[1] B'aht Qul challenge
[2] B'Etor
[3] B'hala
[4] B'iJik
[5] B'Nar
[1] B'aht Qul Challenge, Dilemma, space/planet
"Traditional Klingon game of strength in which one contestant holds
both arms forward, while the other places his or her arms between the first,
wrists touching. The first contestant attempts to press the arms together,
while the second attempts to force them apart."
-Target two highest STRENGTH personnel (random selection if tie). Compare
their STRENGTHs. Lowest of the two is stopped (both if tie).
[2] Already exists as B'Etor.
[3]B'hala, Event
"Legendary ancient city on planet bajor that disappeared some 20,000
years ago. Bajoran archeologists searched for it for millennia until the
Emissary uncovered its ruins."
-Play on Bajor if no facility there. Once per turn, you may report
one Bajoran VIP here. While in play, Artifacts you play as Event cards
play for free. Discard if any facility ever built here.
Now exists as The
City of B'hala.
[4] Already exists as B'iJik.
[5] B'Nar, Event, Countdown: 4
"Talarian mourning ritual. A rhythmic high-pitched wail expressed for
hours at a time. The Talarian boys rescued by the Enterprise-D in 2367
made the B'Nar in protest for being held aboard."
-Plays on table. While in play, no cards may come out of either discard
pile. (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.)
[1] All STRENGTH determinations are made
after modifiers.
[2] n/a
[3] Like the Rommies' Apnex
Sea except for the Bajorans.
[4] n/a
[5] No Res-Qs, no Palor Toffs, no Are
These Truly Your Friends, Brother, no Regenerate, et al. The discard piles
are locked tight during the countdown.
[6] B'rel-class bird-of-prey
[7] B'tardat
[8] B'Zal
[9] B-Type warbird
[10] Ba'el
[6] B'rel, Ship, Klingon,
"Small Klingon bird-of-prey with a crew of about a dozen, commonly
used as a scout ship."
-B'rel Scout Class[] May not be carried aboard birds-of-prey; Cloaking
Now exists as B'rel.
[7] B'tardat, Personnel, Non-Aligned
"Science minister on planet Kaelon II. In 2367, initiated hostile action
against the Enterprise-D when Dr. Timicin requested asylum aboard the ship
in defiance of his planet's laws."
-SCIENCE, VIP, Law; May place one personnel present with him on Kaelon
II in stasis;
[8]B'Zal Signal, Interrupt
"Ferengi signal code using alternating patterns of light and dark to
transmit simple text messages. in 2370, Bok exloded a probe near the Enterprise-D,
which created a series of light patterns that translated as 'My revenge
is at hand'."
-Play to transfer any or all cards played on your ship with Ferengi
aboard to another of your ships with Ferengi aboard.
[9] Exists as regular D'deridex.
[10] Exists as Ba'el.
[6] Based on the Cha'Joh. It can be carried
about Voo'dieh and Vor'Cha class ships however.
[7] If B'tardat ever leaves the personnel
in stasis, it is cured of that stasis.
[8] Transferrable cards include Baryon
Buildup, Activate Tractor Beam, Incoming Message and Tsiolkovsky Infection.
It does not transfer Personnel or Equipment aboard a ship.
[9] n/a
[10] n/a
[11] Balt'masor Syndrome
[12] baakonite
[13] Babel Conference
[14] "Babel"
[15] baccarat
[11] Balt'masor Syndrome, Dilemma, space/planet
"Disease suffered from by Klingon exobiologist J'Ddan. he required
regular treatments given by injection for the condition."
-Place on one personnel present (random selection). If at the end of
each of your turns, no MEDICAL is present with that personnel, it dies.
[12] Baakonite, Event
"Type of metal from which the blades of modern bat'leth swords are
-Plays on any Ore Processing Unit. At the start of each of your turns,
you may download any number of Klingon hand weapons (except disruptors)
to that site.
[13] Sarek Said, Interrupt
"Vulcan ambassador Sarek was a man of great influence. His opinion
weighed so much that he is credited with the Coridan admission which passed
on his recommendation."
-Place on any Treaty to protect it from nullification. OR Nullify Hate
Crime. OR Download Vulcan Mindmeld.
[14] Babel, Dilemma, space/planet, Countdown: 2
"On Stardate 46423.7, a virus infected the population of station Deep
Space 9, making everyone unable to speak coherently. A breakdown of the
universal translator could have a similar effect."
-Unless Law OR Diplomacy x3 present, personnel of different species
may not work together.
[15] Baccarat, Dilemma, planet, ± 7 points,
"Old Earth gambling game in which winnings were decided by comparing
cards held by the banker with those held by the players. Julian Bashir's
secret agent holosuite character was an exceptional player."
-Both players must show their hands. The player with the most Objective
cards in hand scores points. If tie, player with the most Event cards scores
points. If tie, the most Interrupt cards. If tie again, both players lose
[11] A MEDICAL personnel cannot count
as MEDICAL present for itself.
[12] "Except disruptors" includes Klingon
Disruptor and Klingon Disruptor Rifle.
[13] The only TNG reference to the Babel
Conference in the Encyclopedia is from "Sarek", to the effect that Sarek
spoke in favor of the Coridan admission and is credited with passage of
the measure.
[14] This splits an away team or crew
into multiple away teams and crews until the countdown expires. Split Away
teams must continue the mission attempt seperately. One of the mini-crews
must be able to staff the ship by itself for it to move.
[15] n/a
[16] bacillus spray
[17] Badar N'D'D
[18] Badlands
[19] BaH
[20] bahgol
[16] Pesticide, Event
"In an alternate future, Jean-Luc Picard used a bacillus spray, an
organic pesticide whose major component is one of a number of rod-shaped
bacteria that poisons parasites, on his prize-winning vineyard."
-Plays on any non-dilemma card with a point box to protect that card
from nullification OR on Drought Tree to double its points. (Not cumulative.)
[17] Badar N'D'D, Personnel, Non-Aligned
"Male Antican. Chief delegate of the Antican contingent to the Parliament
Conference of 2364. Fond of Selay flesh."
-VIP, Cooking; When present at a Food harboring site, may use one Personnel
card as a Food card
[18] Exists as Study Badlands.
[19] BaH!, Interrupt
"Klingon term for 'Fire', as ni the command to fire weapons."
-Plays on a cloaked
ship. It decloaks and fires upon any ship present or flying by, suspending
that ship's movement.
[20] Bahgol, Food
"Beverage, best served warm. Kor, Kang, Koloth and Curzon dax once
drank bahgol at the Korvat colony."
-While in play, your Klingons all INTEGRITY +1. Kor, Kang, Koloth and
Dax are INTEGRITY +2.
[16] Even Altonian Brain Teaser will not
affect a Particle Fountain protected thus. Note that you can either protect
Drought Tree from nullification OR double its points. Not both.
[17] Food harboring sites include Quark's
Bar, Replimat, Ten-Forward and Mess Hall. This Personnel allows you to
"upkeep" a personnel just like a Food card, that is: reporting that card
directly to the site and replacing it in hand at any time or when Badar
N'D'D leaves the site. I would reserve this honor to personnel boosters.
Did you know this was Marc Alaimo's (Dukat) first Star Trek role? Fuuuuuuuuuunnnnny!
[18] n/a
[19] It cannot be played on a Klingon
ship just to kae it decloak - there must be a ship to fire on present.
A passing ship may retaliate and continue its movement after the attack.
[20] Kor, Kang, Koloth are not INTEGRITY
+3 total.
[21] Bahrat
[22] Bajor (mirror)
[23] Bajor VIII
[24] Bajor
[25] Bajoran assault vessel
[21] Bahrat, Personnel, Non-Aligned,
"Manager of the Nekrit Supply Depot on the norder of the Nekrit Expanse.
Obsessive about law and order. Demanded a 20 percent commission for trading
on his station."
-VIP, Law x2, Greed; While on table, you score 1 extra point for every
5 points you score normally; Nekrit Supply Depot is SHIELDS +6 while aboard;
[22]Extract Records,
Mission, planet, Non-Aligned,
Bajor (mirror): Rescue important documents from the time of the Terran
icons + Treachery x3 + Computer Skill
-Span: 4; 35 points
exists as Disrupt
[23] Observe Illegal Trade, Mission, planet, Bajoran
Bajor Region*Bajor VIII: Conduct surveillance on Bajoran insurgents
bent on purchasing illegal explosives from Klingon outcasts from this remote
-Law x2 + (Ocular Implants OR Zefram Cochrane's Telescope OR SECURITY
-Span: 3; 45 points
[24] Exists as Alter Records.
[25] Exists as Assault Vessel.
[21] Always calculate a 20% gain in points
while he's on the table. The Nekrit Supply Depot will be an Outpost for
Delta Quadrant Non-Aligned.
[22] The Mirror icon on the mission itself
is important to note. That mission can only be played on the Mirror spaceline.
It can coexist with Alter Records (the real Bajor), is not part of the
Bajor region, and is not a homeworld.
[23] To count, Zefram Cochrane's Telescope
has to have been played on this spaceline location.
[24] n/a
[25] n/a
[26] Bajoran Central Archives
[27] Bajoran Chamber of Ministers
[28] Bajoran communicator
[29] Bajoran Days of Atonement
[30] Bajoran death chant
[26]HQ: Central Archives,
"Information repository for any given government."
-Plays on table if your homeworld on spaceline. Any Event and Interrupt
cards now discard underneath here. When you have any unopposed matching
personnel with Computer Skill and CUNNING>7 on your homeworld at the beginning
of your turn, you may take any one card underneath this Event into hand.
(Not cumulative.)
[27] Exists as Chamber of Ministers.
[28]Bajoran Communicator,
"Personal communications device incorporated into a decorative pin
worn by bajoran personnel. Similar in operation to a Starfleet communicator."
-Bajoran use only. Allows one OFFICER present to share its skills with
another OFFICER at the same spaceline location but not present.
Something like it is Classic
[29] Days of Atonement,
Dilemma, space/planet
"Holy festival. Former Shakaar resistance cell member Latha Mabrin
was murdered at the Calash Retreat in 2373 while preparing for the Days
of Atonement."
-Unless 2 Bajorans OR 3 Anthropology present, you lose points equal
to twice the number of personnel in your opponent's discard pile.
[30] Bajoran Death Chant, Interrupt, Countdown: 3
"Funreal rite of the Bajoran people. It was reputed to be over two
hours long."
-Play on any Bajoran, or group of Bajorans, who has just died. That
personnel, or group of personnel, is not considered dead until countdown
[26] "Your homeworld" is a homeworld for
which you have an matching facility on spaceline.
[27] n/a
[28] Both OFFICERs must be Bajoran.
[29] n/a
[30] The personnel doesn't make it to
the discard pile, cannot be Duranjaed or DeathYelled (possible in some
situations) until the countdown ends. The Interrupt is discarded when the
countdown ends.
[31] Bajoran First Minister
[32] Bajoran Gratitude Festival
[33] Bajoran impulse ship
[34] Bajoran Institute of Science
[35] Bajoran Military Academy
[31] First Minister Shakaar, Personnel, Bajoran
"First Minister who succeeded Kalem Apren, Shakaar
Edon was elected for a six year term. Romantically involved
with Kira Nerys, a member of his old resistance cell."
-VIP, Leadership x2, Resistance, SECURITY; Attributes all +2 if present
with 5 or more Bajorans; Left-facing purple Nemesis icon,
Now exists as First
Minister Shakaar.
[32] Bajoran Gratitude
Festival, Interrupt
"Annual Bajoran celebration of great importance during which burned
their renewal scrolls so that their troubles could symbolically turn to
ashes. Also called the Peldor Festival."
-Any time you have just transferred or given points to your opponent,
play to download any card with the
icon or the word Bajoran in its title. OR Download Renewal Scroll.
[33] Exists as Bajoran Interceptor.
[34]Bajoran Institute of Science,
Headquarters, Bajoran
"Bajoran research center. Dr. Mora Pol studied Odo here after the changeling's
discovery in the Denorios Belt."
-Seeds or plays on Bajor if no other facility present. Once per turn,
one Bajoran SCIENCE-classification personnel OR one SCIENCE-related Equipment
card may play for free here. Shape-shifters here are in stasis if present
with SCIENCE. (Not duplicatable.)
[35] Bajoran Military Academy, Headquarters, Bajoran
"Armed forces institute on planet Bajor. Responsible for the training
of the Bajoran militia."
-Seeds or plays on Bajor if no other facility present. Once per turn,
one Bajoran SECURITY-classification personnel OR hand weapon may play for
free here. While in play, your Bajoran personnel with Youth are STRENGTH
+2. (Not duplicatable.)
[31] This Shakaar actually has Silarin
Prin's matching nemesis icon non-retroactively.
[32] "Giving points" includes any time
a card makes you give points or cards with point boxes to your opponent.
[33] Imagine my disappointment when I
realized these two ships were one and the same.
[34] I thought it interesting if the Bajorans
had a choice of HQs.
[35] Ditto.
[36] Bajoran Militia
[37] Bajoran provisional government
[38] Bajoran solar-sail vessel
[39] Bajoran system
[40] Bajoran Time of Cleansing
[36] This is the entry that discusses the Bajoran
Phaser and Bajoran
Phaser Rifle.
[37] Provisional Government, Dilemma, space/planet
"As Quark once said to Sisko regarding Bajor's governing body: 'This
provisional government is far too provisional for my taste; and when governments
fall, people like me are drug out in the streets and shot.'"
-If your HQ on the spaceline (nearest if more than one), unless you
have less than 2 personnel affiliated with that HQ present, personnel may
no longer report there for free. Discard dilemma.
[38]Ancient Sail Vessel,
Ship, Bajoran, .,
-10 points
"Spacecraft used by the ancient Bajorans, propelled by light pressure
from a sun. One even reached Cardassia by being caught in a tachyon eddie."
-Solar-Sail Vessel[
OR Benjamin Sisko] *May move one spaceline location per turn within the
same region; Opponent who directly causes destruction of ship loses points;
Holds 3 personnel; Has no transporters
[39] Exists officially as Acquire Illicit Explosives.
[40] Time of Cleansing, Event, Countdown: 3
"Monthlong Bajoran ritual in which the participants abstain from worldy
pleasures. A real drain on Quark's revenues."
-Plays on table. While in play, Bajorans are not affected by Food cards,
Jamaharon, Alien Groupie and may not be present at Quark's Bar, Holodecks
and Holosuites.
[36] n/a
[37] An "HQ" is an actual Headquarters
facility, not the various HQ Objectives and Events. Determine the nearest
one by counting the number of spaceline locations. In case of a tie, go
by Span numbers.
[38] The ship cannot leave a region.
[39] n/a
[40] You can either protect your Bajorans
from Jamaharon, et al., or prevent your opponent's Bajorans from enjoying
some Sites and Foods.
[41] Bajoran wormhole
[42] Bajorans
[43] baked potato
[44] baked Risan beans
[45] baktag
[41] Exists as Bajoran
[42] May be reported through Bajoran Outpost.
[43] Baked Potato, Food
"Edible tuber of the Solanum tuberosum plant, baked and served as a
side dish, often garnished with butter or sour cream and chives. The thought
of it made Starfleet personnel emprisonned by the Akritirians' mouths water."
-While in play, all Food affecting your personnel at this site also
apply to your personnel on opponent's facilities. May be nullfied by Frigid
played from hand or discard pile.
[44] Baked Risan Beans, Food
"Seeds from a leguminous plant indigenous to Risa, baked and served
as a side dish."
-Requires no upkeep at Risa. While in play, opponent's personnel affected
by Love Interests are relocated to this site as intruders.
[45]Klingon Insults,
Dilemma, space/planet
"'Baktag! Pahtk!' Personnel have to watch what they say to Klingon
warriors lest thy invoke their fury. And you wouldn't like a Klingon when
he's angry."
-Unless 4 Honor present, one Klingon present attacks another personnel
present (opponent's choice). If no Klingon present, Away Team or crew is
[41] n/a
[42] n/a
[43] If a Food card at your Ten-Forward
is giving your personnel present +1 STRENGTH for example, your intruders
on opponent's Nor would also benefit from this "side dish".
[44] The card doesn't need a personnel
present to be in play at Risa. It does need a food-serving Site however.
[45] The Klingon doesn't have to mortally
wound if it doesn't want to, so it's either a matter of stopping one or
two personnel, or the entire crew or Away Team.
[46] baktun
[47] Baldoxic vinegar
[48] Balduk warriors
[49] Balfour Lake
[50] Ballard, Lieutenant
[46] On Tkon Time, Event
"The now-extinct Tkon Empire used the baktun as a measure of time.
It represented a large number of years, possibly centuries or millenia."
-Plays on table if Blade of Tkon has been acquired this game. While
in play, cards do not count down. Discard if any player gets a double turn
or time travels.
[47] Baldoxic Vinegar, Food,
"Salad dressing. Neelix used Baldoxic vinegar on a salad of orchids.
-For each Baldoxic Vinegar in play, one personnel on same ship or facility's
restriction box text is suspended. Nullified by The Devil.
[48]Balduk Warrior, Personnel,
Klingon, .
"Member of a fierce group used by Worf in his Klingon callistenics
holodeck program. He did not find him as frightening as a small angry child
-SECURITY, Guramba; STRENGTH +2 if no Youth present; May use Android
Headlock if Safety Protocols disengaged
[49] Balfour Lake, Event, 5 points
"Location where Jack and Beverly Crusher took their young son Wesley
on his first camping trip. The boy entertained himself by throwing manta
leaves into the fire."
-Plays on Earth OR Camping Trip. Each Youth present there with a parent
(as indicated by either card's lore), score points and discard Event card.
(Not cumulative.)
[50] Lieutenant Ballard, Personnel, Federation
"Female Enterprise-D crewmember and teacher at the ship's primary school
when Data's daughter, Lal, briefly attended class in 2366."
-SCIENCE; Anthropology; May teach Lal any skill;
[46] Extremely useful to the Dominion
(Ketracel White does not count down) and in conjunction with a number of
Events and Objectives. Watch out for the double-edged sword though: dilemmas
with countdowns will turn out to be permanent, and the card affects both
players. Time-traveling includes the use of Temporal Rifts as well as movement
to Time Locations. The Blade of Tkon may have been acquired by either player.
[47] The vinegar makes things go better
together. So Lore can cooperate with the Federation after all, O'Brien
can hang with Cardassians, Odo can use hand weapons, and so on.
[48] I extrapolate a number of things
here: that Balduk warriors are indeed part of Worf's program, and that
these are part of Klingon history and possibly exist in the empire (if
not of the Klingon race). In any case, the Worf connection is enough for
a Klingon affiliation icon.
[49] Having more than one Youth with a
compatible parent score you multiple 5s, but you cannot have more than
one Balfour Lake on the planet. The points are scored by the Youth, not
the parents.
[50] If Lal is reported where Ballard
is present, she may learn any two skills chosen from the complete list,
not just from the personnel present.
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