ships are damaged and personnel is discarded.
Encampment, Outpost, Neutral,
10 points
"Bajoran Refugee camps are only the most famous of a long list of places
where peoples that have lost everything try to hold on to their lives."
-Seeds or plays on any
mission with no attemptability icon. Your Resistance,
and transports may report here (once per turn, one of them may do so for
free at one of your Encampments). Score points if destroyed by opponent.
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