The Original
Series - The Next Generation
- Deep Space 9 - Voyager
- Enterprise - Movies
- Other
The Motion Picture
- The Wrath of Kahn - The
Search for Spock - The Voyage
Home - The Final Frontier
The Undiscovered
Country - Generations
- First Contact - Insurrection
- Nemesis
Pictures are listed by scene. Set and prop shots that have not appeared as is are listed under the scene in which they first appeared. When CGI was used to create the card, that has been noted. Archived at the same rhythm they are compiled on Decipher's BBS. 2E cards are in Green. Updated 23/05/05
Motion Picture (all pics from Director's
Klingon Battle
(The Klingons get disintegrated by V'ger.)
IKC Amar (CGI: Another K't'inga
removed from background)
IKC K't'inga (CGI: V'ger
cloud removed from background)
Karnog (CGI: Other Klingon
removed from background)
Komal (CGI: Krase removed
from foreground)
Krase (CGI: Komal removed
from his position leaning on the chair)
(Spock breaks his Kohlinar.)
Starfleet Headquarters
(Kirk finagles his way aboard the Enterprise.)
The new Enterprise
(Long boring pans of the refit Enterprise.)
Welcome aboard
(Everyone but Decker's happy to see Kirk.)
Transporter malfunction
(Rand fries a couple of crew members.)
Mission briefing
(Kirk explains the V'ger situation as Epsilon
9 is destroyed.)
The navigator Ilia
(Ilia comes aboard, drawing stares.)
Friends reunited
(McCoy relunctantly joins the mission.)
Ready for departure
(The ship leaves spacedock and the system.)
The wormhole
(Engine imbalance throws the ship into a wormhole.)
Engine Imbalance
Decker speaks frankly
(Decker has a spat with Kirk, then one with
Spock's arrival
(Spock comes aboard and gives everyone the
cold shoulder.)
Warp speed
(Spock fixes everything and reveals he senses
Red alert
(Visual contact with V'ger and Chekov's burnt
in a torpedo attack.)
The intruder communicates
(Ilia heals Chekov while Spock detects V'ger's
Chapel and Uhura removed from image, frame extended a bit to the left)
Entering the cloud
(Long boring pans of the V'ger cloud.)
The alien vessel
(Long boring pans of V'ger itself.)
Plasma probe
(A probe boards the ship and zaps Ilia.)
Into the maw
(The Enterprise enters V'ger.)
The probe
(V'ger sends a robot duplicate of Ilia to
communicate with the crew.)
Willard Decker
Memory patterns
(Decker rekindles feeling in the Ilia probe.)
Spock's journey
(Spock enters V'ger's archives.)
Simple feeling
(Spock explains V'ger's loneliness... and
his own.)
Entering Earth orbit
(V'ger arrives at Earth and fires some probes.)
The orifice opens
(Enterprise is allowed to go into the heart
of V'ger.)
V'ger revealed
(Turns out V'ger is an old Voyager probe.)
A new life form
(Decker joins with V'ger-Ilia and goes to
the Seventh Heaven or somewhere.)
Wrath of Khan
Kobayashi Maru
(Saavik fails the test.)
Kobayashi Maru Scenario
(Kirk gets glasses for his birthday, highlighting
his age.)
Discussing Genesis with the
(The Reliant crew talk to the Doctors Marcus
about Genesis.)
David Marcus(CGI:
technician removed from background)
(Chekov finds Khan on Ceti Alpha V and gets
an eel in the ear for his trouble.)
female mutant removed from background)
The Enterprise
(Kirk cuts short his inspection of the ship.)
New orders
(From Khan speaking to Carol through Chekov
to Spock handing over Enterprise to Kirk.)
Starship Constitution (TMP)
(Carol's proposal to the Federation.)
(Reliant attacks Enterprise.)
Dedication to Duty
Precise Attack
Prefix Code Transmission
Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold
USS Reliant
(Looking for the staff of Regula 1.)
Clark Terrell
Buried alive
(All underground scenes up to the classic
Ceti Eel
Young and old
(Carol and Kirk talk about David while Reliant
gets repaired.)
Carol Marcus
I Don't Like to Lose
By the book
(Khan can't find the Enterprise, which has
just rescued Kirk's party.)
Battle stations
(With everyone back aboard, they head for
the nebula.)
(Battle in the nebula.)
Commander Chekov
Target Warp Field Coils
Warp speed
(Spock sacrifices his life and Khan sets off
the Genesis device.)
Captain Spock
No, Kirk... The Game's Not Over
The Genesis Device
The Needs of the Many...
Life and death
(Funeral and epilogue.)
Admiral Kirk
fellow crewman's shoulder removed from image)
Starship Enterprise (TMP)
Search for Spock
(As Kirk leaves Genesis, Kruge gets wind of
its existence.)
A sign of life
(McCoy breaks into Spock's room while the
USS Grissom detects lifesigns on Genesis.)
J.T. Esteban
USS Grissom
Vulcan mind meld
(Sarek comes looking for his son's katra.)
Ambassador Sarek
Planet forbidden
(The Grissom team beams to Genesis to which
McCoy is trying to get transport.)
Stealing the Enterprise
(The crew rescues McCoy and hijacks the ship.)
Captain Styles
(CGI: Sulu removed from foreground)
The Vulcan child
(The Grissom team finds young Spock while
their ship is destroyed by Klingons.)
Klingon bird of prey
(Arrival to Genesis and capture of Grissom
Enterprise destruct sequence
(Kirk surrenders, but blows up the ship.)
Born for Conquest
Desperate Sacrifice
The ageing planet
(The final battle between Kirk and Kruge while
Genesis falls apart around them.)
The needs of the one
(Back to Vulcan for a quick resurrection.)
At What Cost?
Duj Saq
Fal-tor-pan (CGI:
colors compensate for yellow lighting)
Observe Ritual
T'Lar (CGI:
colors compensate for yellow lighting)
Voyage Home
(The Klingon ambassador asks for Kirk's head
even as an alien probe closes in on Earth.)
(The crew's on Vulcan while Starfleet has
problems wih the probe.)
Amanda Grayson
Heading home
(The Bounty takes off and the probe hits Earth.)
Distress calls
(The probe calls for whales, but only manages
to disrupt the oceans.)
Dr. Chapel
The Whale Probe
Time warp
(The time travel trip to 1986 Earth.)
HMS Bounty
San Francisco
(The crew splits up to find whatever they
need and Kirk sells his glasses.)
George & Gracie
(A visit of the Cetecean Institute.)
Cetacean Institute (CGI:
Visitors removed from bottom of the image)
I Hate You!
Colorful metaphors
(Gillian picks up Kirk and Spock; Team 2 find
nuclear wessels.)
Primitive Culture
Professor Scott
(Scotty gives the formula for transparent
alumunium to the past.)
Quaint Technology
The truth
(Kirk tells Gillian who he really is.)
Dr. Gillian Taylor
(Chekov gets captured by the aircraft carrier's
Equipment Malfunction
Now Would Be A Good Time
Unwelcome guest
(When the whales are released, Gillian heads
back for the park.)
(Chekov is broken out of the hospital.)
Whale hunt
(The whales are rescues from whalers.)
Crash landing
(Return to the future and crash in San Francisco
The Enterprise
(Kirk's "court-martial" leads to a new assignment.)
USS Enterprise-A
From Outer Space to the Ocean
- documentary
(Available on Special Edition DVD.)
George and Gracie
Final Frontier
Secret Pain
(In the intro, Sybok heals an alien and laughs
his head off.)
Sybok (exact image not in
the film)
Shore leave
(Kirk climbs - and fall off of - a mountain.)
Paradise lost
(Attack on Paradise City and alert to cancel
the Enterprise's shore leave.)
Caithlin Dar
General Korrd
St. John Talbot (CGI: General
Korrd removed from background)
(Kirk, Spock and McCoy sit around the campfire
singing songs and eating beans.)
Space garbage
(Klaa destroys an old Voyager probe, and the
heroes return to the Enterprise.)
IKC Chontay
Ghost from the past
(In the message from Nimbus III, Spock sees
Storming the city
(The crew mounts a rescue.)
The Moon's a Window to Heaven
Stealing the ship
(From the shuttle's approach to the commandeering
Jail break
(Scotty breaks the gang out of the brig for
some turboshaft action.)
Releasing the pain
(Sybok gives Spock and McCoy visions.)
Release This Pain
(The ship pierces the Galactic Barrier and
beams people to Sha Ka Ree.)
The Discovery of Sha Ka Ree
The masks of God
(An alien calling himself God tries to commandeer
the Enterprise.)
What Does God Need With a Starship?
(Kirk is trapped on Sha Ka Ree.)
Brothers in arms
(Reception on the Enterprise.)
Undiscovered Country
Sulu's mission
(Sulu detects the explosion of a Klingon moon.)
USS Excelsior
Starfleet Headquarters
(The briefing about that incident.)
Admiral Cartwright
Kirk meets Valeris
(Spock introduces his intended replacement.)
Guess who's coming to dinner?
(Starfleet and Klingons are the same table?)
Chancellor Gorkon
Disgraceful Assault
General Chang
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
Kronos One
Bones operates
(The attack on Kronos One leads to Kirk and
McCoy trying to save Gorkon.)
Brigadier Kurla
Don't Let It End This Way
(Dealings in the president's office and Azetbur's
meeting room.)
Klingon justice
(Kirk and McCoy's Klingon trial.)
Colonel Worf
Kor'choth (CGI: Klingon
in window removed from image)
Rura Penthe
(As the search begins, Kirk and McCoy make
their place on a penal asteroid.)
Harsh Conditions
Miner Disagreement
Chekov's clue
(More of the search, including Chekov finding
blood on the transporter pad.)
Ice campfire
(As the Enterprise races to Rura Penthe, Kirk
and McCoy escape into the cold, but it's a trap.)
Head to Head
Linguistic Legerdemain
Surprise at sick bay
(Valeris exposed and interrogated.)
The secret weapon
(From the conference's start to the Kla'Diyus'
first shot.)
Camp Khitomer
IKC Kla'Diyus
Space battle!
(Excelsior arrives to kick some butt.)
Cry "Havoc!"
No Peace in Our Time
To Be Or Not To Be
(The crew stops an assassination attempt on
the Federation president.)
Assassination Attempt
Assassination Plot
(One last scene on the Enterprise's bridge.)
Commander Uhura
Dr. McCoy
Mission Accomplished
Mr. Scott
(Kirk seems to lose his life on the Enterprise-B's
first day.)
Demora Sulu (CGI:
2 journalists and 2 crew members, including Voight, removed from background)
John Harriman
Mark Tobiaston
USS Enterprise-B
Worf's promotion
(Worf is promoted - and soaked - on the holodeck.)
Armagosa Observatory
(Soren is found on an observatory attacked
by Romulans.)
Emotion chip
(Data has the emotion chip finally installed,
finds out he hates a drink.)
The fire in which we burn
(Soren asks Picard to return to the observatory.)
Tolian Soran - Renegade Scientist
Emotion chip malfunction
(Geordi is captured by Soren as Data goes
haywire with emotion.)
Mr. Tricorder
The fire in which Picard burns
(Picard deals with the death of his family
and the star goes supernova.)
Soren's allies
(Soren talks with the Sisters of Duras as
Guinan explains his motivation.)
B'Etor - Ambitious Renegade
Lursa - Ambitious Renegade
Stellar cartography
(Picard and Data figure out Soren's plan in
stellar cartography.)
Arrival at Veridian
(A prisoner exchange at Veridian III.)
Dr. Tolian Soran
Veridian, first try
(Picard tries to stop Soren.)
Klingon offensive
(The Sisters of Duras attack the Enterprise.)
(CGI: B'etor, Lursa and another Klingon removed from image)
I Just Love Scanning for Life-Forms
Power to the Shields
Saucer crash
(The Sisters succeed and the Enterprise saucer
section makes a landing.)
(Soren destroys the Veridian system while
he and Picard step into the Nexus.)
The Nexus
Picard's Christmas
(Picard's fantasy in the Nexus contains clues
about his real mission.)
Kirk in the Nexus
(Picard convinces Kirk to leave his fantasy
Lure of the Nexus
James T. Kirk - Living Legend
Veridian, second try
(Kirk and Picard stop Soren before he succeeds,
but at a price.)
Final Adventure
James T. Kirk
(Picard throws a Kurlan Naiskos in the trash,
Data finds Spot and they leave Kirk's body on Veridian III to set up Star
Trek VIII: The Search for Kirk.)
Picard's dream and waking
(From the opening credits to Hayes's call.)
Admiral Hayes
Biological Distinctiveness
Borg Outpost
Borg Servo
Retask (CGI:
Picard removed from picture)
Sense the Borg
Service the Collective
Neutral Zone Blues
(From the briefing to their leaving for Earth.)
Abandon Mission
Beverly Crusher (FC)
Data (FC)
Geordi LaForge (FC) (not
actual shot; possibly cast photo)
Jean-Luc Picard (FC)
Mirror Image
Mission Debriefing
Patrol Neutral Zone
USS Bozeman (mentioned)
USS Enterprise-E
Wall of Ships (set
William T. Riker (FC)
The battle
(From the second we see the Borg Cube to the
launch of the Sphere.)
Assimilate Planet
Borg Cube (not
actual shot)
Borg Sphere (not
actual shot)
Deanna Troi (FC)
Eliminate Starship
Espionage Mission (not
actual shot)
Evasive Maneuvers
Launch Portal (not
actual shot)
Phaser Banks
Photon Torpedo
Primary Energy Weapon
Quantum Torpedo
Queen's Borg Cube (not
actual shot)
Queen's Borg Cube
Queen's Borg Sphere (not
actual shot)
Salvage Starship
Sphere Encounter
Target Shields
Target These Coordinates
USS Thunderchild
Weak Spot
Travel to 21st century
(From the destruction of the Cube to the Vortex
Assimilate Homeworld
Changed History (repeated
from 1E's Assimilate Homeworld)
Population 9 Billion - All Borg
based on a line spoken here)
Pursuit Course
Temporal Vortex
Temporal Wake
Borg attack on Montana
(From the shot of Montana from the air to
the destruction of the Sphere.)
Stop First Contact
Meeting Lily
(From the crew beaming down to Lily beaming
Antique Machine Gun
Lack of Preparation
Shot in the Back
Theta-Radiation Poisoning
Meanwhile, in Engineering
(From Picard's call to Geordi to Eiger's assimilation,
includes the "loving the missile" scene.)
Assign Mission Specilists (CGI
from cast shots)
Dr. Royce (cast
Inge Eiger
Lisa Azar (cast
Paul Porter (not
exact shot)
Richard Wilkins (cast
Undetected Beam-In
Sickbay and meanwhile, on
the bridge
(From Picard's call to Worf to Lily escaping.)
Alyssa Ogawa (FC) (not
exact shot)
E.M.H. Program
Fractal Enccryption Code
I'm a Doctor, Not a Doorstop
(Picard discusses the plans to attack Engineering.)
Lightner (not
exact shot)
Starfleet Type III Phaser Rifle
Worf (FC)
Drinking binge
(From Riker's entry into the bar to Cochrane's
restarting of the jukebox.)
Ooby Dooby
Down the corridor and first
phaser fight
(From Data's anxiety scene to Picard escaping
through the hatch.)
8 of 19 - Assault Drone
6 of 19 - Reassimilation Drone
6 of 11 - Quantum Drone
10 of 19 - Tachyon Drone (not
exact shot)
3 of 19 - Talon Drone
2 of 19 - Transwarp Drone
Android Headlock
Assimilation Tubules
Joseph Travis (not
exact shot)
Mercy Kill
Obarakeh (not
exact shot)
Prepare Assault Teams
Lily meets Picard
(Short scene as Lily ambushes Picard.)
My First Raygun
Data for dinner
(Data's first conversation with the Queen.)
1 of 11 - Procurement Drone
Access Denied
Activate Subcommands
Assimilation Table (prop
shot; background from Picard's reunion with the Queen)
Cochrane's conversion
(Cochrane is told about the future.)
Zefram Cochrane
Zefram Cochrane's Telescope
Back on deck 16
(From Feds facing Borg in the corridors to
the scene on the bridge with Worf in command.)
Adapt: Negate Obstruction
Add Distinctiveness
Resistance Is Futile
We Are the Borg
Lily's conversion
(Scene with the window opening on to Earth.)
The Big Picture
The Queen appears
(From the question "Are you ready" to the
Queen blowing on Data's arm.)
5 of 11 - Cyber Drone
Borg Queen
Long Live the Queen
Tempted By Flesh
Lily meets the Borg
(From the discussion on the Federation to
entering the Holodeck doors.)
18 of 19 - Astrogation Drone
16 of 19 - Survey Drone
Assimilate Starship (not
exact shot)
Dixon Hill
(From choosing the program to Picard taking
off for the bridge.)
Disengage Safety Protocols
Don't Call Me Ahab
Invasive Drone
Nicki the Nose
Opposition Drone
Strict Dress Code
Cochrane the idol
(From crewmembers hounding Cochrane to his
taking off to take a leak.)
Hero Worship
Ocular Implant
Reginald Barclay (FC)
Visit Cochrane Memorial (CGI
based on this scene)
Prologue to hull scene
(4 scenes: Discussion on the bridge about
the beacon, the ground team spotting Cochrane in the woods, the space team
suiting up, and their first moments on the hull.)
Borg Neuroprocessor
Environmental Suit
Data's escape attempt
(From the shot of skin being grafted onto
Data to his kissing the Queen.)
2 of 11 - Transport Drone
Borg Kiss
Dead End
On the hull
(Inlcudes short scene of ground crew catching
up to Cochrane.)
11 of 17 - Complink Drone
15 of 17 - Countermeasure Drone
9 of 17 - Multiplexor Drone
6 of 17 - Sabotage Drone
2 of 17 - Unity Drone
A Change of Plans
Adapt: Modulate Shields
Assimilate This!
Build Interplexing Beacon
Continuity Drone
Facilitation Drone
Negation Drone
Requisitions Drone
Targeted for Assimilation
One hour before lift-off
(Opening of the launch bay doors and discussion
about Cochrane's vision.)
Montana Missile Complex
Picard and Worf's disagreement
(From McClure's walking onto the bridge to
Lily foing into the conference room.)
Thomas McClure
Lily confronts Ahab
(Everything in the conference room.)
The Line Must Be Drawn Here
(Interlaced with 1st warp launch scene: from
Picard's ordder to the pods leaving the ship.)
Emergency Evacuation
1st warp launch
(Interlaced with Evacuation scene: from Montana
complex shots to the Phoenix getting to orbit.)
Magic Carpet Ride OCD
Picard's reunion with the
(From Picard walking onto deck 16 to Data's
11 of 19 - Bio-Med Drone
Assimilate Counterpart
He Will Make an Excellent Drone
One With the Borg
Three-Dimensional Thinking
1st warp flight
(Interlaced with Picard's reunion with the
Queen and the Last battle scenes: from bringing the warp core online to
going back to Earth.)
Crew Reassignment
Intermix Ratio
Last battle
(From targeting the Phoenix with torpedoes
to Data and Picard walking out of Engineering)
Alas, Poor Queen
Balancing Act
Borg Queen - Perfectionist
Scorched Hand
First Contact
(From the captain's last log to beam-out.)
Kathleen Tonell
Lily Sloan
Live Long and Prosper
Vulcan Lander
(Last scene on the bridge, followed by last
scene on the ground.)
Make It So
Primitive Culture
Ready Room Door
(Judged to be entirely CGI and not based on
any specific episodes.)
Borg Scout Vessel (based
on episode "I, Borg")
Establish Gateway
Scout Encounter
Transwarp Network Gateway
(Used on promotional products only.)
9 of 11 - Interlink Drone (promotional
Unable to locate
(Not in the film, and unable to determine
where they would have fit.)
4 of 11 - Guard Drone
(Data for dinner?)
13 of 19 - Tactical Drone
One With the Borg
Reconnaissance Drone
Transwarp Drone
Ba'ku village
(Intro and Data on a rampage.)
Rae'alin (CGI:
Starfleet officer removed from right)
Secondary protocols
(Diplomatic mission on the Enterprise.)
Diplomatic Overture
The Son'a
(We meet the Son'a as the Enterprise arrives
to the Briar Patch.)
Analyze Radiation (CGI:
Enterprise-E removed from foreground)
"A British Tar"
(Picard and Worf capture Data with a song.)
Rescuing the hostages
(First contact with the Ba'ku.)
Therapeutic postures
(Courtship resumes between Troi and Riker.)
I Need A Little Counseling
A few loose ends
(Investigation of Data's malfunction and discovery
of holoship.)
Metaphasic radiation
(The crew gets younger and Picard wonders
just how old the Ba'ku are.)
Smooth as an Android's Bottom?
Abandon the Prime Directive
(Picard confronts Dougherty, oh, and a face-stretching
Matthew Dougherty
Lock and load
(Picard's crew goes AWOL as Rua'fo orders
their elimination.)
Evacuating the village
(Picard evacuates the Ba'ku village under
siege by the Son'a.)
Transport Inhibitor
Send your ships
(Rua'fo convinces Dougherty to let him send
ships after the Enterprise.)
Do machines ever play?
(Artim and Data have a good time.)
A perfect moment
(Picard and Anij have a good - if slow - time.)
Heightened Perception
Aggressive tendencies
(The Enterprise is attacked by Son'a ships,
the Ba'ku by transporter drones.)
Isolytic Burst
Son'a Shuttle
Inside the caves
(The Ba'ku run into a cave system.)
The Riker maneuver
(While the Ba'ku are moved to farther caves,
Riker destroys a Son'a ship persuing the Enterprise.)
Isomagnetic Disintegrator
Riker Maneuver
Don't let go
(A cave-in imperils Anij's life.)
Transporter Drones
A blood feud
(Picard and Anij are captured, and Dougherty
challenges Rua'fo's.)
I Do Not Take Orders From You!
(Rebel Son'a help the Bak'u.)
Injector Assembly One
An illusion
(Rua'fo's victory is only a holoprogram on
the holoship.)
Collect Metaphasic Particles
The collector
(Rua'fo and Picard square off aboard the Collector.)
The healing process
(The surviving Son'a are embraced by the Ba'ku,
other epilogues, etc.)
Unable to situate
(Unable to determine where it fits in the
Son'a Battleship
(Note: When these cards were made, the film hadn't
come out and Decipher used whatever material was made available to them,
which explains why so many pics are not exact shots, being production photography
stills, trailer footage, reversed shots and alternate takes.)
(Shots that are in the trailer, but not in
the film in this exact form.)
Engage Cloak
Explosive Decompression
Peacemaker or Predator?
Shinzon - Romulan Praetor (from
deleted scene The Time for Conquest)
The Reman Mines
(The Romulan Senate gets killed.)
Dissolving the Senate
Hiren - Romulan Praetor (not
exact shot)
Inside Collaborators
Power Shift
Prejudice and Politics (not
exact shot)
Romulus - Seat of Power (not
exact shot)
Sabrun (deleted
entirely from film)
Supervise Dilithium Mine (not
exact shot)
Talvin (not
exact shot)
Blue Skies
(A wedding reception for Will and Deanna.)
Positronic Signature
(B-4 is detected.)
Deanna Troi - Guide and Conscience
Planetary Survey
USS Enterprise-E - Federation Envoy
Unsafe Velocities
(The hunt for B-4 and subsequent chase by
the Kolarans AKA the dune buggy sequence.)
Jean-Luc Picard - Argo Pilot (not
exact shot)
Kolaran Raiders (not
exact shot)
Picking up the Pieces
Pursuit Just Behind (not
exact shot)
Sailing into the Unknown
(Janeway sends Picard to Romulus.)
How Would You Like a Trip to Romulus?
exact shot)
Kathryn Janeway - Wry Admiral (not
exact shot)
Mission Briefing
(not exact shot)
Memory Download
(Data dumps himself into B-4.)
Geordi LaForge - Chief Engineer
exact shot)
(The Scimitar decloaks. Reaction shots all
Scimitar - Predator
exact shot)
USS Sovereign
Praetor Shinzon
(First meeting with Shinzon on the dark steps.)
DNA Analysis
Limited Welcome
(Shinzon is at odds with the Romulan military
that allowed him to take power.)
Chance Observation
Donatra - Compassionate Patriot
exact shot)
Suran - Ambitious Commander (not
exact shot)
Not Quite Human
(Shinzon and Picard have a quiet dinner.)
A Living Death (not
exact shot)
(Shinzon invades Deanna's mind... and her
The Echo Over the Voice
(Another torture room scene for Picard.)
B-4 - Dangerous Simpleton
Dralvak (not
exact shot)
Emergency Transport Unit
(Data and Picard escape from the Scimitar.)
Chagrith (not
exact shot)
Shinzon - Capable Commander (not
exact shot)
Rate of Decay
(Shinzon is decaying as is his alliance with
the Romulans.)
Tal'Aura - Impatient Senator
(CGI: superimposed on different background elements)
Battle Stations
(The Enterprise prepares for battle.)
Beverly Crusher - Chief Medical
Officer (not exact shot)
Empathic Touch (not
exact shot)
Empathic Touch (not
exact shot; repeated from 2E)
Systems Diagnostic
But Through a Glass Darkly
(Data and Picard talking in Astrometrics.)
Data - Aspirer (not
exact shot)
Jean-Luc Picard - Explorer
(not exact shot)
Romulan Assistance
(The battle is joined and the Romulans turn
on Shinzon.)
Soterus (actually
the Valdore)
The Viceroy - Shinzon's Protector
exact shot)
Remember Me?
(Troi helps find Shinzon's ship with her mind
while the Remans board the ship.)
Enemy Boarding Party (not
exact shot)
Kelly - Relief Tactical Officer
exact shot)
Thexor (not
exact shot)
Worf - Security Detail Leader (not
exact shot)
Brace for Impact
(Riker fights the Viceroy and Troi has another
driving accident.)
Brutal Struggle (not
exact shot)
Worth Dying For
(Picard beams over to the Scimitar to stop
Shinzon's weapon.)
Face of the Enemy
(Data jumps over to the Scimitar to help Picard.)
Personal Duty (not
exact shot)
Journey's End
(Some characters go boom.)
New Horizons
(Tying up some loose ends B-4 it's all over.)
Deleted Scene: The Time of
(Shinzon speaks to the Romulan Senate.)
Change of Heart (not
exact shot)
No home yet
Command Decisions
Inspiring Leader
William T. Riker - Number One