Cards in the works or done...
= indicates a new addition as of 25/02/01
Alexander Rozhenko........Alynna
Ogawa...............Arne Darvin..............B'Elanna
Christopher Pike...............Data..............................David
Troi...............Deep Space 9
La Forge..........Gowron....................Grilka
Sisko....................Jal Culluh...................James
T. Kirk
Janice Rand......................Jean-Luc
Picard.............Joseph Sisko................Julian
Keiko O'Brien...................Kes...............................Kahn...........................Kira
O'Brien.............Molly O'Brien
Montgommery Scott.........Morn..............................Mot
the Barber.............Mr.
Chekov...............Professor Moriarty.....Q
of Nine.............Shakaar Edon
USS Defiant....................USS
William T. Riker...............Winn................................Worf..........................Zefram
Rozhenko, Personnel, Klingon/Federation
(important lore - none)
*Youth *Honor
Skill *Attributes doubled if K'Ehleyr present
nullify any Parallax Arguers *Once per location,
where present, you may play The Higher... the Fewer from hand (both players
lose points equal to the number of personnel they own)
may not be randomly selected to die where present *May
steal one Equipment per game where present *Ship
he is on gets a +2 bonus to any one attribute. You may switch which one
at the start of each turn *While in play,
K'mtar reports for free
*Immune to Discommendation
attributes -2 where present, unless Deanna Troi here *While
in play, you may place any Scan card in hand on the bottom of draw deck
any dilemma with the word "Punishment" in the title affects Alexander,
score 10 points and add up to 3 standard skills to this list
Staff icon
Nechayev, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - Admiral)
*VIP *Leadership
x2 *Diplomacy *Treachery
Treaty: Federation/Cardassian *Maquis may
report directly here *If present with opponent's
matching commander on that commander's vessel, you may control that vessel
and crew as if it were you own *May nullify
any Hugh *May relocate any Picard to Celtris
*May "stop" one
icon personnel present *While in play, Evacuation
is worth double the points and is part of the Demiliratized Zone *All
ships at same location are SHIELDS +2 *Once
per game, may give one personnel present the Maquis infiltration icon *If
ever present with Kathryn Janeway, both cards are destroyed (placed out-of-play)
while all cards at this location (including location itself) are discarded
Command icon
Ogawa, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
*Biology *Exobiology
Medical Kit *MEDICAL if Beverly Crusher present
OR Beverly Crusher has died and Alternate Universe Door is open (she also
gains icon)
nullify Barclay's Protomorphosis Dieases where present *Beverly
Crusher attributes +2 if present *Lily Sloane
may report for free just after Ogawa has at same location *Makes
use of opponent's Lower Decks *May "date"
any universal male personnel present. While "dating", male personnel may
substitute for her when targeted by a dilemma. At the start of each of
your turns, may change "dates" if you can find something wrong with present
"date" using lore, picture or selection of skills or attributes
Staff icon
Personnel, Klingon/Romulan
(important lore - matching commander: Cha'Joh. Persona: Sisters of
-Does not work with Klingons who have Honor-
*OFFICER *Leadership
Klingon Civil War *SD Latinum Payoff *May
report with Cha'Joh at Acquire Illicit Explosives *If
present with your captive, opposing ships present are SHIELDS -5 *If
you capture a personnel with a VISOR or Ocular implants, may download Brainwash
and E-Band Emissions to that personnel, then return him to opponents ship
stunned by a male personnel, you may play Male's Love Interest from hand
to relocate both it and B'Etor to end of spaceline. Both are "stopped"
*Sela may report where present *May sell hand
weapons to opponent's crew or Away Team for 5 points apiece (opponent has
no choice if all male crew or Away Team) *If
Alternate Universe Door in play, may capture android present, play Borg
Kiss on it to draw as many cards as android has skill dot icons, and permanently
reduce its STRENGTH by 4
Command icon
Antos, Personnel, Bajoran
(important lore - Vedek)
-INTEGRITY -4 if Kira Nerys present-
*Diplomacy x2 *Honor
Treaty: Cardassian/Bajoran *SD HQ: Return
Orb to Bajor *If killed, you may report Vedek
Winn to exact same location *SD Extraordinary
Measures (when mortally wounded) *May nullify
Misguided Activist where present *Where present,
may protect any Kai from capture *Kira Nerys
is INTEGRITY +3 when in same region *Once
per game, may turn into an android for rest of game *Reports
for free at any card showing plant life *If
paired up with Jadzia Dax in a Romance dilemma, nullifies all skills and
restrictions associated with Kira Nerys *If
Barbering present, may discard Bareil of Borg present
Staff icon, Orb icon, Orb icon, Orb icon, Orb
Sisko, Personnel, Federation/Bajoran
(important lore - matching commander: Ancient Sailing Vessel, USS Ganges,
USS Defiant, Deep Space 9)
*Diplomacy x2 *Leadership
(x2 in Bajor Region) *Anthropology *SECURITY
Orb Experience *SD Bajoran Wormhole *SD
Baseball *SD Sisko 197 Subroutine *SD
Oof! *SD Post Garrison *All
other Bajorans in play are INTEGRITY +2 *Your
Bajorans may report for duty where present *Attributes
+2 for every other Sisko present *While in
play, matching commander bonuses apply to facilities *Attributes
-2 if Jean-Luc Picard present *Every time
he goes through Bajoran Wormhole, draw up to three cards *If
killed, returns to Jake Sisko in play every three turns for a single turn
per game, if in play, for three consecutive turns, you may look at top
card of opponent's draw deck *Protects any
Treaty: Bajoran/Federation in play from nullification *If
Beware of Q in play, may nullify one
icon dilemma per turn where present *May switch
icon at
any time (and back), losing all other skills, but gaining: May remove all
skills from any personnel present *May "stop"
one Maquis present *STRENGTH +2 at Ops *Attributes
all -3 if Solok present *Prevents any timeline
disruption if at time appropriate Time Location *Dukat
attributes -2 if present *Worth 5 points to
you while present with James T. Kirk *If he
has used Treachery, may nullfiy any Captain's Log in play *May
relocate to Bajoran Wormhole instead of being discarded. Worth points equal
to total attributes while there. (Nullifed if Wormhole ever closed)
*If opponent takes "a big step" (scores more than 40 points in one
turn), you may relocate Sisko to any location in play *If
opponent takes "a very big step" (scores more than 60 points in one turn),
you may forfeit game and call it a draw
Command icon, Original Enterprise icon, Orb icon,
Klingon infiltration icon, Nemesis icon (against Micheal Eddington)
10, STRENGTH: 12
Crusher, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
-INTEGRITY and CUNNING -4 where EMH present-
*MEDICAL x2 (x3 at your Outpost) *Biology
x2 *Leadership
x½ *Cybernetics *Music
for purposes of Ooby Dooby *SD Medical Kit
Medical Tricorder *SD Hypospray *SD
EMH Program *SD Howard Heirloom Candle *Wesley
Crusher immune to random selection while present *If
Subspace Warp Bubble in play, may staff any ship alone *While
in play, Amanda Rogers plays as a unique
MEDICAL Personnel with attributes 8-8-5 and her game text as a skill *Attributes
+2 with Jean-Luc Picard, +3 with Jack Crusher *Where
present, Taitt is unique and attributes +2 *While
in play, protects your Metaphasic Shields from nullification *Once
per game, if Wesley Crusher in discard pile, you may whine to get him back.
If opponent refuses, score 1 point *Once per
turn if Barbering present, may give any infiltration icon to a personnel
present *May look at one Hidden Agenda per
turn while Deanna Troi is on opponent's side of the table *Once
per game, if alone with a female on a planet, may aquire or nullify one
Artifact just encountered OR delay the effect of one dilemma until your
next turn *If made captive, may return to
your hand *Once per game, may "dance" to an
adjacent spaceline location or site, even if stopped
Command icon, Enterprise-E icon
Personnel, Ferengi
(important lore - matching commander: Ferengi Marauder)
Skill *Exobiology
Skill *Smuggling
Dropping In *SD USS Stargazer *SD
Incoming Message-Federation
*While in play,
you may play Thought Maker as an Interrupt card *When
at your Outpost, you may name one Non-Aligned male personnel with Youth
in play to be Picard's son. Jean-Luc Picard's attributes are -2 while that
personnel is in play, -3 if present *If made
captive, you may pay 1 point to bring him back to one of your ships *May
force USS Stargazer at same location to attack other Federation ships *Engima
icon only activated when Bok reports a second time in the game
Command icon, Nemesis icon (against Jean-Luc
Picard), Enigma icon
Personnel, 2-sided, side 1: Federation
(important lore - none)
-if reported to the Delta Quadrant, flip over-
*Cantankerousness *Biology
x½ *Diplomacy
Drought Tree *Seeds on Earth for free *vAll
Youth present CUNNING +2 for rest of game *Non-Youth
OFFICERs present are INTEGRITY +1 for rest of game *May
nullify any Love Interest or Romance dilemma in play *VIP
if Youth present *Any matching commander present is attributes +2 where
present *Attributes all +10 on Mars
no icons
Personnel, 2-sided, side 2: Non-Aligned
(important lore - member of Species 8472)
-if reported in Alpha Quadrant, flip over-
*VIP *Leadership
x3 *Diplomacy x2 *Exobiology
x2 *Anthropology x2 *Honor
present, you may build Federation facilities regardless of Quadrant *May
nullify one Borg dilemma per turn where present *Allows
reporting of universal Federation personnel at same location. They are
considered to be Non-Aligned, Species 8472 and Federation infiltrators
all +8 /2 -7 x2 on Mars
Command icon, Federation infiltration icon, Delta
Quadrant icon
18, STRENGTH: 18
Queen, Personnel, Borg
(important lore - matching commander: Queen's Borg Cube, Queen's Borg
Sphere, Queen's Yacht)
*Diplomacy *Empathy
x2 *Physics x3 *Treachery
x2 *SD Borg Kiss *SD
Three-Dimensional Thinking *SD Regenerate
Assimilate Counterpart *When reporting, selects
any one skill or icon - may change that skill or icon at start of each
turn *May download A Change of Plans or a
Borg drone in place of one card draw *Once
per game, you may play Dead End from hand *May
take Seven captive where present *May allow
Seven of Nine to convert to Seven and infiltrate opponent's ship present
Distinctiveness doubled if in play *Opponent's
personnel may not walk to same Site unless they have Computer Skill x4
Assimilate Counterpart's points in same Hive *At
start of turn, may switch Assimilate Counterpart's target *If
in hand, you may take all your Borg in play back to hand and play Borg
Queen to any location Borg were present *Once
per game, you may bring order to chaos by rearranging any or all your card
piles (draw deck, discard pile and side-decks)
Enigma icon, Communications subcommand, Navigation
subcommand, Defense subcommand, Delta Quadrant, Nemesis icon (against Jean-Luc
Personnel, Ferengi
(important lore - Liquidator)
*FCA x2 *Treachery
x2 *Computer Skill *Navigation
Writ of Accountability *SD Any Rule of Acquisition
*SD Bodyguards *Once per game, may
ask opponent to discard Quark. If he does, download Vacuum-Dessicated Remains.
If not, opponent loses 10 points *May close
Quark's Bar if present (site game text suspended). Cure with non-ferengi
INTEGRITY>20 present *You may play Nausicaans
as an interrupt where present *May report
to any Ferengi alone with more than one Gold-Pressed Latinum *If
current Nagus's CUNNING drops below 5, may be considered to be Nagus (adds
Leadership) *If opponent plays Raise the Stakes
and you lose while Brunt in play, get paid current mint condition value
(your choice of price guides) for lost card *STRENGTH
+2 if with exactly 5other Ferengi personnel *Ishka
attributes -2 where present *May relocate
at start of turn to any ship or facility with a doorway played on it *Must
say "Brunt, FCA" when reporting or lose 5 points *Rations
Ketracel-White *SD previously acquired Data's
Command icon, Nemesis icon (against Quark)
Personnel, Federation/Non-Aligned
(important lore - matching commander: Maquis raider)
-Infiltrators cannot be exposed here unless CUNNING>50
*Navigation *Leadership
Skill *Diplomacy
(may not use MEDICAL equipment) *SECURITY
if Holodeck present *SD Crew Reassignment
report one ANIMAL to his location. That ANIMAL is always phased *Maquis
personnel present may work with
regardless of affiliation or restriction boxes *If
no hand weapons present, STRENGTH +2 *STRENGTH
+1 vs. Kazon *While infiltrating Borg, stun
results are ignored *If killed, probe: on
does not die but is phased. Adds his CUNNING and INTEGRITY to crew or Away
Team. Cure phase with 2 Anthropology *May
act as matching commander of USS Voyager when Kathryn Janeway not present
SHIELDS at same location are -5 *May place
himself into, or out of, stasis once per turn *May
protect one Artifact present from nullification (choose at start of each
Torres is all attributes +2 if present
is CUNNING +2 at same spaceline location
owner has a tatoo, while in play, may take double turns *If
ever in a Romance dilemma with Kathryn Janeway, lose 50 points, end game
*If ever kills Kathryn Janeway, score 50 points,
end game
Command icon, Maquis icon, Borg infiltration
Chapel, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
-If affected by Tsiolkovsky Infection, any Spock
present is "stopped"-
*Biology *Leadership
Skill x10 *Honor
Evacuation *Always reports for free *Attributes
all +2 if any McCoy present
*Once per turn,
may "stop" one Cybernetics personnel present *
icon becomes
icon if reported to your matching Headquarters *May
report to Leonard McCoy *Lwaxana Troi is attributes
all +2 where present *You may persona-switch
any personnel for free if its persona has a different hair color *If
present with Uhura and Janice Rand, each female present (except for Chapel)
may "stop" one male present with INTEGRITY lower than female's CUNNING
your #1 card in play (has the most skills, highest total attributes or
helped score the most points), may act as matching commander of any ship.
Opponent may nullify by turning any television present to NBC *Empathy
Staff icon, AU icon, Starship Enterprise icon
Personnel, Cardassian
(important lore - Legate)
-At the start of any turn where you have just-opened
or just-poured an alcoholic drink, is "stopped"-
*Leadership x2 *Honor*Treachery
Skill *Physics
For Cardassia! *SD Cardassian Disruptor *SDIncoming
Message: Attack Authorization *May report
to Dukat's location *STRENGTH +3 and CUNNING
+1 if Kira Nerys present *Use second INTEGRITY
value only if
cards in Cardassia Region *Dukat's attributes
doubled if present *May nullify any Anti-Matter
Pods at same location *May kill any
Tora Ziyal present *Once per turn, if Dukat
present, is "unstopped" *Allows
personnel at same spaceline location to work with
per game, may cause opposing Cardassian ships at any location to fire at
any opposing non-Cardassian ships *Score 5
points for every captive you release from his location *When
personnel battle is initiated at his planet location, may be placed under
mission until battle is over *One Leader present
may lend him a skill every turn *If Weyoun
just died where present, and you start laughing maniacally, draw 2 cards
switch with Danar once per game (for rest of game, Dukat and Dukath are
personae of each other) *At any time, declare
him "cool". If opponent appears surprised, confused or startled, doubles
all Parallax Arguers you play from now on
Command icon
Personnel, Federation
(important lore - matching commander: USS Sutherland)
-Does not work with Kivas Fajo-
x2 *Music *Exobiology
x2 *Astrophysics x2 *Stellar
Cartography *Navigation
Skill x3 *Geology
Fractal Encryption Code *SD Android Headlock
Vulcan Nerve Pinch *SD Life-Form Scan *SD
Lal *Data's Medals doubled if played on him
may play Data's Head as his persona *If switches
to second INTEGRITY value, gains Treachery and Greed, loses Nemesis icon
and becomes Non-Aligned *May unstop himself
once per turn *Once per game, may nullify
opponent's Palor Toff-Alien Trader *May report
at Dr. Soong's location *At any time, you
may look in any player's discard pile *Spot
may report to this location *Borg infiltration
icon allows him to scout when infiltrating *Exocomps
are attributes +2 where present *Gains the
skills of any personnel who die at a Colony *May
refuse to be assimilated as a Counterpart *If
on top of discard pile, sinks to bottom; if on bottom, may rise to the
top *May initiate attack against the
Zuna *Automatically wins Royale Casino side
games *While in play, Sarjenka worth double
points to you *May nullify Temporal Causality
Loop *If Holodeck present, you may disregard
persona rules relating to Data *Each time
opponent laughs out loud, you may reshuffle any of your cards in hand or
in play into draw deck
Command icon, Enterprise-E icon, Borg infiltration
icon, Romulan infiltration icon, Nemesis icon (matching Lore)
15, STRENGTH: 12
Troi, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
*OFFICER *Diplomacy
-1 *If infiltrating, gains Tal Shiar, VIP
and Treachery *If Holodeck present, gains
SECURITY *May crash her ship on a planet (lands
and is discarded, crew survives) *May unstop
her Away Team once per turn *William T. Riker
attributes +2 if present *Lwaxana Troi may
report for duty where present *Blended Troi
is automatically "cool" (download Parallax Arguers if necessary) *May
nullify Strict Dress Code where present (unless Edward Jellico also present)
she and Worf are involved in a Romance, Jadzia Dax may no come into play
and Calloway is discarded *Once per game,
may download Plexing in place of your card draw *May
expose any infiltrator present *If Lwaxana
Troi present, gains Youth *You may look at
your opponent's Away Teams and crews at same location (except Ferengi)
nullify any Barclay related interrupt
ever loses Empathy, lose 10 points *May nullify
Brainwash on one personnel if present with that personnel for one full
turn *May nullify any suicide where present
reporting, your opponent must offer you some chocolate if he or she has
any in his or her possession. You may decline
Command icon, Enterprise-E icon, Romulan infiltration
icon, Nemesis icon (against Ves Alkar)
Flyer, Ship, Federation
(important lore - Shuttlecraft; Matching commander: Tom Paris)
-May not carry ships inside except one shuttlepod.
While in play, USS Voyager is -2 to RANGE and may not report or launch
Shuttles other than this one-
*Tractor Beam *SD
Transwarp Conduit *SD Asteroid Sanctuary *SD
Lower Decks (if any 3
personnel aboard) *May land by using 1 RANGE
all +1 in Delta quadrant *May report directly
to USS Voyager *May report for free at any
time if your points are in the 40s range *SHIELDS
+2 if Seven of Nine aboard *First time it
is used to land on a planet OR to attempt a mission with only Tom Paris
aboard, any Tom Paris in play is captured by his own side (no cards may
be played on him) for 3 full turns. When released, he may be affected by
Lower Decks *Kathryn Janeway may declare herself
matching commander, both players lose 10 points *May
tow any ship missing one attribute (like a damaged ship or the Phoenix)
OR Escape Pods *If USS Voyager present, opposing
non-Borg ships must targey it instead of Delta Flyer *Adds
1 level of Navigation to any of your ships present *May
not be assimilated *If your USS Voyager in
discard pile, you may sacrifice (discard) along with two
, and one
EMH personnel to reset game to when Voyager was discarded and prevent that
discard *At
missions, any dilemmas or Q-cards that are specifically tailored to target
redshirting attempts are nullified
Delta quadrant icon
Soong, Personnel, Non-Aligned/Federation
(important lore - none)
x2 *SCIENCE *Cyberntics
x3 *Computer Skill x2 *Miracle
Worker *Smuggling *SD
Juliana Tainer *SD Off Switch *Once
per turn, may reprogram any androids present *
icon is switchable. When active, STRENGTH is +3 *May
report to any Holodeck as
in play, Soong-Type androids are INTEGRITY +/-2 (your choice for each such
android) *You may play Android Nightmares
as an Interrupt card where present *May "hide"
at any planet location (opponent may play no cards on him or initiate battle
against him and any androids present) *When
encountering Crystalline Entity, relocated (to anywhere in play) instead
of killed *Once per game, may download one
personnel played by Brent Spiner to this location *Once
per game, if total CUNNING in play is less than 60, you may switch with
Khan Noonien Singh *Once per game, download
an army of androids to any location if you can read any word on blackboard
in picture. They may initiate battle regardless of affiliation restrictions
Staff icon, Nemesis icon (against Lore), AU
Personnel, Cardassian/Dominion
(important lore - Gul; matching commander: Groumall, Prakesh, Weyoun's
-Attributes all -2 if Benjamin Sisko present-
*VIP *Navigation
x2 *ENGINEER *Leadership
x2 *Treachery x2 *Computer
Skill *Diplomacy *Archeology
Treaty: Cardassian/Dominion *May nullify Treaty:
Cardassian/Federation *Attributes +3 on any
Nor *May work with Bajorans with Treachery
Nor SHIELDS and WEAPONS +4 while aboard
per personnel battle, may avoid being paired against Resistance *At
start of your turn, you may download any number of hand weapons to a Demilitarized
Zone region *All Cardassian ships at his location
+2 WEAPONS *May commandeer an empty universal
K'Vort by beaming aboard *If you are losing
by at least 25 points, may work with any affiliation and may allow his
Away Team or crew to attempt any mission (may ignore Fair Play when using
this ability) *Once per game, you may take
any Cardassian on Deep Space 9 back into hand *Where
present, Winn is Treachery x10 *If he and
Kira Nerys ever both targeted by the same Parallel Romance, score 100 points
Command icon, Orb icon, Bajoran infiltration
icon, Pah Wraith icon (AKA Reverse Orb icon), Nemesis icon (against Garak)
10, STRENGTH: 10
Personnel, Klingon
(lore - High Council member; matching commander: IKC Vorn)
-May not work with Klingons with Honor-
*Treachery x2 *Computer
Skill *Greed *Leadership
x1½ *Biology *SECURITY
Bat'leth *SD Discommendation *While
in play, Ja'rod may not be selected because of his Treachery *If
kills Gowron using Arbiter of Succession, all Klingons lose their Honor
and gain the
affiliation icon *Members of the House of
Duras may report here for free after he dies *May
"stun" one Chancellor present per turn *If
killed in personnel battle in which opponent used Klingon Right of Vengeance,
any K'Ehleyr in play is immediately killed and you score 5 points *While
present, Khitomer Research may not be attempted by any affiliation except
*Any Romulan or Non-Aligned personnel
that mentions the word Duras in its lore is attributes all +1 *If
Alexander Rozhenko ever in play while K'Ehleyr in discard pile, Alexander
immediately relocated to any Worf in play. That Worf is attributes -2 for
rest of game
Command icon, Nemesis icon (against Worf and
Mission, planet
(important lore: Federation homeworld; Solar System region)
*May be attempted once per set of requirements,
scoring points each time. When attempt is called, opponent may play up
to two dilemmas from discard pile here if none exist:
- Explore Past:
Physics x3 + Anthropology + No Non-Aligned personnel
Steal Starship: Treachery x3 + (
OR Computer Skill x2) + ENGINEER x2 (Federation personnel used to solve
mission then become Non-Aligned)
- Answer Whale
Call: Biology x2 + ENGINEER + ANIMAL x2 +CUNNING>50
Admiral +
- Visit Roswell:
Acquisition + Physics x2 + Landed ship with no staffing requirements
- Defend Sector
001: OFFICER x2 + Leadership + 3 ships
- Family Reunion:
3 members of the same family
- Investigate
Cadet Behavior: Youth x3 + OFFICER x3 + Law
Espionnage Mission: Klingon Intelligence x2 OR Tal Shiar x2 OR Obsidian
Order x2 OR FCA x2 OR 2 Founders
Infiltrate Starfleet Command: Infiltrator OR 3 Bluegills
Diplomatic Talks: Diplomacy x4 + VIP x3 + INTEGRITY>35
Stave Off Borg Invasion: WEAPONS>50
- Bold Attack:
3 Breen + STRENGTH>50 + Treachery x2
*Worth double points if first mission
seeded *Once spaceline established, may be
relocated within 8 span of any other Alpha Quadrant homeworld *SD
Any or all Earth Time Locations *SD Office
of the President *Federation Outpost may be
seeded here *Spacedock seeds here for free
starts here at beginning of game. Every full turn, moves one location towards
spaceline's far end *While in play, all Earth
born humans are INTEGRITY +2 *If 4 Original
Enterprise icons in play, a second copy may be played from Q's Tent. Its
only requirements: [Any] Study Parallel Planet: MEDICAL x2 + Anthropology
+ Leadership + Youth *Any ship or personnel
that time travels may relocate to Time Location here *Youth
personnel here may learn any one skill each *Devidian
Door may be played on any personel on Devidia II to move them to one Earth
time location and vice versa *Borg may scout
location twice *If USS Voyager ever returns
here from Delta Quadrant, score points for every human aboard *No
Latinum cards may be played here *Cannot be
destroyed *While in play, Phoenix's points
are doubled *When an Enterprise time travels
here, you may draw up to 3 cards *While in
play, if any Enterprise is your only ship in the Quadrant, its attributes
all doubled
Span: 3; 5 points
Dax, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - Trill with symbiont; persona of Dax)
*Anthropology *SCIENCE
Any Rifle *SD Rescue Personnel (if in the
Badlands region, extending card's effects to entire region) *May
report to Benjamin Sisko's location if any Dax in discard pile *One
personnel present is INTEGRITY +1 (your choice) *STRENGTH
+2 if Worf present *If matched with Julian
Bashir by any Romance dilemma or Canar, probe. On any result except ,
they are not matched (re-do selection). On
they are matched, score 5 points and remove all Parallax Arguers from both
draw decks *May initiate battle with personnel
at a different site from hers at same spaceline location *Attributes
all -1 if any member of her family present *Once
per game, may nullify any Sniper in play *At
any time, once per game, rotate Ezri 180 degrees and do one of the following:
nullify any one Empathy related dilemma, score 5 points, OR nullify all
attribute reductions affecting this card; Ezri is stopped *Rotate
back if ever captured by the Dominion or Breen *If
on a shuttle alone, opponent may play MEDICAL-related dilemmas on her from
hand (planet dilemmas if shuttle is landed)
Staff icon
Leader, Personnel, Dominion
(important lore - changeling; matching commander: Jem'hadar Warship;
persona: Kira Founder)
-Start Countdown when in Alpha Quadrant and Bajoran
Wormhole is closed-
*Treachery x5 *Leadership
(x3 if Jem'Hadar or Vorta present) *Exobiology
with other changelings only *SD Shape-Shift
Weyoun *SD Treaty: Bajoran/Dominion *SD
Treaty: Dominion/Breen
*SD Commandeer Starship
if on USS Defiant
*SD Any morphing card *Where
present with any Odo, Brainwash may play on that Odo as an interrupt (he
does not relocate to an outpost) *Where present,
Odo is INTEGRITY -5 and CUNNING +2 *If at
The Great Link, may turn any other changeling into a humanoid. Infiltrators
are species they appear to be, others are your choice *If
Odo ever at The Great Link, score 10 points *May
stop any Damar present *Once per game, if
on Cardassia Prime with 2 Jem'Hadar, may discard every Cardassian there
any time, may discard one Weyoun and download another *If
present at Hunt for DNA Program, worth 50 points to you
Command icon, Gamma Quadrant icon, Countdown:
Enterprise, Ship, Federation
(Important lore - matching commander: Admiral Riker; future ship; persona:
USS Enterprise)
Modified Galaxy Class [1 Command, 3 AU]
-May not be in play with USS Enterprise-E-
*Tractor Beam *Cloaking
Device *Holodeck *SD
Any ship attribute enhancement card *Range
enhancements cannot go offline *Scores 15
points if scores a direct hit on any future Klingon ship *Adds
icon to both sides of Patrol Neutral Zone *Your
personnel in a ship destroyed here may be beamed aboard *May
nullify Anti-Time Anomaly where present with any two Enterprises *Governor
Worf may cooperate with crew aboard *May report
to Neutral Zone with matching commander aboard *When
reporting, kills one Deanna Troi in play (random selection) *If
found in the first AU booster pack you ever opened, automatically win every
game you will ever play
AU icon, Q icon
15, SHIELDS: 14
Personnel, Cardassian/Federation
(important lore - persona of Elim Garak)
*Obsidian Order *Computer
Skill x2 *Treachery x2 *SECURITY
Treaty: Romulan/Federation/Klingon *May avoid
any random selection *May replace anyone randomly
selected to die here *May be replaced by another
version at any time *Julian Bashir's attributes
all +2 if present *While infiltrating, may
kill one VIP present per turn *Immune to Torture
10 points to you on Cardassia Prime
and SHIELDS of ship he is on +2 against
+3 if Tora Ziyal present *May destroy The
Great Link (and all personnel) there if present on a ship with WEAPONS>8
+4 on Empok Nor *Allows his crew to staff
Dominion ships *May teach one skill to Mirror
Garak each turn if present together *While
in play, Treaty: Cardassian/Romulan is not a Hidden Agenda (reveal if already
on table) *If present with Benjamin Sisko,
Sisko gains Treachery *Opponent may not ask
to look at this card to check its skills *May
glance at any Cardassian or Dominion player's
cards *Cantankerousness (if Holodeck and any
Julian present) *May "insult" (stun) one Klingon
present *While present with Enabran Tain OR
prevents shapeshifting where present *Automatically
throws self out Airlock unless Empathy or Ezri Dax present *If
opponent has five or six cards in hand, he may ask "Do you feel lucky?"
If you answer no, Garak is captured; if yes, Garak is killed
Command icon, Staff icon, Romulan infiltration
icon, Nemesis icon (against Dukat)
15, STRENGTH: 10
La Forge, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
x2 *Astrophysics
Skill *Leadership
Skill *Navigation x2 *Cybernetics
-1 *SD Ocular Implants *SD
Engineering Kit *SD Engineering PADD *SD
Plasmadyne Relay *SD Hugh *SD
Any holographic personnel *Never targeted
by Love Interest and Romance dilemmas *Attributes
+2 with Dr. Leah Brahms, -2 with Leah Brahms *May
work with one Romulans if only one present *Data
and Barclay attributes +2 where present *May
repair ship he is aboard in 2 full turns (1 full turn if matching commander
aboard) *Once per game, look at any card turned
face down *If ever tortured or brainwashed,
score 5 points *Every turn, choose one attribute
of ship he is on to give +2 bonus to *If Interphase
Generator present, may avoid any STRENGTH-related dilemma *May
nullify Framed for Murder on any Riker present *While
in play, Hugh may play as a Borg/Federation personnel card with Communication
subcommand, attributes of 7-5-5 and his game text as skills. If mixing
with , may
attempt missions *Doubles Data's Head *May
send his standard skills down to a planet mission without having to beam
down himself if present with another Cybernetics personnel *May
disable any Zefram Cochrane present to download Visit Cochrane Memorial
facing any dilemma that requires Computer Skill, may download Parallax
Arguers (cool or not)
Command icon, Enterprise-E icon
Personnel, Klingon
(important lore - Chancellor; matching commander: IKC Bortas)
-Does not work with House of Duras-
x2 *Leadership x2 *Diplomacy
Qapla'! *SD Klingon Painstik *SD
Klingon Civil War *STRENGTH +3 against House
of Duras *May nullify Discommendation where
present *May download or nullify any Treaty:
Federation/Klingon *You may abduct opponent's
Worf at same location and use as your own *While
in play you may play Subjugate Planet on Cardassia Prime substituting Klingon
for Dominion in its game text, VIP for Vorta, SECURITY for Jem'Hadar, Klingon
Outpost for Remote Supply Depot, and Klingon Disruptor for Ketracel White
in play, owner of an infiltrating Martok Founder may not choose to play
any card that would force exposing Martok Founder *You
may play Data's Medals on any Klingon present with a Bat'leth even if no
battle has been won *Martok is attributes
-2 where present *Once per game, you may look
at one of opponent's Hidden Agendas in play IF you do so with googly eyes
(lose 5 points if you just look normally)
Command icon, Nemesis icon (against Duras)
Personnel, Klingon/Ferengi
(important lore - Klingon High Council mention)
*Honor x2 *Leadership
*SD Bodyguards *SD Tumek *SD
Quark Son of Keldar to replace any Quark persona and place under your control
all +3 with any Quark *May "stop" one Greed
personnel OR Worf present *If any male Klingon
dies at Quark's Bar, may report or relocate there immediately
Quark present, doubles effects of Gold-Pressed Latinum *May
nullify dilemma that specifically targets females if present *If
present with your male at opponent-controlled Infirmiry, opponent loses
5 points per unique MEDICAL present *May persona-switch
with Beverly Crusher if the same is simultaneously done with Worf and Reginald
Barclay (this card allows this switch) *If
present with Gilora Rejal, Reginald Barclay, Rachel Garrett, Jera, any
Chekov, or any Tomalak, you may suspend play to download any of the other
above listed personnel. All are attributes +3 (+4 if any Tomalak) and may
mix and cooperate regardless of affiliation.
Command icon
Personnel, Federation
(important lore - El-Aurian)
*Anthropology *Diplomacy
x2 *Honor *Empathy
Ready Room Door *SD Any ship that is mainly
or entirely a flying saucer *May nullfy one
icon and Q icon dilemma, event or interrupt pre turn where present *Captain's
Log is doubled on any Enterprise she is on *You
may play Blended from your hand on any Away Team or crew present *May
not be assimilated *Once per game, relocate
to table (Event area). While there, another Guinan may report to her last
location and Jean-Luc Picard may nullify any
dilemmas and interrupts where he is present *Samuel
Clemens attributes all +2 where present *STRENGTH
+4 if paired against Mortal Q *If any Tasha
Yar present, she must be relocated to any other ship *Protects
your Hugh from nullfication *All Youth, androids
and Ro Larens present are INTEGRITY +5 *Once
per game, may initiate personnel battle with one of your own personnel.
If she stuns that personnel, she gains Treachery and a Command icon *If
affected by Rascals, game only ends at 500 points *Suspends
any restriction box where present *If Worf
present, gains double the normal STRENGTH adjustment from hand weapons
at any time to download Lily Sloane to this location *May
teach Lal a skill even after she has been reported *If
Uhura present, atributes all +2 *You may redirect
The Walls Have Ears to this location *If your
opponent ever complained of a problem while in play, score 5 points. Score
double points if the problem was not game-related.
Staff icon
Kim, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - matching commander: USS Yosemite)
-Lose 5 points every time targeted by love interest
or romance dilemma, 10 points if romance is with hologram, former Borg
*Youth *Music
Cartography x2 *Geology
Skill *Transporter Skill *Leadership
(if game played after sun-down)
*May report
directly to Quark's Bar OR USS Voyager *All
Runabouts in play are attributes +1 if owner has Alternate Universe Door
on table *May "stop" one Greed personnel present
by discarding one Gold-Pressed Latinum (cumulative) *Tom
Paris is attributes all +2 where present *If
Kathryn Janeway present, may disregard love interest dilemmas *When
first killed each game, relocate to any location at least 8 span away.
May return to former ship by discarding one card from hand *At
any time, you may suspend play to switch species from human to Taresian
or back *If thrown out an Airlock, report
back to same ship or facility next turn, with
icon *Cannot lose Youth under any circumstances
encountering a dilemma whose picture features only special effects (no
live actors or sets), may give a "reaction shot" (excluded from any random
or opponent's choice selections)
Staff icon
Mudd, Personnel, Non-Aligned
(important lore - none)
-Does not work with any Kirk-
*Greed x3 *Acquisition
x¼ *Cybernetics x¼ *VIP
if more than one android present
*SD Any 3
female CIVILIANS with Youth *All androids
are universal where present *When ship he
is on is destroyed, may beam to opponent's vessel *You
may play one Male's Love Interest per turn on personnel present *May
escape from captivity once per game *Once
per game, may download Commandeer Starship where your android present *While
in play, you may play one Vulcan Lander on opponent's side of the table.
If used by opponent, you may show Treachery in hand to discard ship and
all cards on it *If any Romance dilemma pairs
him up with an android female, lose all your points *May
be persona-switched with any just-encountered Common Thief (dilemma does
not have its effect) *While in play, both
players may use counterfeit cards (i.e. any card retouched or altered by
PhotoShop, reprinted and played as the real thing)
Command icon, AU icon
Sulu, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - matching commander: USS Excelsior)
*Navigation x3 *Biology
Cartography *Archeology
Ensign Tuvok *STRENGTH +3 if affected by Tsiolkovski
Infection *May ignore Incoming Messages *Acquires
Antique Machine Gun present when it is first encountered, not after mission
is solved *May meet any staffing requirement
after being aboard for one full turn *Ship
he is on is RANGE +2 *Ship he is on is WEAPONS
+2 vs. *Once
per turn, may suspend play to land any shuttle he is aboard on any ship
with Tractor Beam. That ship may immediately move away, canceling battle
as appropriate. Any ships which initiated battle are stopped *May
plant a Drought Tree on ship at any just solved
mission *May disable transporters of any facility
at same spaceline location for one full turn *Once
per game, get a glazed look in your eyes and ignore the effects of one
Interrupt (discarded) or one Event (for that turn)
Command icon, Excelsior icon, Original Enterprise
icon, AU
of Five, Personnel, Borg/Federation
(important lore - male drone)
-no classification-
-cannot attack Federation if Geordi La Forge
*SCIENCE *Computer
Skill x2 *Youth *Cybernetics
Scout Vessel SHIELDS +2 when aboard
*May nullify
all Rogue Borg Mercenaries where present *Every
turn, in place of one card draw, may download one Rogue Borg Mercenaries
to your hand *Geordi La Forge's attributes
+2 where present *May suspend Borg Ship's
attack at same location *May scout when working
with Borg, and attempt missions when working with Federation
Lore Returns in play, where present, you may replace one drone present
with a Rogue Borg Mercenaries from outside the game. If Borg Cube totally
staffed by Rogue Borg, replace it with Borg Ship dilemma from outside the
game (discard all Rogue Borg aboard) *Guinan
and Jean-Luc Picard are INTEGRITY -4 where present *While
in play, any player with less than 50 points must refer to him/herself
as "we" and any player with more than 50 points as "I". For every error
committed by a player, that player loses 1 point
Communication subcommand, Staff icon, Delta Quadrant
Dax, Personnel, Federation/Klingon
(important lore - Trill with symbiont; matching
commander: USS Defiant, USS Rubicon)
*Diplomacy *Anthropology
*Stellar Cartography
x2 *Archeology
Skill x2 *Geology
Science Kit
Operate Wormhole Relays *If
at Ops, opponent must announce one turn in advance any intention to go
through Bajoran Wormhole *Attributes
+2 if Worf present *May
lend (lose) her Diplomacy to Odo, her Music and Treachery to Benjamin Sisko,
her VIP to Kira Nerys, her Physics to Miles O'Brien, her Navigation to
Julian Bashir, half her INTEGRITY to Quark and half her STRENGTH to Leeta
for one full turn once per game each *May nullify any Scorched Hand *Nullifies
Altonian Brain Teaser where present *May
"stop" one male present per turn *May
be persona switched with Ezri Dax (but not vice-versa) OR replaced with
Ezri if she dies *Kang,
Kor and Koloth are attributes +2 if present *Can
never gain Youth *You
may report a second copy at Julian Bashir's location. It has a Countdown
of 3 *Always
the target of Mysterious Orb if in play *May
suspend effects of Protouniverse as long as she is present *Once
per turn, planet she is on may cloak and decloak *Once
per turn, may keep two Klingons from fighting where present *May
work with *If
opposed by Klaestron personnel, immediately discard unless Law present
nullify Chula: The Chandra where present *After
she has been discarded, next Klingon mission you solve is double points
per game, if you can count all the spots on this card, score X points,
where X = the number of spots
Command icon, Original Enterprise icon, Orb icon
Sisko, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
x½ *Acquisition *Biology
one Equipment card he cannot use himself
Benjamin Sisko dies, loses Youth and gains Astrophysics, SCIENCE and an
icon *Any acquired Baseball Card immediately
go to your side of the table *May nullify
the lore of any one personnel in play (change if personnel dies) *You
may look at any cards on same Nor *Nog's attributes
are +3 where present *If at Guest Quarters
with Nog, once per turn, you may shuffle any deck *May
report to any location where a personnel battle just occured *May
cooperate with any affiliation, except in battles and mission attempts
in play, Kassidy Yates may report directly to Benjamin Sisko *May
teach Biology to any Bajoran female present *Automatically
wins any side-game if present *Quark may share
his skills with Jake if present *Attributes
all +1 on the Promenade *While in play, Wesley
Crusher worth -50 points to his owner
Staff icon, Pah Wraith icon (AKA Reverse-orb
T. Kirk, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - matching commander: USS Enterprise, USS Enterprise-A,
S.S. Bounty)
-does not work with Klingons unless Gorkon in
*Leadership x3 *Guramba
Skill *Anthropology
Any Phaser *SD Treaty: Federation/Klingon
Auto-Destruct Sequence (may nullify before end of turn) *SD
Captain's Log *May initiate battle against
non-Federation affiliations *May stun adversary
he just engaged *Once every turn, may "stop"
one female present *May staff Klingon bird-of-prey
beamed to a ship, you may play a duplicate Kirk. One of the Kirks has CUNNING
-4 and STRENGTH +2, the other INTEGRITY +4 and STRENGTH -2 *Artificial
personnel are attributes -2 where present *May
convert OFFICER to VIP, but is attributes -5 (may revert to OFFICER at
any time and gain Treachery) *Attributes +2
if both Spock and McCoy present *May ignore
Incoming Messages where present *Nullifies
all Matriarchal Societies in play *May capture
Harry Mudd present *Draw a card every time
he time travels *May act as matching commander
of any ship called Enterprise if its matching commander is not present
first time he is killed, return him to hand *May
nullify any computer-related dilemma where present *Attributes
all -2 if Tribbles present *Removes holographic
icon from Tommygun present *If on ship with
Cloaking Device, may steal it and install it on Federation ship at same
spaceline location
*May have a Parallel Romance
with USS Enterprise
*Diplomacy if hand weapons
present *May report to Data's Body where he
can download a MEDICAL and a SECURITY-classification personnel
Command icon, Original Enterprise icon, AU, Romulan
infiltration icon, Nemesis icon (against Kahn)
10, STRENGTH: 12
Rand, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - waiter)
-If more than 3 Gold-Pressed Latinum in your
discard pile, she is placed out-of-play-
*Transporter Skill *Computer
Skill *Leadership *Youth
Cartography *Anthropology
Any Incoming Message *SD Federation PADD *May
report to Ensign Tuvok's location *May file
a mission report immediately after any planet location is destroyed (bringing
objective from outside-the-game)
commander of same ship is INTEGRITY OR STRENGTH +2 *If
ever paired with James T. Kirk for Parallel Romance or Canar, you may nullify
that card to download any Enterprise *If present,
is always target of James T. Kirk's and Hypospray's "stun" abilities
Staff icon, AU icon, Starship Enterprise icon,
Excelsior icon
Picard, Personnel, Federation
-Does not work with Youth unless other personnel
*Diplomacy x2 *Archeology
x2 *Leadership x2 *Honor
if opposing Away Team aboard same ship *Music
if Ressikan Flute or Neela Daren in play *SD
Make It So *SD Sense the Borg *SD
Arbiter of Succession *SD Senior Staff Meeting
The Line Must Be Drawn Here *SD The Mask of
*While Admiral with Treachery present,
may convert ship and crew to *Doppelganger
plays for free here *Ship he is on is WEAPONS
and SHIELDS +4 vs
STRENGTH against Borg and Nausicaans *Immune
to Interrogation *While in play, Phoenix considered
both a ship and an artifact *When in ship-to-ship
battle, take a card from out-of play and turn both it and Picard's ship
face down. Shuffle. Opponent picks a ship to fire upon. If ship chosen
was card from out-of-play, attack has no effect (put card out-of play again
either way) *May nullify one Q card (with
icon or Q in the title, except Q's Planet, Q-Flash or Q's Tent) per turn
nullify Alien Parasites where present
attributes tripled on Mintaka III *May be
deassimilated if brought back to your ship *If
Anti-Time Anomaly in play, may move between Time Locations at will *Lwaxana
Troi's attributes +2 where present *May nullify
Shaka, When the Walls Fell where present *May
nullify any Horgahn or Jamaharon *May share
standard skills with Beverly Crusher present *At
any time, opponent may download Picard's Artificial Heart from Q-Continuum
side deck and play it on Picard (may not be nullified) *Once
per game, give a sharp tug on your shirt to download any bridge crew personnel
to same location
Command icon, Enterprise-E icon, Romulan infiltration
icon, Nemesis icon (against Bok), Nemesis icon (against Borg Queen)
Bashir, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - mutant)
*MEDICAL x2 *Exobiology
x2 *Biology x2 *Navigation
31 *Leadership
Kukalaka *SD Extraordinary Measures *SD
Medical Kit *SD Medical PADD *SD
Medical Tricorder *Attributes +2 at any mission
that requires MEDICAL *If affected by Lethean
Telepathic Attack, place on table, take 6 Sites from outside the game and
play here. Personnel reporting at your Nor, may be redirected here instead
5 points every time he is affected by a Romance or Love Interest dilemma
share skills with any EMH present *Miles present
is attributes +2 if you have more than 50 points *Any
Garak may report to this location *If Holodeck
present, +007 to any attribute you choose (may switch at start of every
*Prevents Jem'Hadar from going berzerk
where present with Goran'agar *STRENGTH +2
but CUNNING -2 if any female Dax present *May
transfer skills of one Trill with symbiont to one without symbiont *May
make any Federation Treaty include the Dominion *May
"stop" one Section 31 personnel present *Once
per game, replace one card in play with any from your hand or Q's Tent
with at least one word in common in the title
Command icon, Original Enterprise icon
15, STRENGTH: 10
Personnel, Federation/Klingon
(important lore - none)
-Does not work with Duras family-
*Diplomacy *Honor
x2 *Leadership *SECURITY
Alexander Rozhenko *May nullify any Klingon
specific Interrupt played at this location *May
cancel any battle initiated by an
Klingon ship *While in play, protects Federation/Klingon
Treaty from nullification *May report to Esacpe
Pod (download pod if necessary) *Worf attributes
+2 where present *Once per game, may download
Arbiter of Succession to any
present *When unopposed, may relocate to The
Great Hall *May staff
ships even in
mode *Attributes all +2 if Alexander or K'mtar
present *If killed by any Duras family member,
you may download Klingon Rite of Vengeance to your hand *While
in play, Dr. Selar and The Emissary may not be reported
Command icon
10, STRENGTH: 10
Personnel, Klingon
(important lore - matching commander: IKC Lukura, universal IKC K't'inga)
-Klingon Death Yell may not be used on Kang-
*Honor x2 *Leadership
Cartography *Treachery
Blood Oath *INTEGRITY -5 if James T. Kirk
in play *Worth 5 points for every other Nemesis
icon against the Albino present *STRENGTH
+2 if using a Bat'leth *If Calamarain in play,
may cooperate with
OR convert
mortally wounded results on him to stun (your choice upon reporting) *May
report with a fully staffed ship at any nebula *STRENGTH
doubled in any personnel battle where he is outnumbered more than two to
one *Scores 5 points if he stuns or kills
any Kirk in battle *SD up to 36
Klingons *SD Any Tactic card as yet unrevealed
by Decipher, using it instead of Tactic card drawn randomly this battle
per game, laugh at any space or space/planet dilemma where present to destroy
Command icon, AU, Nemesis icon (against The Albino)
Yates, Personnel, Non-Aligned/Federation/Bajoran
(important lore - matching commander: Xhosa)
*Smuggling *Navigation
x2 (x3 in Badlands region) *Leadership *Transporter
Skill *Acquisition *Computer
Skill *Treachery (only when )
(if The Emissary present) *SD Baseball *SD
Weapons Locker *SD File Mission Report (attributes
all -1 until objective completed) *May add
2 card draws to "cargo runs" she completes *Attributes
all +2 if with any Benjamin Sisko (+3 if Admiral Ross also present) *Once
per turn, may "stop" one
icon personnel present *If captured, you may
download Red Alert to table and any Benjamin Sisko to her location *May
act as matching commander of one personnel, Benjamin Sisko, substituting
when present *Once per game, if in Guest Quarters
on Deep Space 9, call a "big step" to draw up to 4 cards and render opponent's
personnel incapable of reporting to this Site. Opponent may call a "very
big step" and discard 4 cards from hand to nullify this action
Command icon, Orb icon, Maquis icon
Pulaski, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
-May only beam once per turn-
*MEDICAL *Biology
x½ *Empathy x½ *SD
Parallax Arguers (never cool)
*SD Medical
Tricorder *May stop any android present *May
suspend Doppleganger where present *May transfer
any quarantine effect to a shuttle aboard same ship *May
report directly to any ship if you have more than 30 points, returning
any Beverly Crusher to your hand *At any time,
discard to bring Beverly Crusher to her location *Once
per game, may close any Ready Room Door *Cured
of any DNA-based dilemma by beaming to a ship *While
in play, doubles Chinese Finger Puzzle *Attributes
+2 if Kyle Riker present *May disable Professor
Moriarty if present *Ship she is on may ignore
Incoming Messages *Acts as a Persona of McCoy
Command icon, Original Enterprise icon
Janeway, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - matching commander: USS Voyager)
-Attributes -3 at
Space mission-
*Astrophysics x2 *Leadership
Cartography *Physics x2 *ENGINEER
Skill *Acquisition
x½ *SD Starfleet Type III Phaser Rifle
Escape Pod (usable even if ship isn't destroyed) *Seven
of Nine is attributes +2 where present *May
nullify any Love Interest or Romance dilemma targetting Harry Kim *Any
Scottish Setter is attributes +2 where present *If
any ship she is on uses up more than 12 RANGE in a single move, becomes
ANIMAL until 2 MEDICAL present *One turn per
game, may prevent Borg cards from attacking yours *If
ever involved in timeline disruption, score 15 points *Where
present, your
icon personnel are considered
*May nullfy one
icon card per turn where present *X = 3 on
any turn you announce it to be *Y = 2 if
icon present *You may play any Kirk on table
as an event to make Z = 3 *May nullify any
card played on a hologram present *Prevents
relocation of her ship from the Delta quadrant to the Alpha quadrant by
any means
Command icon
O'Brien, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
*Biology *CIVILIAN
Skill *Cantankerousness when on Deep Space
9 *SD Drought Tree *All
O'Briens present are attributes +2 *Molly
O'Brien may report where present (stopping any Worf present) *May
turn one Site at compatible Nor where she is present into a schoolroom:
matching Youth personnel report there for free and may file mission reports
there (nullified by any Winn present) *May
download one card per game if Tarmin present *Scores
5 points for every trip completed between Deep Space 9 and Bajor *While
in play, Data considered to be an O'Brien *Automatically
targeted by Rascals if encountered *Julian
Bashir attributes -2 where present *If with
Youth in the Class Room site, youth may learn any one skill *If
Kira Nerys and Miles O'Brien in same crew or Away Team, opponent scores
5 points (once per game) *If your mother,
sister or spouse walks into the room during game and asks you to leave,
score 50 points and end game
Staff icon, Pah Wraith icon (AKA Reverse-orb
Personnel, Non-Aligned/Federation
(important lore - none)
*MEDICAL x2 *Exobiology
Skill *Youth x8 *Diplomacy
Phaser Burns (requires no hand weapons to be played) *Neelix's
attributes +2 where present, unless Tom Paris also present *May
nullify any timeline disruption if at same location as the Time Location
responsible *Attributes +2 if Tuvok present
and unstopped *While in play, you make keep
notes pertaining to scanned dilemmas, your own dilemma combos, draw decks
you have looked through, etc. *Discard at
time to relocate ship she was on to anywhere on the spaceline *May
be seeded under a
planet mission; joins Away Team when encountered *The
Doctor's attributes +2 where present *Once
per game, at the start of your turn, you may anounce "Elogium", and stop
Kes and one other male present. At the end of your next full turn, if both
personnel are still alive, score 5 points *May
add CUNNING to STRENGTH when defending *When
discarded, replace with Seven of Nine if possible *Loses
one Youth per game against the same player *If
Kes ever at same location as another Ocampa, Empathy is tripled *May
report as captured where your opponents Kazon personnel are present *If
Kes's body ever taken over, flip a coin. Tails, no effect. Heads, takeover
sticks *Transfiguration may be played on her
(as if she was John Doe who had just saved a personnel from death) if
cards present *If opponent ever gets impatient
during game (such as when you are taking notes), he loses 5 points (limit,
3 times per game) *If present with Benjamin
Sisko, any cards containing the words "American", "History" or "X" play
for free
Staff icon, Delta Quadrant icon, AU icon
Personnel, Non-Aligned
(important lore - matching commander: Botany Bay, USS Reliant; genetically-engineered)
-Must report in stasis aboard any ship, facility
or Cryosatellite; active when MEDICAL present-
*OFFICER *Leadership
x3 *Navigation *Treachery
x2 *Anthropology *Empathy
Skill *SD Commandeer Ship (twice per game)
may play Alien Parasites from hand on one personnel present - if opposing
force does not meet INTEGRITY requirements, that one personnel is affected
by Dilemma *May "stop" one female Anthropology
OR Archeology personnel present *All genetically-engineered
personnel in play are attributes +2 *Scores
double points at a Colony *May disable Transporters
of any ship he has damaged *If killed when
his ship is destroyed, change any mission conditions at that location *If
at a planet facility, may download one
card for every new personnel arriving there (limit 3 per turn) providing
you shout "The plane! The plane!" for each
Command icon, AU icon, Nemesis icon (against
James T. Kirk)
13, STRENGTH: 13
Nerys, Personnel, Bajoran/Federation
(important lore - Shakaar resistance cell member; matching commander:
USS Defiant, USS Yangtzee Kiang)
*SECURITY *Navigation
x2 *Resistance x2 *Computer
Skill *Treachery *Smuggling
*SD Bajoran Phaser *SD
Fighter *SD System 5 Disruptors
Going to the Top *SD File Mission Report if
Odo present *+2 STRENGTH against Cardassians
attributes all +2 where present *If present
with more than one Bajoran ship at a spaceline location, may force any
opponent's ship to stop here *May stun one
Ferengi, Garak or Winn present per turn *While
in play, you may refuse to play a card in place of another (as per Energy
Vortex for example) *Counts as an O'Brien
an orb is acquired, you may choose to discard it, adding its game text
to Kira's skills *May rescue Torah Ziyal from
captivity *Aamin Marritza's CUNNING and STRENGTH
are doubled and his INTEGRITY halved where present
infiltrating, gains Obsidian Order *STRENGTH
+1 for every Bajoran in your discard pile *Opponent's
personnel on same Nor may not use special skills *All
your Cardassians present gain Resistance *If
she and Dukat ever both targeted by the same Parallel Romance, lose 100
Command icon, Orb icon, Cardassian infiltration
icon, Nemesis icon (against Silarin Prin)
Personnel, Klingon
(important lore - matching commander: IKC Gr'oth)
*Leadership *Anthropology
Intelligence *SD Bat'leth *SD
Frigid *If on IKC Gr'oth, it is attributes
all +1 for each Klingon
personnel aboard (up to +3) *Once per game,
score 5 points if present with
icon Jadzia Dax *May "stop" one Kirk present
nullify one Tribble per turn where present
present, may discard Arne Darvin to download Barry Waddle to your hand
all +1 if Korax present *Cannot be stunned
if present with both Kor and Kang *Once per
turn, may free one Klingon captive *If opponent
makes a "request" of you, you may say "I am Koloth!" to nullify it *If
present with D'k'tahg, Ocular Implants may play on him *May
be stocked in Q-Continuum; when encountered, places half of all personnel
present (random selection) in stasis and relocates to any of your Away
Teams or crews
Command icon, AU icon, TOS icon, Nemesis icon
(against The Albino)
Personnel, Klingon
(important lore - matching commander: IKC Ning’tao)
x2 *Anthropology
Klingon Right of Vengeance *SD Any capture-related
card to target one Kirk or Spock present *Other
Klingons present are each STRENGTH +2 (+4 if he is first
personnel reported this game) *Ship he is
on is WEAPONS +2 vs.
+4 at Romulus *Acquires Sword of Kahless immediately
upon encountering it *May report to any Dax
*May draw double Tactic cards when total opponent's WEAPONS>yours *May
"stop" any Martok present *May nullify Lethean
Telepathic Attack where present *X = 2 OR
6 *Once per game, choose one opposing ship
to be considered
by his special skills *Where present all mixed
breed Klingons are attributes -2 and lose 1 level of Honor *Once
per game, may initiate battle during a mission attempt, suspending play
attack a
ship with double WEAPONS once per game *All
personnel with "Kor" in their names in play are attributes +2 and may report
for free *If any player mentions the fu manchu/bumpy
head Klingon continuity problem, that player immediately loses the game
on a ship that carries 3 or more ships, Cybernetics and Treachery x4
Command icon, AU icon, Nemesis icon (against
The Albino)
Personnel, Bajoran/Ferengi
(important lore - none)
*Acquisition *Law
if only Ferengi present *Greed if any Quark
present *Resistance if opponent is playing
Dominion *If Quark present, double her brains
(CUNNING) *Rom is attributes +5 where present
in play, you may play Royal Casino side-games as Events *If
on Risa, prevents the play of any Jamaharon *May
refuse to be affected by a card targeting Ferengi *If
you have less than 50 points, Julian Bashir is STRENGTH +2 where present
Love Interest victim relocates here
in play, Borg Kiss is halved (it's not so bad after all) *If
targeted by any Romance dilemma and her partner is ugliest male present,
you may abandon game and start over without incurring any penalties in
tournament rankings
No icons
McCoy, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - Admiral)
*MEDICAL *Biology
x3 *Exobiology x2 *Cantankerousness
xX (where X = the number of Vulcans and androids present) *VIP
x½ *Mindmeld if any Vulcan in your
discard pile *SD Christine Chapel *SD
Hypospray *SD Smoke Bomb *If
with Hypospray, may play Blended from hand on any personnel present *If
affected by any dilemma causing delayed death, may be cured by moving to
any location with an asteroid field *Attributes
doubled if present with Kirk and Spock *Once
per game, may rescue one personnel with [Original Enterprise icon] from
discard pile
*Spock -1 Leadership where present
without Kirk *Attributes +2 at any Time Location
Empath present may turn one mortally wounded personnel into a stunned personnel
move Spock in stasis *If with any Spock, ship
he is aboard may target cloaked ships *Once per game, may be "recalled
from retirement" (retrieve from discard pile) *Once
in play, your MEDICAL-classification Holograms gain Exobiology *May
"stop" to place out-of-play any personnel present who has just died *Any
skill given him changes to an extra MEDICAL
Command icon, Original Enterprise icon, AU
Personnel, Non-Aligned
(important lore - Soong-type android)
-Does not work with -
Skill x2 *Treachery x3 *Cybernetics
Skill *Leadership
Lore's Fingernail *SD Off Switch *SD
Torture *Doubles all Crystalline Entities
and Rogue Borg Mercenaries in play *May replace
Data on any ship, placing Data in stasis while he gains
icon. Data may be revived by Off switch, exposing Lore (who may then be
beamed into space, where he floats until rescued). Data's Nemisis Icon
(if any) ignored while he's in stasis *May
report to any ship under the influence of Lore Returns *May
redirect any Crystalline Entity he encounters to any Colony in play *May
be seeded disabled as an Artifact and be reactivated by any personnel with
Cybernetics (even if
thrown out an Airlock, may relocate to Samaritan Snare or under any Make
Us Go in play *If made a Counterpart, Borg
may target any NA planet for Assimilate Homeworld
Rogue Borg in play have the extra skill of Treachery and may attempt missions
with Lore *Nullifies Chinese Finger Puzzle
where present *While in play, once per turn,
you may ignore the lore of one of your personnel
Command icon, Nemesis icon (against Dr. Soong
and Data)
15, STRENGTH: 15
Personnel, Klingon/Romulan
(important lore - matching commander: Cha'Joh; persona: Sisters of
-May not work with Klingons with Honor-
*OFFICER *Treachery
x2 *Greed x2 *Leadership
Espionage - Romulan on Klingon *SD
*Romulans present are CUNNING
and STRENGTH +1 *B'Etor may report here *May
report where Duras, Toral or Ja'rod present *May
nullify Arbiter of Succession where present *If
Arbiter of Succession played on Toral, doubles or steals points *Where
present, Toral is Attributes all +2 and Command icon *All
attributes -X/+X/+0 if present with Romulans or opponent's Klingons with
Treachery, where X=the number of Treachery present *May
work with any affiliation if present with only Treachery personnel of that
affiliation *Once per game, if ever your Treachery>opponent's
Honor present at same planet location, you may download to that location
one Disruptor or Disruptor Rifle *One special
skill per turn is shared by B'Etor if in play *Attributes
+2 if Duras in discard pile *May suspend any
one of Khan's skills each turn
Command icon
Troi, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
*Empathy x2 *Diplomacy
Skill x20 *Gains Leadership and MEDICAL if
Original Enterprise icon present *SD Wolf
Mr. Homn *If Holodeck present, may download
or nullify one Parallax Colony card per turn *Attributes
+2 if Ian Andrew Troi present
*If affected
by a Romance dilemma, targets 4 males at same spaceline location
may not be discarded if present *May expose
infiltrators at the end of any turn *May report
directly to USS Enterprise if Deanna Troi aboard *May
"stop" one Ferengi present *If Odo present,
immune to Romance and Love Interest dilemmas *May
coexist with Lwaxanna Troi *May cause Deanna
Troi to go berzerk where present for more than one full turn
(No icons)
Personnel, Klingon
(important lore - Chancellor; High Council member; matching commander:
IKC Negh'var, IKC Rotarran)
-Not Chancellor if Gowron in play-
*Honor x2 *Leadership
x2 *SD D'k Tahg *SD
Qapla'! *SD Treaty: Federation/Klingon *Your
ships at same location are each WEAPONS +2 (+3 if in Bajor region) *Ocular
Implants may play on him by sacrificing one level of Honor *STRENGTH
+2 vs. Jem'Hadar *While present, Gowron and
Worf have opposing Nemesis icons *You may
draw an additional Tactic card if aboard a ship involved un battle *Where
present, may kill any personnel (or nullify any dilemma) that "steals"
your equipment *If part of an attack that
destroys Central Command, may "drink" to victory, scoring 10 points and
removing all Honor on non-Klingon personnel for 3 full turns *If
a Chancellor, Worf counts as a Federation ambassador *May
"stop" any Kor present *For each ship destroyed
by Martok's, you may take one personnel from discard pile and place in
bonus point area where it is worth points equal to its INTEGRITY x level
of Honor *All members of House of Martok in
play are attributes +1 *While in play, Worf,
Alexander Rozhenko and Jadzia Dax are members of the House of Martok *May
expose Martok Founder from anywhere in play, except if captured *If
you have lost every single ship battle this game, Martok or Worf may attack
Gowron. If Gowron killed, all your ships are WEAPONS and SHIELDS +5
Command icon
Eddington, Personnel, Federation/Non-Aligned
(important lore - matching commander: universal Maquis Raider)
-Does not work with Cardassians-
*ENGINEER *Leadership
Skill *Biology
Skill *SD Security Sacrifice *While
infiltrating, may force ship he is on to decloak *May
"stop" any Odo present *If made captive, may
join any crew at opponent's matching outpost as infiltrator *STRENGTH
+2 against Cardassians and Benjamin Sisko *Attributes
doubled if owner is Canadian *Once per game,
you may pay other player one Canadian dollar (no paper money, no change)
for the use of any one of his or her artifacts in play for remainder of
game *If game takes place in the United States,
all mission point box values are halved (round up)
Command icon, Maquis icon, Federation infiltration
icon, Nemesis icon (against Benjamin Sisko)
O'Brien, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
*ENGINEER x2 *Transporter
Skill x3 *Miracle Worker *Navigation
Skill x2 *Physics
Near-Warp Transport *SD Pattern Enhancers
Engineering Kit *SD Engineering Tricorder
In *Attributes +1 for every other O'Brien
present *Benjamin Maxwell attributes +2 where
present *May repair any facility if present
unopposed for one full turn *A duplicate Miles
O'Brien may be played anywhere "from the future" with a [Countdown: 3]
icon *As long as he is present, may keep one
personnel with Youth from dying after becoming mortally wounded
doubled if with Julian Bashir
*If made captive,
you may download Rescue Captives in place of any card draw *May
move from any Site to any other Site without walking through intervening
*May beam personnel present to Time
*May beam your Non-Aligned personnel
present to top of discard pile or bottom of draw deck *Once
per game, may suspend the Dal'Rok's attacks for one full turn *On
Enterprise-D, may convert to OFFICER and Command icon
Staff icon, Original Enterprise icon, Orion Syndicate
infiltration icon, Klingon infiltration icon
Scott, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - matching commander: USS Jenolen, Type VII Shuttlecraft)
*ENGINEER x2 *Miracle
Worker *Transporter Skill *Physics
Skill *Navigation
may play Blended from hand on any Away Team present *May
infiltrate opponent's
ship and nullify its RANGE, beaming away to your own ship *May
be seeded under Explore Dyson Sphere even if no Alternate Universe Door
in play *If transporters present, may "deactivate"
all +5 aboard USS Enterprise, no bloody A, B, C, D or E *May
act as matching commander of USS Enterprise if Kirk on planet at same spaceline
*If Framed for Murder, one female
personnel present dies per turn until cured *While
in play, if opponent makes fun of any of your ships, you may request that
he or she "rephrase things". If they do not comply, you may immediately
initiate battle against any one opposing Away Team. If a ship has tractored
a Radioactive Garbage Scow during the game, you don't even need to ask
to initiate battle *Score 5 points if Kirk
or Spock die while present and take dead personnel back into hand *Reduces
the staffing of ship he is on by any one icon *Where
personnel may use Birds-of-Prey *Attributes
all -2 aboard any ship with total unmodified attributes>15 *If
killed while Alien Probe in play, may return to hand instead of going to
discard pile *If with Spock, once per turn
may force a ship at same location to decloak *May
download Asteroid Sanctuary if on any freighter *May
share Miracle Worker skill with any Command ENGINEER present *Once
per game, at start of any turn, you may announce ship he is on will receive
+1 bonus to all attributes. Ship gets bonus at start of next turn for rest
of that turn
Command icon, Orignal Enterprise icon, Excelsior
icon, AU icon
the Barber, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
-While in play, you only take one Tactic card
from Battle Bridge side-deck-
*Barbering x2 *SD
Mot's Advice *SD Mot's Advice (to any Riker
in play) *SD Mot's Advice (to any Worf in
play) *SD Barber Pole *If
MEDICAL present, may give one infiltration icon per turn to a personnel
present *May replace Jean-Luc Picard in any
capturing selection *While in play, you may
use Barber Pole as a side-deck, placing as many as 7 bladed hand weapons
or artifacts underneath. You may play one copy of Barber Pole from hand
to take any card there and immediately play it at Mot's location *Score
5 points every time any player plays Alien Groupie, Yridian Shuttle, Seize
Wesley, The Mask of Korgano or Howard Heirloom Candle *No
card with an Easter Egg may be played unless opponent has your consent
personnel battle, may stun his opponent if opponent has hair *Once
per game, you may ask opponent to prove the existence of any and all copies
of Subspace Schism in their deck, hand or side-decks *While
in play, Barbering is a requirement on Cloaked Mission *While
in play, you may answer any rules related question about this game *X
= Y *Y = Z *Z
= X
No icons
Homn, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
*Honor *Music
may report for free here *May nullify Empathic
Echo where present *Lwaxana Troi attributes
+2 where present *While in play, any player
that conducts unnecessary discussion loses 5 points per turn he or she
does so *STRENGTH -6 in personnel battles
follow any Empath being relocated from his location *May
report to Garak's Tailor Shop *When Koral
enters play, name an attribute. Compare his and Homn's number in that attribute.
Score difference *May nullify Blended where
present *If on Betazed, you may download one
Wolf per turn to any Empath in play *May open
any closed Doorway
(No icons)
Personnel, Non-Aligned/Federation
(important lore - matching commander: Neelix's Ship)
-Does not work with Jetrel-
*Cooking x3 *Navigation
Skill *Geology
(in Delta quadrant only) *X=3 OR 6 *All
personnel on same ship are INTEGRITY +1 *May
nullify Palukoo where present *Kes attributes
all +2 if present *Twice per game, if Kes
or Seven of Nine present, may survive being killed (only "stopped")
Wildman attributes all +3 where present
present with Tuvok, and this skill also present on that personnel, combine
all lore, classifications, restrictions, skills, attributes and icon into
a single personnel card *May battle any Away
Team which includes any Tom Paris, regardless of battle restrictions *Gains
if Holodeck AND Hirogen present *May "stop"
up to 4 Youth present *Suspends any attribute
minuses affecting Tuvok if present *Once in
play, opponent must reveal if they have seeded Sleeper Trap and where *May
nullify Strict Dress Code where present *Dr.
Farek may not be reported while in play *While
in play, if any player uses "cheese", that player's ships all attributes
-3 *If anyone asks why you have chosen to
include Neelix in your deck, immediately download up to 10 Parallax Arguers
to hand
Staff icon, Delta quadrant icon, Ferengi infiltration
Personnel, Federation/Ferengi
(important lore - waiter, partial persona of Jake and Nog)
*Physics *Honor
(if aboard your Defiant-class or
ship) *Biology *SECURITY
Type III Phaser Rifle *SD 6th Rule of Acquisition
report for free to Jake Sisko's location
may look at cards at adjacent site *If present
with Equipment, may switch it with another of your Equipment in play, switching
any or all other Equipment in play you own in the process
+1 if Vic Fontaine present *Jake Sisko is
attributes +2 where present *May report for
duty by replacing Common Thief just encountered *You
may convert his status from mortally wounded to stunned if Cybernetics
present *If all other matching personnel in
play have been discarded, may cat as matching commander of USS Defiant
prevent Vic Fontaine from being deactivated where present *Has
icon on USS Valiant *Varis Sul gains CIVILIAN
when present *You may play Isolinear Puzzle
on same ship as an Event and Garanian Bolites on personnel present as an
Interrupt *While with Jake, choose one site
on a Nor to become "their spot". Draw one extra card per turn while there
unless opposed by Odo *If a changeling in
play, may stop one Youth personnel here (all Youth here stopped if Odo
is present) *May nullify any card your opponent
has difficulty reading (either title or game text) unless they have Jake
Sisko in play *May not be assimilated unless
at least one Kazon personel is
Staff icon, Barash icon
Personnel, Bajoran/Dominion
(important lore - changeling)
-Does not use hand weapons-
x2 *Computer Skill x2 *Honor
x2 *Leadership *Music
(with any changeling present) *Cantankerousness
You Dirty Rat *SD Caught Red-Handed *When
Strike Three played on him, you may discard one opposing personnel
present *May "stop" any Quark present *May
use In the Bag to morph into Equipment (place interrupt back into hand)
for free at Security Office and Promenade Shops *May
report disabled to Denorios Belt
Odo's "Cousin" where present *May cure any
DNA-related dilemma affecting a changeling present (or all changelings
in play if at The Great Link) *May persona
switch with Berzerk Changeling, reverts to Odo only when dilemma is overcome
5 points when Mora Pol present, but attributes all -1 *Kira
Nerys is attributes +2 if in play *May pass
any door dilemma (dilemma not discarded) *Disables
Smuggling and Acquisition skills at any Site he is present *Cannot
be attacked by Dominion personnel *Stopped
every 16 turns *May work with *On
any turn, may replace all standard skills with ANIMAL *Quark
at same spaceline location is attributes +2 OR -2 *If
in hand, you may download The Walls Have Ears *Every
time Odo morphs, pay a fee of 2 points to your opponent. If action was
"worth it", get double your point back *If
present with any Neelix, both gain VIP
Command icon, Klingon infiltration icon, Dominion
infiltration icon, Nemesis icon (against Krajenski Founder)
>Pavel Chekov,
Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
*OFFICER *Navigation
nullify Hyper-Aging where present *Once per
game, may initiate personnel battle with
ignoring regular attack restrictions *Download
any Barbering personnel to this location at any time *If
Brainwashed, place Countdown:3 icon on Brainwash card *CUNNING
+2 if Hikaru Sulu present *Any Russian (or
adopted Russian) personnel is STRENGTH +2 while in play *May
place any Tribble present in stasis *If Tortured,
you may play Klingon Death Yell on him once per turn until Torture is discarded
per game, you may run into the street and ask for strategy advice from
passerby *Alien Parasites automatically affects
any away team Chekov is in, when encountered
in play, both players must refer to ships as "wessels". Any mistake incurs
a 5 point loss to the offending player (maximum -10 points per player)
4 Chekovs somehow in play, they all gain Music *All
equipment is a "Russian Inwention", any Russian may use *Empathy
x4 and Treachery x10 on any
Staff icon, Starship Enterprise icon, AU icon
(important lore - matching commander: Quark's Treasure; Persona: Quark
Son of Keldar; arms dealer, waiter)
*Acquisition x2 *Greed
Skill x2 *Smuggling
Skill *Resistance x½ *SD
Small Cloaking Device *SD Gold-Pressed Latinum
Quark's Bar *SD Dabo *SD
Recruit Mercenaries *SD Quark's Isolinear
Rods *Attributes +2 if Grilka, Natima Lang
or Pel present *Attributes become +3 if ever
affected by a Romance dilemma with any Dax *X
= 2 OR 7 *May nullify Fair Play once per game
girls may report to this location *May switch
to female and back at the start of any turn *May
work with any affiliation except Borg *May
nullify any Latinum card if opponent has D'Ghor in play *May
persona-switch with Letek and Bractor *May
nullify or double any of Morn's skills *May
download one TNG, one DS9 and one VOY marked card each game *Doubles
Lockbox where present *
personnel (except Jem'Hadar, Vorta and Founders) gain Acquisition while
present *Quark's Bar has a Holodeck *You
may redirect any dilemma affecting Ishka to Quark (except walls and filters)
in play, is only one who may acquire The Earring of Li Nalas *If
Obsidian Order in play, may kill Boheeka anywhere in play at the end of
your turn *If opponent has Martus Mazur in
play, the player with the most non-bonus points has 10 bonus points *May
play Ferengi Bug as an
Event *Doubles Hanok's Acquisition and special
download where present *May replace Batezoid
Gift Box before it is discarded (reporting to location of Artifact's acquistion)
remove Cloaking Device of any ship docked at same site *SD
The Line Must Be Draw Here
*May prevent any
Nog at same location from switching to
halve Baseball *One Youth present is INTEGRITY
-1 and CUNNING -3 *Not included in random
selections of any Empok Nor dilemma *If at
a time location with Youth present, is disabled by Computer Crash *May
"hear" (look at) any Away Teams at an adjacent site *Odo
is attributes -2 OR +2 where present *Physics
personnel are attributes +1 where present
Staff icon, Orb icon, Nemesis icon (against Brunt)
Barclay, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
-May beam only once per turn-
*Computer Skill *Physics
x½ *SD Plexing *SDEngineering
PADD *SD Goddess of Empathy *Doubles
Visit Cochrane Memorial *If Alien Probe in
play, is CUNNING +30 and gains Astrophysics x10, Stellar Cartography x10,
ENGINEER x5 and makes ship RANGE +12 and SHIELDS +6, but may not leave
ship *May download one
icon personnel pre turn if Holodeck present *Cytherians
doubled if aboard ship that encounters it *Once
per game, if in play, you may play one Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease
from hand to any ship *STRENGTH +2 if Holodeck
present *Immune to Spot's pouncing *May
report to USS Voyager as a
icon personnel *Attributes +2 if Geordi La
Forge present *If present when any disease-related
dilemma encountered, "stopped" whether dilemma overcome or not. *If
opponent has 60 points or more and you are still at 0 or less, you may
get "nervous" and download any number of cards from your draw deck to your
hand, discarding the same number from your hand.
Staff icon
Laren, Personnel, Federation/Bajoran/Non-Aligned
(important lore - none)
-Does not work with Cardassians-
*SECURITY *Navigation
x2 *Computer Skill *Treachery
Skill *Smuggling *SD
Dropping In *SD Parallax Arguers *May
nullify Renewal Scrolls OR Duranja once per game *If
Interphase Generator present, may avoid any Door or Entrance-related dilemma
+3 against *May
nullify any Espionnage: Cardassian on Federation where present *If
on a planet, Orta and Keeve Falor may report for duty here *Attributes
-2 if William T. Riker present, +2 if both are affected by Memory Wipe
killed, "stop" all Bajorans present *As a
valid response to an attack, may suspend battle to relocate any ships present
with Maquis aboard to adjacent location *Attributes
all +3 if Guinan present *Staff icon converts
to Command icon if affected by Memory Wipe *Shuttle
she is on has Long-Range Scan Shielding *Once
per game, may be exchanged for Kira Nerys from outside the game
Staff icon, Maquis icon
10, STRENGTH: 10
Personnel, Ferengi/Bajoran
(important lore - none)
-May not be used in a game against a player who
is your brother-
x½ *Law
Skill x2 *Leadership
Skill *Treachery *Resistance
Prisonner Exchange *May nullify Ferengi Ingenuity
where present *May throw Quark out an Airlock
first CUNNING value when in
mode, second value in
mode OR when a Nagus *Once per game, if Zek
present, may become a Nagus. Classification becomes VIP, Acquisition is
doubled and Staff icon is converted to Command icon *Attributes
all +2 if Ishka present *Where present,
Leeta may not be targeted by Female's Love Interest *Nog
may report where present *May nullfy or cloak
Anti-Matter Pod where present (cloaked Pods may not be nullified by any
means, but still damage ships at their location) *If
aboard docked Klingon ship, may steal (remove) its Cloaking Device *On
any turn, may suspend Greed on all your personnel present except Quark
Brunt *Gains 5 points on any turn when he
is at Quark's Bar and Quark isn't *If present
with two others of Quark's employees, may "block" entrance to Quark's Bar
gains Acquisition x½ if present
in Nagus mode, Quark's acquisition is doubled *When
time-traveling, species considered to be "Martian"
Staff icon
3/10, STRENGTH: 4
Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
*Navigation *SCIENCE
Skill *SD Any tricorder *Score
5 points each time your
personnel present use Treachery *Matching
commander of USS Enterprise (original) if Spock present *CUNNING
+2 if Spock present *If David Marcus dies
where present, you may not lose points until the end of your next turn
act as
one turn each game, but may not work with
male Vulcan with Youth present is all attributes +3 where present *May
report directly to any Oberth-class ship in play *If
all other personnel aboard same ship die in one turn, end simulation (game)
and start over *May persona-switch once per
game with Tallera *If present at Quark's Bar
with Morn, you may draw one extra card each turn
Staff icon, AU icon, Excelsior icon
Personnel, Federation
(important lore - Vulcan, ambassador)
-INTEGRITY -9 if Spock present (unless he has
died during game)-
*Diplomacy x4 *Mindmeld
Skill *Honor
Any Federation Treaty *SD Vulcan Mindmeld
Sakkath *SD Res-Q (if Spock is in discard
pile) *Jean-Luc Picard present suspends any
Bendii Syndrome here *One human female present
is attributes +2 *Score 5 points for every
different MEDICAL dilemma he encounters *While
in play, ambassadors from all affiliations may report to Office of the
President *May stun one Empathy personnel
present each turn *If present with Music,
you may cry (real tears please) at any time to play a free Event *Dip
card in water for an extra Diplomacy *May
act as or
for one turn each game
Command icon, Starship Enterprise icon, AU icon
Personnel, Romulan
(important lore - half human, half Romulan)
-May not be reported if Tasha Yar in play-
*OFFICER *Treachery
x2 *Youth *Leadership
Espionnage: Romulan on Klingon *SD Romulan
Ambush *SD T'Pau (to any spaceline location)
capture any opposing Away Team on Romulus if present *Pardek's
Treachery is doubled where present *Attributes
+2 if Tasha Yar-Alternate in play *Allows
Klingons with Treachery to work with Romulans at same spaceline location
per game, Taibak may download Brainwash to any Federation captive *Tal
Shiar personnel may report directly to her location *May
play on table as a Hidden Agenda and be revealed by relocating to any decloaking
ship *Your
personnel at same location gain the skill of Treachery *If
opponent did not use Tasha Yar in his or her Federation deck, you may force
that opponent to use her the next time you play together
Command icon, AU icon
Personnel, Cardassian/Non-Aligned/Bajoran/Federation
(important lore - none)
*Computer Skill x2 *Treachery
x3 *SECURITY *Transporter
Skill *Leadership x2 *Obsidian
Order *Resistance *Biology
Commandeer Ship (if aboard
ship) *If in play, Jal Cullah OR Chakotay
is all attributes +2 (the other one is all attributes -2; your choice)
report as
icon personnel at opponent's Holodeck *If
aboard a Kazon ship, all Kazon ships in play have transporters *Opponent
may only ask to look at this card if it is present at an Infirmiry *While
in play, you may prevent opponent from reporting T'Rul *Once
per game, if one player has Jal Culluh in play and the other has Chakotay,
you may suspend game to make phone survey lasting no more than 20 minutes
(both players may make calls) as to which of the two personnel is Seska's
baby's father. Personnel with the most votes is worth 20 points to its
Staff icon, Command icon, Maquis icon, Kazon-Nistrim
icon, Bajoran infiltration icon
Personnel, Federation
(important lore - Vulcan, matching commander: Galileo, USS Enterprise-A,
USS Enterprise Refit)
-If opposed at any Time Location, automatically
x3 *Mindmeld
Cartography *Leadership (if other Leadership
present) *ENGINEER *Honor
Skill x2 *Transporter Skill *Navigation
Vulcan Nerve Pinch *SD Vulcan Mindmeld *SD
Live Long and Prosper
*SD Long-Range Scan
Any other Scan *Protects Treaty: Federation/Klingon
from nullification *May be reported for free
in the very first turn *When first killed,
disabled instead. Bring to Vulcan to revive *Vulcan
females with Youth may report to his location *Christopher
Pike attributes +2 where present *If with
McCoy, you may play Parallax Arguers for any of its functions *May
nullify Theta-Radiation Poisoning OR Warp Core Breach at his location by
being discarded *May place any Kirk present
in stasis until end of turn *May report to
Romulus *Sela attributes -2 where present
you hit 70 points, if Spock returns to Vulcan, score 5 points and download
one female Vulcan personnel *May mindmeld
with opponent's personnel present *Once per
game, may transfer all CUNNING and standard skills to an Equipment card.
Body is placed in stasis during that time *May
cancel one battle per game unless James T. Kirk present *Klingon
ship he is on is WEAPONS +1 *If your opponent
just captured one of your personnel, cancel the capture and return personnel
to whatever ship of facility Spock is on *May
multiply any one numerical value in the game (except points) by a factor
of 10 per game *When he dies, may transfer
any three skills to another personnel present *Scores
2 points for each Vulcan/Romulan pair at the same location *When
on Romulus, begin countdown: 10. If countdown reaches 0, Romulans now count
as Vulcans and vice versa. Score 25 points *Once
in play, if any player proves to be a sore loser, other player automatically
Command icon, Original Enterprise icon, AU, Romulan
infiltration icon
18, STRENGTH: 10
Personnel, Neutral/Federation
(important lore - female cat)
*Empathy x½ *Diplomacy
x½ *Greed *SD
Data *At the start of every turn, may switch
sexes OR species (to differnt type of cat or iguana) *Has
9 lives ("stopped" when killed first 8 times) *Once
every turn, may "pounce" to disable until end of turn any one personnel
present (and herself) *May hide from a personnel
battle *Data's attributes all +2 where present
if with any Riker, Geordi or Worf *May disable
any Site's game text if present *May nullify
Drought Tree present and steal its points *May
kill one shape-shifter affected by You Dirty Rat or Flight of the Intruder
once per turn where present *May nullify Balancing
Act if in play
*Once per game, if you are
able, recite Data's "Ode to Spot" from memory to place all your opponent's
personnel in play in stasis
Enigma icon
Yar, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
Security Sacrifice *SD Rescue Captives *SD
Starfleet Type II Phaser
*May nullify Hunter
Gangs where present *Ishara Yar loses Treachery
where present *May remove any male android
from stasis where present *May be relocated
from Penalty Box to last ship she was on, but is in stasis until next Q-Flash
a 50% chance of killing any personnel targeted by a Romance dilemma with
her *When killed, gains the
icon, loses all but her standard skills and returns to your hand *If
Wartime Conditions or USS Enterprise-C in play, may be discarded to download
Sela *Attributes -2 with Guinan *If
placed out-of-play, may be brought back into play again at any location
with an
Command icon
Intendent, Personnel, Bajoran/Cardassian/Klingon
(important lore - infiltrator posing as Kira Nerys)
-Does not work with Resistance personnel-
*Treachery x20 *Leadership
x2 *Greed x2 *Diplomacy
Log confers bonuses to any Terok Nor with a Mirror icon she is aboard *If
aboard Terok
Nor, one opposing human personnel at that station's Ore Processing Unit
may be killed *One Ezri may report where present.
She is an unjoined Trill with the skill Smuggling and attributes +2 with
The Intendent *When escaping from captivity,
may kill one opposing personnel present *If
Torture used on her, you may download Rescue Captives *You
may play any Love Interest dilemma from hand to any personnel present.
It is "stopped" rather than relocated *Once
per game, you may dunk card in milk. This is considered to be "cool"
Command icon, AU icon, Mirror icon, Bajoran infiltration
Traveller, Personnel, Federation/Non-Aligned
(important lore - Persona: Lakanta)
*CIVILIAN *Navigation
x10 *Physics x20 *Honor
Skill *Miracle Worker *Empathy
Where No One Has Gone Before *SD Targ *SD
The Traveller: Transcendence *SD Distortion
of Space/Time Continuum *SD Alternate Universe
Door (may play on table for seed function) *SD
Jack Crusher *May report directly to any ship
OR Tau Alpha C *Once per game, may reverse
Static Warp Bubble for 3 turns (cards in discard pile return to hand) *Wesley
Crusher all attributes +4 where present *If
aboard your ship with Youth, allows ship to move from one spaceline location
to any other spaceline location (even in a different quadrant), then "phases
out" (returns to hand) *Ship he is on can
leave one end of the spaceline and enter other end *Where
present, you may play Thought Fire on opposing personnel as an Event card
nullify Maman Picard and Hunter Gangs where present *May
"fly" like a ship with RANGE equal to his INTEGRITY (does not die in space)
purposes of the 47th Rule of Acquisition, always the most badly-dressed
personnel atany location *Acts as an Android
when encountering dilemmas
Staff icon, AU icon
Personnel, Romulan
(important lore - matching commander: D'deridex)
*Diplomacy *Treachery
x½ *Stellar Cartography *SD
Any D'deridex *May rescue one captive per
game, relocating it to Pi or to Covert Rescue *Romulan
ships at his location are WEAPONS +2 against *SD
Romulan Ambush if at Nelvana III and use its game text on any ship *If
Anti-Time Anomaly on table, is matching commander of Terix *Any
action by Tomalak cool for purposes of Parallax Arguers *May
report with ship and minimal crew to any Neutral Zone location *VIP
and Law if
present *If
icon present, protects Treaty: Federation/Romulan from nullification *Diplomacy
and Honor doubled if on any space station
Command icon
10, STRENGTH: 10
Paris, Personnel, Federation
(important lore - matching commander: Delta Flyer)
*Navigation x3 *Stellar
Cartography *Astrophysics *Archeology
Skill *Anthropology
Skill *Treachery (may convert to Honor for
rest of game) *Honor (may convert to Treachery
for rest of game) *SD Delta Flyer *May
persona switch with Nick Locarno *Harry Kim
+2 STRENGTH where present
Artifacts immediately upon encountering them *Shuttle
he is aboard is RANGE +5 (3 turns per game) *Romance
dilemmas affect him for one less turn that normal *Where
present, B'Elanna Torres may work with
even in
nullify Ooby Dooby where present *Attributes
+2 at any Time Location *May stun one robot
or android present each turn *Every turn,
you may double one number on any Black Border Premiere card in play (only
multiply by 1.5 if not mint) *If black and
white movie currently showing on a television screen visible from here,
attributes all +2
Staff icon, Maquis icon, Non-Aligned infiltration
Ziyal, Personnel, Cardassian/Bajoran
(important lore - none)
*Youth *May
seed under Dozaria *Geology *VIP
if Dukat is at Central Command *Dukat is INTEGRITY
+3 if present *Kira Nerys may relocate to
her location if a personnel battle has just been initiated there *Where
present, suspends all attribute enhancements affecting Damar *Any
Garak present is attributes +2 *Unless Weyoun
present, may download Persistence of Memory OR Mona Lisa from Q's Tent
once per game *May only help staff Groumall
captured, opponent may play Process Ore on any one planet. She is relocated
there *If killed by anyone other than Dukat,
Dukat goes berzerk and is STRENGTH +3
report to Guest Quarters *Three copies may
be in play, if one was seeded on Dozaria, another is at Deep Space 9/Terok
Nor and the third on the Groumall
Staff icon
Personnel, Federation
(important lore - none)
*Music *Computer
Skill *Transporter Skill *Leadership
if Alien Probe in play *SD Hail *SD
Any Incoming Message *SD Guinan *SD
Tribble *May nullify any Subspace Interference *May
not be held captive for more than 3 turns *May
"stop" any Away Team of more than 4 personnel *When
any Away Team is stopped at same location, she must beam down to Away Team
(stopped also)
*On any turn she used Music,
all personnel present (or on same facility) are attributes +2 *STRENGTH
+5 in Mirror universe *May be relocated to
Vulcan once per game *If any player genuinely
falls from their chair during this game, that player's opponent may discard
any personnel in play
Staff icon, Command icon, Original Enterprise
icon, AU icon, Communication subcommand icon
Defiant, Ship, Federation
(important lore - matching commanders: Benjamin Sisko, Worf, Jadzia
Dax, Kira Nerys)
-May only carry shuttlepods and shrunken Runabouts-
*Cloaking Device *Tractor
Beam *SD Activate Tractor Beam *SD
Pod x10 *SD Weapons Locker
Wormhole Navigation Schematic *SD Rescue Personnel
Defiant Dedication Plaque
*SD Tactical Console
aboard may cooperate with *+2
WEAPONS against Dominion and Borg ships
+2 in Gamma Quadrant *Ship repaired after
one full turn without battling *Starfleet
personnel aboard are attributes +X, where X=0 and goes up by one after
every battle ship is involved in *May hide
from other ships at any location with Atmospheric Ionization *May
be used by
no other
personnel aboard *If not reported by the time
you reach 50 points, you may download it to Deep Space 9 or hand *May
beam personnel to and from Time Locations here *If
Odo present,
personnel may cooperate with
aboard *Once per turn, one of your personnel
in play may exist aboard as
destroyed at a planet location, its crew is relocated to a special Time
Location created especially for them *Once
per game, play Space-Time Portal to play a second Defiant. It is Non-Aligned,
and has no Cloaking Device *If SHIELDS drop
under WEAPONS, ship is damaged *SHIELDS -5
vs. any Tholian ship *May change border color
once per game *Attributes +3 if any Miles
aboard *Any Elim Garak aboard may work with
gains Resistance and is considered a dissident *If
ever destroyed by a Breen vessel, you may download USS Sao Paulo and report
it to any of its matching commanders. It is immune to Breen Dampening Field
fit inside ships with Tractor Beam if William T. Riker present unless Worf
aboard *If Benjamin Sisko, Kira Nerys, Odo,
Dax, Miles O'Brien, Julian Bashir and Worf aboard, no ships may dock with
Deep Space 9, nor can the station be attacked or affected by any cards
12, SHIELDS: 13
Enterprise, Ship, Federation
(important lore - matching commanders: Christopher Pike, James T. Kirk,
CONSTITUTION CLASS [1 Starship Enterprise icon,
1 Staff]
-Once per game, opponent may nullify ship's RANGE
and any of its game text by reciting Lincoln's entire Gettysburg Address-
*Tractor Beam *SCIENCE
Weapons Locker *SD USS Galileo *SD
Auto-Destruct Sequence (if during opponent's turn, all opposing ships must
move away, then you may nullify Interrupt) *X=3
if no ships from other time periods in play *X=9
if any Kelvan aboard
*Transporter Skill aboard
may beam personnel to Mirror spaceline *Opponent's
infiltrator here may download Dial Martok for Murder, but it disables only,
unless target is VIP *Score 5 points every
time ship is commandeered (-5 if commandeering personnel has Music) *May
time travel at will if 2 SCIENCE aboard *May
attack landed ships *Isolinear Puzzle is nullified
here *Commandeered
ships are SHIELDS -6 against this ship *WEAPONS
+3 vs
take from discard pile if a Vulcan died previously on this ship *May
disappear from play for thirty years, returning with +1 to attributes *Counts
as female for dilemma and mission requirements *At
the beginning of any turn, you may download up to 2 personnel dressed in
red here. They die at then end of the turn
Enterprise-D, Ship, Federation
(important lore - matching commanders: Jean-Luc Picard, Edward Jellico)
GALAXY CLASS [1 Command, 2 Staff]
*Holodeck *Tractor
Beam *May report at Reunion *SD
Nutational Shields *SD Saucer Separation *SD
Destroy Radioactive Garbage Scow *SD Lower
Decks *Attributes all +2 if USS Yamato present
and Type VII Shuttle may report aboard *Cloaking
Device if Eric Pressman aboard and Pegasus Search solved *May
be swapped with USS Enterprise-E OR Future Enterprise once per game *Any
personnel with Enterprise-E icon (plus Worf) may act as matching commander
if neither matching commanders from lore are present *May
nullify Make Us Go where present *All Federation
ships in same Quadrant are attributes +1 *Once
per game, may relocate to another Quadrant and back *Any
number of copies may coexist at Fissure Research *May
disable a ship's WEAPONS instead of damaging it *When
Masks is played, you may download one Artifact to ship. Opponent may bring
up to two Dilemmas here (planet, space or space/planet). If your crew overcomes
them, you may acquire the Artifact. *CUNNING:
8 *WEAPONS -2 if Worf aboard
9, SHIELDS: 12
Enterprise-E, Ship, Federation/Borg
(important lore - matching commanders: Jean-Luc Picard, Morgan Bateson,
Borg Queen)
SOVEREIGN CLASS [2 Enterprise-E, 1 Staff]
-May not battle
under any circumstances except retaliating-
*Tractor Beam *Holodeck
Temporal Wake *SD Temporal Vortex (if that
card has been used by your opponent) *SD The
Big Picture *SD Build Interplexing Beacon
Wall of Ships *If Abandon Ship encountered,
immediately download Emergency Evacuation *May
gain benefits of matching commander if they are at current location, but
not aboard ship *Once in play, replace all
cards with their
icon personae (if in play), all other personae may not enter play *May
report at Patrol Neutral Zone *RANGE +5 if
Borg are in Earth region *+3 WEAPONS and SHIELDS
vs. Borg *In
mode, one personnel aboard is assimilated every turn and Borg personnel
may report aboard *If Borg intruders on board,
Jean-Luc Picard cannot leave *You may nullify
Auto-Destruct Sequence played on this ship *If
any player mentions how cool the ship's joystick is, they immediately lose
game *WEAPONS +3 at any nebula *
Worf may relocate aboard from any location *If
ever discarded or taken back into hand, cannot be re-reported until two
full turns have passed, then 3, then 4, etc.
10, SHIELDS: 13
Voyager, Ship, Federation
(important lore - matching commanders: Kathryn Janeway, Jal Culluh)
INTREPID CLASS [1 Command, 1 Staff]
*Tractor Beam *Holodeck
Skill *Stellar Cartography *Once
per turn, may land or take off *SD E.M.H.
entering play, both player may play up to 20 universal missions in Delta
Quadrant *Once per game, may move from Badlands
Region to Delta Quadrant using 1 RANGE
use Borg Tactic cards *May nullify Tetryon
Field where present *Once per turn, you may
report one shuttle aboard for free *Opponent's
personnel may report aboard *You may report
a second copy to same location, but with a Countdown: 3 icon *
icon personnel may cooperate with crew regardless of restrictions *If
2 ENGINEER aboard, may repair itself in one full turn by remaining unstopped
beam personnel from a Time Location present
mission you solve adds +1 to RANGE
*Only stopped
by Warp Core Breach *May extend hald its SHIELDS
around a ship present *You may report
personnel here if Kathryn Janeway on board, they mix and cooperate *Naomi
Wildman reports for free here *Loses 2 points
for each time traveling to and from a Time Location *SD
Treaty: Federation/Borg *If open AU door in
play, WEAPONS and SHIELDS +10 and, once per game, you may download up to
four borg drones with classifications as
you are losing by more than 70 points, download any personnel card from
outside the game *If you have a cold, attributes
all -2 *If it's suddenly Christmas, place
on tree and end game. Player with the most points opens presents first
other turn, has an
8, SHIELDS: 12
Personnel, Non-Aligned/Federation
(important lore - none)
-If Jean-Luc Picard in play, she is "stopped"
if you say her name-
*SCIENCE *Archeology
x2 *Treachery *Anthropology
per turn, may nullify Q2 OR "stop" Katherine Pulaski present *May
be stocked in draw deck, Q's Tent or Q-Continuum *May
sell (discard) your Artifacts present for 5 points each *Reports
to Risa for free *When His Honor, the High
Sheriff of Nottingham is revealed where present, she may be relocated to
Gamma quadrant *For every
location she has "visited" (beamed down and stayed for the rest of a turn),
score 5 points. Lose them all if she ever scores points at a Colony *Jean-Luc
Picard is STRENGTH +2 where present (except aboard a ship) *Ferengi
present are CUNNING -2 *May use opponent's
Horga'hn *Once per game, you may double Q
dilemma encountered by opponent *STRENGTH
+1 vs.
personnel *Cards rumored to be in an Enhanced
Q-Continuum product may play directly from hand here
Crusher, Personnel, Federation/Non-Aligned
(important lore - none)
Cartography *Geology
x2 *Navigation
Skill *Honor if Jean-Luc Picard present *Leadership
at mission location requiering Geology *SD
The Traveller *SD Subspace Warp Bubble *While
in play, you may play Nanites from hand *If
The Traveller in play, may fly like a ship (may not carry personnel aboard
or be attacked by other ships, but is affected by cards that affect space
travel and may land) *May nullify any one
space dilemma faced by the USS Enterprise per turn *Beverly
Crusher +2 STRENGTH where present *Return
ship targeted by Traveller (from the Away Team) to original location *Where
present, may keep any Picard from dying from being mortally wounded *Nick
Locarno may work with Federation while in play *Always
selected last by Katarian Game *The Traveller
attributes +4 if present *Attributes doubled
if Salia present *May use Tractor Beam to
hurl ships to adjacent spaceline location *May
steal Plasmadyne Relay at same location *If
killed by Punishment Zone, download Ooby Dooby and play from hand on your
Away Team
Staff icon
Personnel, Dominion
(important lore - Vorta; matching commander: Weyoun's Warship)
-May not attack changelings-
*Diplomacy x2 *Leadership
x2 *Law
Ketracel White *SD Establish Dominion Foothold
Treaty: Cardassian/Dominion
*His Warship may
benefit from two matching commanders while aboard *If
with Jem'Hadar, may close one Iconian Gateway present *When
killed, returns to your outpost minus last skill on the list (cumulative)
except this one *Founder Leader may report
here *While in play, you control opponent's
Damar *Becomes universal if any Weyoun alone
with Odo *May kill himself at any time *Dominion
ships present WEAPONS +2 versus ,
nullify any bluff *If on commandeered Nor, you may suspend play at any
time to relocate all your personnel there to your ships present and move
those ships up to the limit of their RANGE *When
in play, owner loses no points from Mona Lisa *Dukat's
attributes -2 while in play *FCA x½
Command icon, Gamma Quadrant icon
T. Riker, Personnel, Federation/Klingon
(important lore - none)
*Leadership x2 *Navigation
x1/2 if Deanna Troi present *SD Anti-Matter
Spread *SD Magnetic North *SD
Off Switch *For every Love Interest or Romance
dilemma that targets him, score 5 points *May
cure Frame of Mind affecting him after 3 full turns *You
may download Thomas Riker to any location this Riker has just beamed from
considered female when present *May act as
matching commander of USS Enterprise and USS Enterprise-E during battles
Q-Continuum in play, once per game, you may play any
icon event or Interrupt from hand (except those with point boxes) *If
present on a ship with its matching commander, that commander is attributes
+2 and may not be forcibly beamed to a planet *Nullifies Matriarchal Society
where present *+2 STRENGTH against other Rikers *Counts
as a Trill with symbiont one turn per game *Once
per game, you may bluff about one Interrupt played. If bluff is called,
interrupt either discarded (you bluffed) or played and taken back into
hand (you told the truth) *If phaser present
in away team, once per game, may "convince" one opposing Non-Aligned personnel
present to join your Away Team (use as your own) for rest of the game *When
your unique ship reports to outpost, may become matching commander of that
ship. Scores 5 points if he refuses *Once
per game, when your opponent has 10 or more cards in his discard pile,
look through all the cards in that discard pile. If you can successfully
name all the episodes or films their images came from, score 25 points.
If you can't, Riker disabled until 2 MEDICAL and Empathy present
Command icon, Enterprise-E icon, Non-Aligned
infiltration icon, Barash icon
Personnel, Bajoran
(important lore - Vedek and Kai)
*Treachery x2 *Diplomacy
x2 *Greed
Skill *Archeology
(if The Emissary in play) *SD Any Bajoran
Treaty *SD Any Prylar or Vedek
any Orb Experiences played at her location *If
on Deep Space 9 with Bareil Antos, you may download any Non-Aligned personnel
which must immediately attack Bareil *May
"stop" one Keiko present *May convert any
Bajoran Treaty in play into a Treaty with the Cardassians *Kira
Nerys and Benjamin Sisko are INTEGRITY -2 if present *While
in play, Bajoran Wormhole card called Temple of the Prophets and only affected
by cards mentioning that exact title *If ever
stopped, you may report Shakaar Edon to Chamber of Ministers as a minister
present with Dukat, Parallax Arguers may not be played *Dukat
may report here for free as an infiltrator *If
Dukat present or Bajoran Civil War in play, her Treachery is doubled *If
present at any location where Alien Labyrinth or Hidden Entrance was uncovered,
you may play Firestorm here from hand. It does not affect Winn *Once
per turn, you may play Frigid from hand on any personnel present *While
in play, back-handed compliments are permitted by gaming etiquette, even
in tournaments
Command icon, Pah-wraith icon (AKA Reverse Orb
Personnel, Federation/Klingon
(important lore - matching commander: USS Defiant)
-Does not work with Romulans or House of Duras-
x3 (x2 if any Rozhenko present) *Navigation
x½ *SD I Am Not a Merry Man! *SD
Assimilate This!
*SD Hail *SD
Klingon Right of Vengence *SD Honor Challenge
Klingon Death Yell *SD Qapla'! *SD
Bat'leth *SD Targ if Where No One Has Gone
Before is in play *Discard opponent's K'chiQ
at same location *SD Treaty: Federation/Klingon
nullify any Treaty: Federation/Klingon
with Gowron on Bortas, its WEAPONS and SHIELDS are +3 *Deep
Space 9's WEAPONS +3 if aboard *Attributes
all +2 if Jadzia Dax in play *Alexander Rozhenko
may report where present *Discommendation
played on him also affects Kurn and Alexander *Attributes
doubled if Kahless present *Once per game,
may recover from mortally wounded status *May
make use of Android Headlock *+2 STRENGTH
against Jem'Hadar
*Always pairs with Spot
if present *Sito Jaxa unique and attributes
+2 where present *Once per game, if on Gault,
may kill one Youth present *
icon may be used to solve missions and pass dilemmas, but Worf does not
need an AU doorway to come into play *May
stop Odo on first turn present *Any Arbiter
of Succession played on him may be redirected to any other Klingon present
at any time *Use first STRENGTH value when
on Enterprise-D or as part of its Away Team, third value if on DS9, USS
Defiant or part of its Away Team, and middle value at all other times
Command icon, Enterprise-E icon, AU, Nemesis
icon (against Duras)
8, STRENGTH: 6/10/15
Cochrane, Personnel, Non-Aligned
(important lore - matching commander: Phoenix)
*ENGINEER *Navigation
Skill *Astrophysics
x½ *Greed
Montana Missile Complex, relocating him there *Lily
Sloane may report to this location
*May play
Visit Cochrane Memorial on same planet *All
ships in play are RANGE +1 *May "stop" to
nullify Blended *May force Vulcan Lander to
land at this location *If Lily Sloane present,
his attributes are +2 *Any ENGINEER present
is attributes +2 but loses last listed skill *Scores
5 points if encounters Ooby Dooby *Magic Carpet
Ride OCD and Zefram Cochrane's Telescope may play from hand to his location
(need not be acquired) *If affected by Male's
Love Interest, you may download Calamarain, Subspace Warp Rift, Energy
Vortex or Temporal Rift
Command icon, OCD icon, AU
Personnel, Ferengi
(important lore - Nagus)
*Acquisition x5 *Greed
x3 *Computer Skill *Leadership
x2 *Diplomacy *Law
Latinum Payoff *SD Any Ferengi objective *Maihar'du
may report where present *Attributes all +3
if Ishka present *If in play, may confer Nagus
status to Quark or Rom by going back to your hand *May
place any FCA personnel in stasis where present *Once
per game, may look at any one Dominion player's Hidden Agenda *After
going through Bajoran Wormhole the first time, replaces Greed x3 with Honor
x3 and thereafter suspends all Rules of Acquisition (nullify by going back
through Wormhole) *May not be attacked by
Ferengi in personnel battle *Onde per game,
may sell any Artifact in your posession to opponent for 20 points (opponent
may not refuse) *May report anywhere Quark
is present *May redirect any dilemma for which
he has just been randomly selected to Quark, Rom or Nog present
*May "forget" any one of his skills each turn
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