(The Star Trek projects)
Welcome to the many Star Trek: Customizable Card Game projects I have undertaken over the last few years. From this space, you can navigate a slew of articles, and thousands of dream cards I was involved with. These have all been abandonned after, for some of them, as many as 7 years. You can still set a heading (click a link) and engage...
Rolodex My main claim to fame on Decipher's
BBS was a series of daily articles ultimately rating every card in the game
by its Picture, Lore, Trek Sense and Usefulness. Archived weekly. One project I
was trying to complete parallel to the Rolodex is Where's
That Picture From? which lists from what episode each picture comes
from. Both ended in Fall of 2005.
cards created using the Star Trek Encyclopedia destined to supply a card
for every entry in the book! Currently stopped in the M's, the site has new card
types, a rarity chart for each "expansion" and cool card statistics.
Cards that could never be printed because they have too much game text,
these are extremely complete and overpowered versions of all your favorite
Star Trek characters from all series. Take with a grain of salt. ;-)
Kai's Revised Premiere A great project
by The Kai which I have offered to host in which he goes through all the
cards in the Premiere set and redesigns them to bring them in tune with
today's playing environment. Not updated in a while, The Kai being as
incommunicado as myself.
cards A card type I experimented with
a while back which produced story-telling cards for every episode. Unfinished, I created one every once and a
while for about a year.
Siskoid By Any Other Name Still hosted
by Captain Targ's Outpost, these articles look at the bridge crew personnel
and try to list every possible "-oid", or version of the character, in
order to guess at future AU personnel or personae in the game. Got through
TNG and DS9.
A project that grew out of it somewhat is An
Episodeful of Personae which creates versions
of each member of the regular cast of DS9 as they appeared in each distinct
episode (unless they didn't appear at all). Only the ones from the opening
credits, but that's still about 1200 personnel cards.
for the Wars Every day for a few months, on the Star Trek
Dream Card BBS, I posted a Star Wars card title. YOUR job was to offer Star
Trek dream cards for those titles. Each day's best won a space on the
following web page. On hold just like the rest of the STCCG projects.