Dream Cards AtoZ-The Encyclopedia of Dreams - Sites

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A[16]Access Tunnels, Site
-If unopposed, compatible personnel with at least one ENGINEER may walk to this site from anywhere to anywhere else on the Nor without having to walk through intervening sites. Unopposed ENGINEER and SECURITY here may nullify Automated Security System. Any player may play Aphasia Virus dilemma from hand to personnel at this site.
-Any Nor[Ops Module-Promenade-Habitat Ring-Docking Ring]

A[45]Airponics Bay, Site
-Kes or any compatible Biology personnel may report here. Every turn that Kes or any Biology personnel are present here, you may download one Food card to the Mess Hall (if personnel present there). Plasma Fire here will destroy the site entirely (relocating personnel present to adjacent sites).
-USS Voyager [Saucer Section]

A[234]Aquatic Lab, Site
-One amphibious or aquatic ANIMAL OR Antedean may report here for free every turn. Antedeans here are not disabled. When you solve a planet mission and you have SCIENCE here, you may probe:
#: The Great Deep. Score X points, where X = mission's point box value divided by 5.
#: Bring back specimen. You may download one amphibious or aquatic ANIMAL.
#Otherwise: Desert waste. Discard probe card.
-Any Galaxy, Nebula or Oberth-class ship[Saucer Section]

A[247]Arboretum, Site
-One terrestrial or avian ANIMAL may report here for free every turn. When you have a male and a female alone here and they are not part of the same family or ANIMALs, you may probe:
#: Nice walk. Two personnel here are +2 to all attributes for rest of turn.
#: Bad date. Discard any Romance and Love Interest dilemmas affecting you or encountered during this turn.
#Otherwise: Separate Paths. No result.
-Any Galaxy or Nebula-class ship [Saucer Section]

A[262]Argelian Massage Parlor, Site, 
-Compatible  icon personnel may report here, but are stopped upon doing so. Once per turn, if you control this facility, you may stop any personnel without Cantankerousness walking through this site. Any Quark may move from Quark's Bar to this site and back without walking though intervening sites.
-Deep Space 9 OR Terek Nor [Promenade]

A[312] Assay Office, Site
-Archeology personnel may report here for free. Whenever any player acquires an Artifact is same quadrant, that Artifact is relocated here (up to a maximum of three). To recover Artifact card lost in this fashion, that player must have an unopposed Archeology at this site. To steal Artifact card, the other player must have unopposed Greed personnel with INTEGRITY<4 and CUNNING+STRENGTH>14 at this site. Only one Artifact may be recovered or stolen per turn.
-Any Nor [Promenade]

A+[43] Astrometrics Lab, Site
-This ship has the skill Stellar Cartography. Astrophysics personnel present are attributes all +1 (+2 if Seven). Whenever ship enters a region and you have personnel here, you may look at first seed card under every mission in that region (once per region, except Krenim region, which you can scan again if it changes).
-USS Voyager[Saucer Section]

B[65]Barber Shop, Site
-Barbering personnel may report here (for free if any Mot). Once each turn, if you have Barbering personnel here unopposed, you may download one Espionnage on Romulan card OR Mot's Advice OR Barber Pole OR Alfarian Hair Pasta. Barbering personnel is opposed if present with any completely bald personnel, even your own.
-Any Nor OR  ship with  [Promenade/Saucer Section]

B[118] Battle Bridge, Site
-Personnel may relocate here directly from the Bridge. While matching OFFICER present, ship is WEAPONS +2 and you may download Saucer Separation at any time. Opposing personnel may not walk here unless they have SECURITY present. Any Computer Skill x2 personnel unopposed here may commandeer ship.
-Any Galaxy-class[Engineering Section]
Now exists as Battle Bridge Door.

B[269] Bolian Restaurant, Site
-Food-serving Site. Bolians may report directly here. Bolian Food cards need no personnel to upkeep them here. Non-Bolian personnel here are STRENGTH -1 (plus an extra -1 for every Bolian Food card present) unless those personnel have either Cooking or Exobiology.

B[342]Bridge, Site
-Any Console may play for free here. Matching commander here may lend skills to Away Team at same spaceline location. If OFFICER, SECURITY, SCIENCE and ENGINEER present, you may download any compatible Site card in place of your end-of-turn card draw. SD End Transmission
-Any Starship[Bridge]

B[344]Brig, Site
-If ship intruder(s) aboard, one universal SECURITY may report here at start of turn. Any personnel you stun aboard ship may be escorted here by your SECURITY personnel where they are disabled. Opposing personnel here remain disabled until opponent's unopposed Computer Skill personnel are present. Any opponent's personnel captured at same spaceline location may also be relocated here instead of captive area.
-Any Starship[Saucer section/Forward section]
Introduced as Holding Cell Door.

C+[7] Captain's Mess, Site
-Food-serving site. Once per turn, if your Captain, Gul, General, DaiMon OR Romulan Commander present, in place of your normal card play, you may download one matching personnel to this location AND any one Food card. Any Cooking personnel here is attributes all +2.
-Any Starship[Saucer/Forward Section]

C[57]Cargo Bay, Site, 
-One Cargo Module may report here every turn, for free if a Freighter or Transport docked here. Once per turn, if a personnel with Smuggling unopposed here, one Food, Program or Equipment card may be downloaded by personnel's owner to ship, facility or ship docked here.
-Any Nor OR Starship[Docking Ring/Engineering Section/Saucer Section]
Now exists as Cargo Bay.

C[84] Celestial Café, Site
-Food-serving site. Controlling player may download one Food card here every time a ship comes through the Bajoran Wormhole. Any player with Navigation personnel present may download one Wormhole Navigation Schematic every turn.
-Deep Space 9[Promenade]

C[147] Children's Center, Site
-Personnel affected by Rascals on this ship are relocated here and may not be attacked as long as they stay here. If Youth personnel present, Humuhumunukunukuapua'a is played as an Event, which is disacarded is Youth leaves site.
-Any Galaxy OR Nebula [Saucer Section]

C[215] Club Martus, Site
-May not be seeded, only built later if Martus Mazur is present on Deep Space 9. If Alien Gambling Device brought here, and an unopposed CIVILIAN is present, you may probe once per turn:
#: Good luck. You may immediately play probe card, or, if it has any point box, score its points.
#: Bad luck. Discard probe card.
#: Even worse luck. Relocate all cards here to adjacent site and discard Club Martus.
-Deep Space 9[Promenade]

C[258]Computer Core, Site
-For every Computer Skill personnel present, ship or Nor is attributes +1 unless opponent has Computer Crash in play. If Nanites encontered here, suspend dilemma and place it on Core. Enhancements from this site are suspended. At the start of his or her turn, owner of ship or Nor must probe:
#: Core damaged. Ship loses one special equipment (owner's choice). On a Nor, one site (random selection) loses ability to report personnel and equipment.
#: Making tiny friends. Score Nanites' bonus points.
#Otherwise: Discard Nanites.
-Any Starship OR Nor [Saucer/Forward Section OR Ops Module]

H[10] Crew Quarters, Site, 
-If unoccupied, one compatible personnel per turn (except VIP, CIVILIAN, ANIMAL or ) may report here regardless of quadrant. If Red Alert in play, at anytime, you may relocate any personnel here to Ops or a site that would normally report them. You may do the same if Yellow Alert in play, but only at the start of your turn. (Cannot be used to download personnel through Ops.)
-Any Nor[Habitat Ring]

D[243] Docking Clamp, Site
-Site that always separates rest of ship from a station's docking site. Opposing personnel require 2 Computer Skill to walk here. This ship is immune to Docking Procedures.
Any Starship[Saucer/Forward Section - Engineering Section]

G[239] Gymnasium, Site
-Once per card per game, if you have a personnel with STRENGTH>7 present, you may download Fencing Challenge OR Soccer Rocks! OR Baseball Stats. If any of your personnel here, all your personnel aboard ship or part of its Away Teams are STRENGTH +1.
-Any Starship[Saucer/Forward Section]

H[28]Hall of Warriors, Site
-Klingons that mention Ty'Gokor or the Order of the Batleth, and Klingon hand weapons may report here. Once each turn, if your chancellor present with any member of the Order of the Batleth, you may download one Klingon-specific Interrupt or Food card to hand OR expose one infiltrator on station (all personnel present are immediately "unstopped" and may walk to infiltrator's location). Acts as a Food-serving site for Klingon-specific Food cards.

H[151] Holodeck, Site, 5 points, 
-Your  icon cards may report here directly if Computer Skill present. Once per turn, download a  persona of a personnel present OR download a Program card of which a native is present OR "stop" all personnel here; if ship doesn't attempt a mission and isn't attacked or boarded until the start of your next turn, score points (once per Program; not cumulative).
-Any ship with Holodeck [Saucer/Forward section]

H[158] Holosuite, Site, 
-Compatible  icon cards may report here directly. Once per turn, station's controller may download a  persona of a personnel present OR download a Program card of which a native is present. Controlling player's opponent may play Program cards here if no other Program is active AND they have a Computer Skill personnel OR 2 Gold-Pressed Latinums (both cards discarded to play Program) present. Always placed adjacent to Quark's Bar OR another Holosuite. Holodeck.
-Any Nor [Promenade]

H[229] Hydroponics Bay, Site
-Any botanist may report here. Every turn that a botanist is present here, you may download one Food card to the Mess Hall OR Ten-Forward (if personnel present there). Plasma Fire here will destroy the site entirely (relocating personnel present to adjacent sites). May not coexist with Airponics Bay.
-Any starship[Saucer section/Forward section]

A+[44] Inside Console, Site
-Place on Bridge (does not separate any sites from one another). Only accessible by One Little Ship and its crew. If personnel present, may nullify Commandeer Starship played on ship. ENGINEER present may download, play and nullify Fractal Encryption Code AND suspend the effects of any one Console event on this ship.
-Any ship[Bridge]

I[89]Intendent's Milk Bath, Site, 
-Intendents and Regents may report here for free. at the start of your turn, if your Intendent present with any non- personnel who has a  counterpart, probe:
#: Take a bath. You may download one  personnel to any site on this Nor.
#: Backstabber! You may capture any opposing personnel present.
#Otherwise: Got milk? Your Intendent is "stopped". You may discard one card to draw one card.
-Terok Nor-Mirror [Habitat Ring]

E[99]Main Engineering, Site
-Whenever ship is damaged, you may report one universal ENGINEER to this location. If 3 ENGINEER present, you may remove one damage counter from ship for every full turn ship doesn't move (or repair a ship in two full turns if damage counters aren't used). Ship is RANGE +1 if matching commander aboard. If Warp Core Breach played here, you may download Eject Warp Core.
-Any Starship[Engineering]

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Star Trek TM Paramount Pictures; Star Trek: Customizable Card Game TM Decipher Inc.