Dream Cards AtoZ-The Encyclopedia of Dreams - Facilities

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B[34]Bajoran Institute of Science, Headquarters, Bajoran
"Bajoran research center. Dr. Mora Pol studied Odo here after the changeling's discovery in the Denorios Belt."
-Seeds or plays on Bajor if no other facility present. Once per turn, one Bajoran SCIENCE-classification personnel OR one SCIENCE-related Equipment card may play for free here. Shape-shifters here are in stasis if present with SCIENCE. (Not duplicatable.)

B[35] Bajoran Military Academy, Headquarters, Bajoran
"Armed forces institute on planet Bajor. Responsible for the training of the Bajoran militia."
-Seeds or plays on Bajor if no other facility present. Once per turn, one Bajoran SECURITY-classification personnel OR hand weapon may play for free here. While in play, your Bajoran personnel with Youth are STRENGTH +2. (Not duplicatable.)

C[11] Bajoran Retreat, Headquarters, Bajoran
"A gathering place for Bajoran monks. Where preparations are made for the Days of Atonement."
-Seeds or plays on any Bajor region planet location if no other facility present. Once per turn, one Bajoran Vedek, Kai or Prylar may report here for free. Once per game, you may play Days of Atonement on any crew or Away Team as an Event card.

F[110] Fire Caves, Headquarters, Bajoran/Cardassian
"Sacred site on Bajor where the Pah-Wraiths were imprisoned. Location of last battle between good and evil."
-Seeds on Bajor. May coexist with other facilities. Once per turn, one  icon personnel OR Emissary may report for free here. X = number of  icons present. (Not duplicatable.)


B[292] Borg Nexus, Headquarters, Borg, 
"Central complex used by the Borg for ship manufacture and drone programming."
-Seeds or plays at any Delta Quadrant space mission. Once per turn, one Counterpart (regardless of Quadrant), Borg Queen, unique drone or unique ship OR one HQ card may play for free here. (Not duplicatable.)


E[54]Cardassian Detention Center, Station, Cardassian
"Cardassian built detention camps, such as the one at Elemspur, are known for harsh conditions."
-Plays on any  mission you have solved. Has a brig. Relocate all your captives here. If your matching SECURITY (or any Madred) present, you may download Torture once per turn here. All Torture and Interrogation are worth +1 point here.

C[40] Cardassian Embassy, Station, Cardassian
"Cardassian embassies exist on many affiliated homeworlds and are often used not only for diplomacy, but for more covert activities as well."
-Plays on any Alpha Quadrant homeworld other than Cardassia Prime. Your  VIP may report there. While in play, you may attempt this mission as if an appropriate Espionnage card had been played on it.

C+[11] Institute of Art, Headquarters, Cardassian
"Higher learning center on Cardassia devoted to the fine arts. Artists from across the galaxy come here to study."
-Seeds or plays on Cardassia Prime. May coexist with Central Command. Once per turn, one artist from any affiliation may reports for free here. Each gains the  icon. (Not duplicatable.)

C+[12] Cardassian Bureau of Intelligence, Headquarters, Cardassian/Dominion
"Organization that replaced the Obsidian Order as chief Cardassian information gathering service."
-Seeds or plays on Cardassia Prime. May coexist with Central Command. Once per turn, one Vorta, non-Obsidian Order Cardassian personnel with Treachery OR Founder Leader may report here for free, regardless of quadrant restrictions. (Not duplicatable.)


D[255] Dominion Internment Camp 371, Station, Dominion, 
"Asteroid-based prison facility commanded by the Vorta Deyos. Jem'Hadar guards here enjoyed fighting with prisoners."
-Plays on any compatible space location. Has a Brig. Relocate all your captives here. For every captive here, you may download one Impersonate Captive to a Founder present. SD Jem'Hadar Challenge (Unique.)


C[278] Corado I Transmitter Array, Station, Federation
"Subspace communication relay and booster facility. Used for subspace communication by the Federation."
-Build at  location where you have a  ENGINEER present. Any ship within 10 span of Array may transfer any  icon card aboard or event card on it to another ship within 10 span of Array (to opponent's if you have 3 Computer Skill on yours). (Unique.)

D[89] Daystrom Institute, Station, Federation
"Branch of the science and technology study center founded by Richard Daystrom."
-Seed one at any  location. Name one standard skill from Anthropology, Archeology, Astrophysics, Biology, Computer Skill, Cybernetics, Exobiology, Geology, Physics and Stellar Cartography. One personnel with that skill may report there for free each turn.

D[103]Deep Space 3, Station, Federation
"Federation space station. Commanded by Admiral Marcus Holt. The USS Hera left here to never return."
-Plays on any  location. Commander's Office, Ops, Infirmiry, Security Office, Science Lab, Cargo Bay, Access Tunnels, Docking Ports and Docking Pads may be played here. (Not duplicatable.)

D[104] Deep Space 4, Station, Federation
"Federation space station. Richard Galen hoped to gain passage to Caere on an Al-Leyan transport from here."
-Plays on any  mission.  personnel may report here normally. Once per turn, you may report one  ship here from free. (Not duplicatable.)

D[105] Deep Space 5, Station, Federation, 
"Federation base. In an alternate quantum reality, was under covert surveillance by the Cardassians. Destroyed by the Borg in ours."
-Seeds or plays at any matching non-homeworld  location (Ivor Prime if in play). If any Admiral here, your  ships and personnel may battle . Returns to hand with all cards aboard if Alternate Universe Door closed. (Not duplicatable.)

E[9] Earth Station McKinley, Station, Federation
"Starfleet ship-building and repair facility in Earth orbit. A large orbital platform with articulated arms."
-Seeds or plays in Earth's orbit. Repairs ships. Ships docked here may be exchanged with any ship of the same class from your hand. (May coexist with another facility. Not duplicatable.)

F[40] Federation Council, Headquarters, Federation
"Governing body of the UFP. It passes laws and mediates disputes between member worlds."
-Seeds or plays on Earth. May coexist with Office of the President. Once per turn, one Ambassador, Federation Diplomacy or Law personnel may report here OR one HQ card may play on table for free. (Not duplicatable.)

F[44] Federation Penal Colony, Station, Federation
"Institution like that in New Zealand where Federation criminals are rehabilitated."
-Plays on any matching planet location. Has a Brig.  and  icon captives held here for one full turn lose their Treachery, Smuggling and Greed (except Ferengi) for the rest of the game. (Cure captives with Obsidian Order OR Tal Shiar.)

F[95]Fifth House of Betazed, Headquarters, Federation
"Family still considered something of royalty by the inhabitants of Betazed. The family home is a grandiose palace."
-Seeds or plays on Betazed. While in play, Betazed is a homeworld. If assimilated, only affects Betazoids. Once per turn, one Betazoid OR Mr. Homn OR personnel romatically involved with Lwaxana Troi may play for free here. (Not duplicatable.)

D[157] Vulcan Shipyards, Station, Federation
"Vulcan has its own shipyards for building and repairing ships in different parts of the Federation."
-Seed one at any  location (Vulcan if present). Your Vulcans may report here. Once per turn, one Vulcan Lander or T'Pau may report here for free as . Repairs ships. (Not duplicatable.)


F[115] First City, Headquarters, Klingon
"Seat of government on Klingon Homeworld, Qo'noS. Site of the Great Hall and the high council."
-Seeds or plays on Qo'noS. May coexist with The Great Hall. Once per turn, one Klingon CIVILIAN OR Law personnel OR Klingon Intelligence personnel OR  Headquarters may report or play for free here. (Not duplicatable.)

H[186] Great House, Headquarters, Klingon
"One of the Great Houses. Nexus of a strong Klingon family, such as Kozak's, Martok's or Duras's."
-Seeds or plays on Qo'noS. Once per turn, one personnel referenced by your Klingon present in lore or game text may play for free here. (Not duplicatable.)

H[27]Hall of Heroes, Headquarters, Klingon
"Ceremonial hall on Qo'noS adorned with statues of past Klingon heroes."
-Seeds or plays on Qo'noS. May coexist with The Great Hall. Once per turn, one  Klingon personnel OR any Kor OR Koloth OR Kang OR Kahless may report for free here. (Not duplicatable.)


A[79] Aldebaran Music Academy, Headquarters, Neutral
"Prestigious school of the arts. Micheal O'Brien hoped his son, Miles O'Brien, would attend and become a concert cellist, but Miles had other plans."
-Seeds or plays on Aldebaran. While in play, when any of your fathers are at the same location as their sons (or mothers with their daughters), the son or daughter must relocate here where it is stopped for one full turn.

B[225] Android Factory, Station, Neutral, 
"If a judgement against Data's sentience had been handed down by Captain Louvoix, androids would have eventually been mass-produced."
-Build at any location if you have Cybernetics present and there are no Law personnel in play. On each of your turns, if unopposed Cybernetics present, you may download one android per turn to station. Your androids in play all INTEGRITY and CUNNING -2.

A[292] Caretaker's Array, Station, Neutral, 
"Large spaceborne installation located in Delta Quadrant. Created by Caretaker. Used by this entity to take care of the Ocampa and collect spacecraft in search of genes compatible with his."
-Play at any Delta Quadrant location. Once per turn, in place of your end of turn card draw, you may bring one ship from any other quadrant with three or more species aboard to this location. Can only use WEAPONS if Treachery and no Honor aboard. Holodeck. (Unique.)
Now exists as Caretaker's Array.

D[308] Duck Blind, Station, Neutral, 5 points
"Anthropological research station hidden by a hologenerator usually in a hillside."
-Build on any  location requiring Anthropology. Has a Cloaking Device and Holodeck. Your personnel may beam to and from station without it decloaking. Where present, mission and dilemmas require one less Anthropology. When mission solved, score points.

F[24] Farpoint Station, Station, Neutral
"Gigantic jellyfish-like creature enslaved by the Bandi. Serves as an outpost. Creates whatever your heart desires."
-Seeds on any non-homeworld planet. Only the affiliation who solves this mission may report personnel here. May move to adjacent planet location at the beginning of each turn.

D[58] Genetic Research Station, Station, Neutral
"Science facility where DNA experiments are carried out. Many species do this kind of controversial work."
-Build at any planet location where you have SCIENCE. If SCIENCE and  personnel present at the start of your turn, you may probe:
#: Too controversial. All non- universal personnel in play are attributes -2. (Cumulative. Die if any attribute reaches 0.)
#: Success. You may download Clone Machine into play OR Kahless to this facility.
#Otherwise: Project scrapped. Discard facility and one SCIENCE personnel here.

H[184] Hotel Royale, Station, Neutral, 
"Alien facility based on the cheap novel Hotel Royale to keep astronaut Stephen Richey alive."
-Seeds ot plays on any non-homeworld planet. Hotel Royale personnel may report here directly. One Hotel Royale dilemma may play here from hand every turn by a player with personnel present.

C[24] Nanite Factory, Station, Neutral
"Nanites are manufactured at some factories, including one in Dakar, Senegal."
-Build at any planet mission. If 2 Cybernetics OR Wesley Crusher present, one Nanites card may report here as personnel. Nanites lose their point box, gain INTEGRITY 6 and CUNNING 4, keep their game text as a skill, may be beamed to passing ships and may still be nullified.


A[59] Akritirian Prison Satellite, Non-Aligned, Station, 
"Maximum security detention facility operated by the Akritirian government. Prisoners were left without guards or medical services, but with clamps that stimulated their aggressive tendencies."
-Build at any space location where you have ENGINEER and Law. You may relocate any or all your captives to this facility. Every time bonus points are scored (by any player), two captives (random selection) battle, mortally wounding if possible.

A[319] Astral V Annex, Station, Non-Aligned
"Historical museum and repository for classic spacecraft."
-Ships may report directly here. If CIVILIAN at station, any empty,  Husnock Ship, Cleponji, Starship Enterprise, USS Enterprise-C, Excelsior, IKC T'Ong, Talvath, Ancient Sail Vessel and Phoenix is worth 5 points each when docked here. (Does not extend shields.)

A[322]Atheneum Vaults, Headquarters, Non-Aligned
"Government building on planet Ventax II. The Scrolls of Ardra were stored there.
-Seed at Ventax II during doorway phase. You may seed one Artifact face up here. Any personnel with Archeology OR Greed and Treachery may pick it up later.

D[135] Delta Quadrant Outpost, Facility, Non-Aligned, 
"Most star-faring species in the far-away Delta Quadrant use facilities to coordinate both ships ans personnel."
-Seed at any  location OR build at such a location later where you have a  ENGINEER. SHIELDS +4 if Hirogen aboard.


B[232] Romulan Prison Camp, Station, Romulan, X points
"One of many secret Romulan prison facilities. Some of these camps have been forgotten by the Empire.
-Plays on any matching planet location. Relocate all your captives here. If your matching SECURITY present, score points at the start of each of your turns, where X = 3 points per  icon captive, 2 for every  icon personnel and 1 for every personnel with neither a  or  icons. Captives may be rescued by unopposed Away Team here.

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Star Trek TM Paramount Pictures; Star Trek: Customizable Card Game TM Decipher Inc.