Second season:
The Child,
Countdown: 4
"On 42073.1, Deanna Troi became pregnant with an alien being who was
only trying to communicate."
Deanna Troi
(with no expansion icon) aboard a ship
Pulaski just boarded same ship with a shuttle
-Immediately relocate any Beverly Crusher to a Federation Headquarters
(first choice) OR Outpost where she must stay for duration of game, but
may share any one of her skills to any matching ship's crew. You may download
one "godlike being" (The Traveler, Mortal Q, or John Doe with Transfiguration)
to target ship. While aboard, ship and its Away Teams may not attempt MEDICAL
missions. Discard downloaded persnnel when Countdown ends.
[NOTE: This can be played whether one player or the other met its requirements. Bev must stay where she is even after the Stardate is discarded. Personnel downloaded to the target ship are under your control and acts as an intruder if it's your opponent's. The Stardate is discarded whether you downloaded a personnel there. If you download John Doe, you must also download Transfiguration which is already played on him.]
Where Silence Has Lease,
Countdown: 4
"On 42193.6, a being called Nagilum played games of life and death
with a starship crew."
Nagilum just
encountered at Study "Hole in Space"
D'deridex and USS Yamato in hand
-Plays on table. While in play, no ships may move away from Study "Hole
in Space". You may play both ships in hand (or any ship matching the one
encountering Nagilum) at Study "Hole in Space"; their SHIELDS are 0 and
personnel may beam over to them. Once per turn, you may choose to play
Torture on one personnel of a gender or species here not yet "tortured"
(even if that personnel is not a captive) OR kill one
personnel present. Discard when countdown ends OR when any ship present
is destroyed by Auto-Destruct Sequence.
Elementary, Dear Data
"On 42286.3, a holodeck malfunction puts a Sherlock Holmes character
in charge of a starship."
Data, Premiere
Geordi LaForge and any
personnel on ship with Holodeck
second, matching ship that would require at least 3 turns to join the first
-Play on table and target first ship. All
personnel and half the non-
personnel aboard (round up, random selection) are relocated to episode
card as a special "holo-deck".
personnel in holo-deck with the highest CUNNING is under your control and
its CUNNING=13. Once per turn, it may attempt to capture one non-
personnel present: randomly select one; if its STRENGTH is less than hologram's,
it is captured; if not, it is released from holo-deck. If your hologram
has captured a personnel, it may take control of ship (but not of crew)
and use its RANGE, WEAPONS and special equipment. Nullified if the two
required ships are ever at the same spaceline location at the end of a
[NOTE: Personnel stuck in the holo-deck are basically off-the-ship, so sorta disabled. There's a real incentive here to rendezvous the two ships before 1) a personnel is captured, and 2) the ship is placed under Moriarty's control (probably more like Eistein's, but who's quibbling?). While the ship is under your control, and you may use it as if fully staffed, its crew is not, so they may beam or not beam at their leisure, and can use their skills to perhaps free the hostages (using a special skill, I'm sure).]
The Outrageous Okona
"On 42402.1, the irascible captain Okona dragged a starship into a
love-war relationship between two planets."
B.J. Robinson on a ship with transporters
Pod with only one opposing male
personnel aboard
-Place on
personnel; it is now under your control, is considered a version of the
Okona persona; and may act as matching commander for any Escape Pod. Escape
Pod is now a
ship with RANGE=5 (within a region), no WEAPONS and SHIELDS=3. If B.J.
Robinson beams any Okona to her ship, you may immediately download up to
three Love or Romance dilemmas (even from discard pile); these cards may
play as interrupts where target
personnel present.
[NOTE: You can use any Romance or Love Interest dilemma as an Interrupt, not just the ones you downloaded.]
The Measure of a Man
"On 42523.7, a trial was held to determine the status of androids as
sentient beings."
Unique android
at affiliated Outpost with Law personnel
-Target Outpost. If Cybernetics present with Law and android, probe
for a verdict:
Androids are people. Both players' androids are unique. You may download
any android-related card.
Android leaves service. Android now non-aligned and CIVILIAN, and may no
longer work with Outpost's affiliation.
# Slave race.
All your androids now
may report for free.
-While in play, Picard and Riker have Law, and all Data's Medals are
worth 0.
[NOTE: Notice that targeting the Outpost gives players a way to nullify the Stardate (by destroying the Outpost). Should I change it to "Facility"? Picard and Riker cannot be the Law required here since they don't become lawyers until the card is played. Hope for an Equipment probe and stock a lot of Datas and Lores for maximum effect!]
Time Squared
"On 42679.2 The Enterprise encountered a double
of Captain Picard forcing them to rethink their strategy."
on table
Vortex played on previous turn
-On your next initial attempt of a mission if
any of your ships destroyed or personnel killed you may negate the mission
attempt. Any and all ships or personnel are restored and all dilemmas are
reseeded in their original order. Discard stardate.
[Guest Stardate by Jeremy]
Q Who?
"On 42761.3, Q transported a ship to the Delta Quadrant where it was
discovered by the Borg."
Borg Cube in
Delta Quadrant
has an active Q-Continuum
-Target any non-Borg ship. It is relocated to Delta Quadrant until
any Q-Flash. As long as it is there, owner may download one anti-Borg card
per turn. While in play, Nutational Shields double SHIELDS against Borg
WEAPONS; Borg in the Delta Quadrant may beam to targeted ship and attack
it at will. Opponent may bring The Best of Both Worlds from outside the
game into play regardless of that Stardate's requirements.
[NOTE: I wanted to give something to the Borg they could use, although a risk-taker with another affiliation might want to use it to get to the Borg outpost with a Kurlan Naiskos. I wonder how fast someone would try to find the Q-Flash hidden under a mission before his crew got assimilated. ;-) The Best of Both Worlds is of course Mr. Shlidermans' original Stardate card.]
--Other seasons--
Season 3:
Yesterday's Enterprise
"On 43625.2, the Federation was fighting a losing battle against the
Klingons until the time-displaced Enterprise-C was sent back to rectify
the timeline."
Rachel Garrett
and Richard Castillo on Enterprise-C coming out of Temporal Rift
-Plays on table. While in play, Federation may attack Klingon affiliation
at will, and Klingons are +1 WEAPONS and STRENGTH. When a Federation ship
present with Enterprise-C, download Tasha Yar-Alternate to that ship. Discard
when Enterprise-C goes through another Temporal Rift, discarding the ship
(you may download any non-
ship to hand) and Wartime Conditions. Your
Klingons then report for free for rest of game.
Season 4:
The Best of Both Worlds
"On 44001.4, the Borg assimilated Jean-Luc Picard
and started their course for Earth. Their objective: assimilate homeworld."
assimilated Picard aboard any Borg Cube
and W.T. Riker aboard Enterprise-D
-Target a location. Here your ships WEAPONS +1,
personnel STRENGTH +1 (+2 if Wolf 359) against Borg. If the Borg ship destroyed
there, score 10 extra points. While in play, if you battle the Borg Cube
and anti-matter is played, suspend ship-to-ship battle. Beam Away team
aboard Borg Cube. One personnel (random selection) reabducts Picard, others
battle. After the personnel battle, the Away team beams back aboard and
ship-to-ship battle continues.
[Guest Stardate by Huize Schlidermans]
Season 5:
I Borg
"On 45854.2, a Borg drone was cut off from the Collective and given
the name of Hugh."
Opponent's lone
Borg drone on a planet with empty landed Borg Scout Vessel
-Target drone and replace it with Rogue Borg Mercenary. It boards Scout
Vessel, takes off and flies towards nearest Borg Cube. When it reaches
it, RBM beams over to Cube where at the start of everyone of every player's
turn, it changes one drone present (random selection) with a RBM. Targeted
drone/RBM always last one to die in any battle. While Stardate in play,
you may download Hugh in place of any card draw.
[NOTE: RBM=of course Rogue Borg Mercenaries.]
The Inner Light
"On stardate 45944.1, the USS Enterpirse encountered
a probe that allowed Captain Picard the ability to experience an entire
mans life in a matter of 15 minutes."
persona of Picard in play where Resskian Flute is seeded.
-Add a space mission to this planet mission with
the requirements MEDICAL + Anthropology + .
You may automatically pass any dilemma at that mission(no points scored
for dilemmas). Picard is "stopped" until the end of your next turn.
[Guest Stardate by 96 of 69]
Season 7:
On 46982.1, a new breed of Borg led by Lore overtook an outpost at
Ohniaka III.
Away team at
Ohniaka III
-Target Investigate Raid. Any non-Rogue Borg ships are relocated to
end of spaceline. When Rogue Borg Mercenaries beam down to planet, probe:
# You may download
Lore to this location.
# You may bring
Lore's Fingernail OR Torture to your hand or table from outside the game.
# Your opponent
may bring Hugh OR Transwarp Conduit into hand from outside the game.
-While in play, Transwarp Conduits are discarded to opponent's hand,
and Beverly Crusher may act as matching commander for USS Enterprise-D.
[NOTE: The last clauses are to mimic the space action going on elsewhere. Should I have included Taitt? Well, ran out of space on the card...]
"On 47315.2, a mercenary ship with Baran as captain
went searching for a mythical artifact, called the Stone of Gol."
Ship with Baran, Galen, Tallerra and all non-aligned crew aboard
-Target a planet mission where Archeology is
required. If Away team is on surface, you may probe:
May take Vulcan Stone of Gol from outside the game into hand. Away team
is stopped. (Discard Stardate.)
Opponent may take Neural Servo Device from outside the game into hand.
(Only once.)
May download Koral with shuttle to same spaceline location. (Only once.)
-While in play, may move away from (even if not
your turn) or beam aboard ship of another affiliation, if you have a non-aligned
OFFICER (or former OFFICER) aboard of that affiliation.
[Guest Stardate by Huize Schilderman]
"On stardate, 47615.2, the Enterprise encountered
an archive which slowly transformed the ship into a temple."
at Investigate Rogue Comet
on same ship
-Attempt Mission. Dilemmas are suspended. Ship
quarantined. Android loses all skills, icons and INTEGRITY, and becomes
CIVILIAN with treachery. Download Masaka Transformations. Plays on table
and targets each player every turn (nullify with Mask of Korgano played
as an interupt.) Ship's attributes reduced by 1 each turn. If attributes
= 0, ship is destroyed. When nullified all personnel gain Archaelogy and
Anthropology. Ship is restored. Android is cured and CUNNING +3. Discard
Masaka Transformations and the Mask of Korgano.
[Guest Stardate by 4-GOM]
All Good Things...
"On 47988, 41153.7 and some 25 years later, Q challenged Jean-Luc Picard
with a paradox in the form of the anti-time anomaly."
3 Enterprises
on spaceline
Anomaly on table
-Relocate Anti-Time to spaceline, making it adjacent to any Neutral
Zone location (or to end of spaceline if none present). Its Span is 3.
Countdown suspended until any Q-Flash. Target one unique OFFICER, that
OFFICER may move between Enterprises (as if beaming) even if at different
locations. When all 3 Enterprises at Anti-Time Anomaly (staffed), owner
discards one, takes one into hand and reshuffles one into draw deck. Discard
Stardate and Anomaly, and close opponent's Q-Continuum for rest of game.
[NOTES: First off, you would want to play the
stardate NOT for the 3 Enterprises thing, but to get your powerful OFFICER
to skip around the spaceline AND to suspend the Anti-Time Anomaly (Which
may have been played by your opponent). You don't ever have to get the
Enterprises to the Anomaly if you want to keep these bonus abilities. The
risk: someone hits a Q-Flash and anti-time resumes.
Doing the 3 Enterprises tango, you close your
opponent's Q-Continuum (getting more and more dangerous these days) AND
discard the Anomaly before a Q-Flash reactivates it. You might WANT to
reshuffle one ship into your deck etc.
Finally, an ambitious player might play this
if his OPPONENT has Enterprises (targeting a weak OFFICER so the bonuses
aren't great) and find a way to koral the ships to the Anomaly with Wormholes,
Q-Nets, etc. Risky, but you screw up his Wall of Ships strategy.]
Contact me if you wanna talk about any of these OR for any requests :-)