Dream Cards AtoZ
The Encyclopedia of Dreams

    Welcome to one of the many projects I will never finish. Let me introduce myself: They call me Siskoid and I'm a bit crazy around the edges. This site takes the Star Trek Encyclopedia and attempts to create a ST:CCG dream card for every entry. Entries related to the Original Series and 7 first movies are excluded. It's gonna be a rough trip!
    A few notes: All the cards are in alphabetical order according to the entry they spawn from, not according to their actual card title which may vary from it. Once you click on a letter, your browser will send you to the first 50 entries starting with that letter. From there, you can go to the next 50 and so on. Entries for which there are already cards are simply linked to Decipher's already excellent work. Cards mentioned within game text will only be linked to the appropriate page if 1) they are part of the AtoZ expansion (not from Decipher) and 2) they have been created. Now includes Enhanced expansions from the new Encyclopedia's 128 extra pages. Simply click the AtoZ icon next to the expansion letter. Rate: 1 for every 5 regular AtoZ entries.
    Also, 4 new card types have had to be made to work with the Encyclopedia, as well as some new icons. They are explained below.



Updated through: M [215]: Menuhin, Yehudi (12/12/02)
NEW!!! - Enhanced G up to G+ [60]: gyrodyne (12/12/02)

Go to most recent cards!
Cards statistics
Card List and Rarity Chart for A + Virtual packs
Card List and Rarity Chart for Enhanced A
Card List and Rarity Chart for B + Virtual packs
Card List and Rarity Chart for Enhanced B
Card List and Rarity Chart for C
Card List and Rarity Chart for Enhanced C
Card List and Rarity Chart for D
Card List and Rarity Chart for Enhanced D
Card List and Rarity Chart for E
Card List and Rarity Chart for Enhanced E
Card List and Rarity Chart for F
Card List and Rarity Chart for G
Card List and Rarity Chart for H
Card List and Rarity Chart for I
Card List and Rarity Chart for J

New card types:

Food cards are something the Encyclopedia forces me to invent (looooooots of entries). They work like such: They may report to any Mess Hall, Quark's Bar, Ten-Forward or Replimat for free as long as personnel are there to upkeep them. You can never have more than one Food card per personnel present at that site. When personnel leave, choose an equal amount of Food cards to return to your hand.

Program cards (with a holo icon in the corner) are my own invention and are to be played like Events on any ship or site with Holodecks or Holosuites. Only one such program may be active per Holodeck at any one time. If you play a Program where one already exists, the other is discarded. The terms Program and Holoprogram in game text are not interchangeable.

The Holodeck-only icon will be found on holo-personae, that is to say personae of flesh-and-blood personnel that have alter egos on the holodeck. The presence of the icon means that those personnel cannot report or be persona-switched unless a Holodeck is present. (Sorry, Holo-Projectors do not count.) This does not prevent those personnel from leaving the holodeck.

Mind Locations. This is an idea I thought up while I was doing the A Siskoid By Any Other Name articles, though I've only just now developped its workings. The idea came up when I was discussing various AU possibilities that sprang from worlds inside characters' heads, like Data's, Bashir's, Lwaxana's, Odo's, etc. It plays just like a Time Location with two major differences: it plays on specific personnel rather than spaceline locations; and you can't time-travel there. Other than that, personnel may exist there (or even be native to the Location). The card is played on a personnel mentioned by the card. That personnel is automatically disabled in the real world (where it still exists), but present at the Mind Location active and unstopped. Personnel with Empathy or Mindmeld may travel to and from a Mind Location if present. They also become disabled in the real world but remain active at the Mind Location. Personnel killed here are always dead for real. If the personnel on which the Mind Location is played dies, all personnel present snap back to reality "stopped". Same thing happens if the personnel is separated from host personnel.

Fleet cards. If a Ship card is a container of Personnel and Equipment, then a Fleet is a container of Ships. It reports to a facility just like a ship does (as your regular card play) and may contain only the ships listed on it. The Fleet may move (with all ships in it) at the listed RANGE  no matter what each ship's particular RANGE is. It may move as soon as it has at least one ship inside. Once underway, the ships listed can report directly to it, but not in any number. If only one Miranda is listed, you may only report/contain one even if the ship is universal. Ships may also join the Fleet later. Joining or leaving a Fleet is considered an action just like docking/undocking. A ship must leave a Fleet in order to attempt a mission, scout, dock with a facility or beam personnel to a planet location. A ship may leave after the Fleet has expended its entire RANGE, using its own leftover RANGE (Fleet's RANGE - ship's RANGE) if any to move away.

A few words about Ship Sites. Ship Sites can be played just like Nor Sites during the seeding phase. Since no ships exist yet, they are simply played on the table. When a ship reports for duty, you may play any or all of your seeded Sites to it. You can also play compatible Sites to a ship from your hand as your normal card play. The term Starship has been adopted to mean any ship with staffing icons. Shuttles, Runabouts, Freighters and Scout Ships are not Starships. Neither are Gomtuu and the Vulcan Lander who require special staffing not expressed as icons. It has been ruled that the Phoenix is not a Starship. Starships are divided into the following sections: Bridge-Saucer section or Forward section-Engineering section.

The Pah-Wraith icon is a reverse Orb icon. It figures on personnel who have had Pah-Wraith experiences like Dukat and Winn.

The Fluidic Space icon will turn up on Species 8472 personnel, as I'm taking my lead from fellow Dream card weaver, Aramanac. 8472 personnel will only be reportable to Fluidic Space. The staffing icon for their Bio-Ships will look like this: . Thanks to Aranamac for the ideas and his friend Chris Hughes for the use of the icons.

Q-icon personnel must be stocked in the Q-Continuum side-deck and all follow the following rules: They immediately report to opponent's side of the table (from the point of view of the player encountering the Q-Flash) anywhere, where they are played as opponent's own until any Q-Flash (usually). They may not be killed, disabled, placed in stasis or captured except by an opposing Q-Personnel (they are always "stopped" instead). If the Q-Personnel has a persona listed (such as Q for Mortal Q), the "immediately reports" clause makes it impossible to switch personae again and keep the Q-Personnel in hand until AFTER a Q-Flash and re-report him. They must always be "immediately played", so are always in play.

The SF (Science Fiction) icon is something not unlike the Rules of Acquisition icon, which I've developped for the various SF authors mentioned in the Encyclopedia's addendum. Here, we'll find not only the real SF authors of the 40s and 50s, but also the ones from Sisko's "dream". The cards abilities will be related to the specific author's works or themes.

And this is the AtoZ expansion icon: a picture of Mister Atoz from the classic Star Trek episode "All Our Yesterdays". Remember him? You get these cards into play using Aunt Adele's Home Remedies doorway (optional).

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Contact me if you wanna talk about any of these :-)

Star Trek TM Paramount Pictures; Star Trek: Customizable Card Game TM Decipher Inc.