Dream Cards AtoZ-The Encyclopedia of Dreams - M

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[51] MajQa, Rite of
[52] Mak'ala, Caves of
[53] mak'dar
[54] Makar
[55] makara herb

[51] Rite of MajQa, Event
"Klingon ritual involving deep meditation in the lava caves of No'Mat. Exposure to the heat is supposed to induce meaningful visions."
-Seeds or plays on a  planet. End of each turn, if your Klingon with Honor x2 is on planet, draw an extra card (or two if an  Klingon also present).

[52] The Caves if Mak'ala, Outpost, Federation
"Caves kilometers under the surface of Trill that contain interconnecting pools where the symbionts breed."
-Seeds or plays on Symbiont Diagnosis. Once per turn, one symbiont OR Trill with symbiont OR Trill Guardian may report for free here. (Not duplictable.)

[53] Ferengi Deserve Nothing But Insults, Dilemma, space/planet, -5 points
"When Kozak got angry at Quark one night, he called the Ferengi a mak'dar, a strong insult indeed, but Quark was too afraid to notice."
-"Stops" one Klingon personnel present and kills one Ferengi personnel present (random selection). If neither present, lose points.

[54] Makar, Ship, Romulan
"Advanced D'deridex used by the Tal Shiar in its attack of the Founders' homeworld in 2371. Commanded by Gul Madred as part of exchange program."
-Modified D'deridex Class[] Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam; Attributes all -2 unless Tal Shiar in crew

[55] Makara Herb, Equipment
"Medicinal plant native to Bajor. Used to raise progesterone levels in pregnant women, side-effects included insomnia and a foul taste."
-Prevents your personnel present from being placed in stasis AND your Bajoran females present from being disabled. Reports for free to Kira Nerys.

[51] Ancestral Vision à la Klingon.
[52] I used the mission's title rather than planet name to prevent any confusion.
[53] It's a random selection for the Klingon and the Ferengi.
[54] So whatever happened to Gul Madred after he let Picard go? This attempts to answer that question.
[55] Will work for non-[Baj] Bajoran women too.

[56] Makbar
[57] Maktag
[58] Malaya IV
[59] Malcor III
[60] Malcorians

[56] Exists as Makbar.

[57] Born During Maktag, Interrupt
"Alexander Rozhenko, son of Worf, was born during the Klingon month of Maktag during the Earth year 2366. The boy was of two worlds"
-Plays once per turn to download one dual-aligned personnel OR any Alexander to a matching facility. OR Downloads one Treaty whose affiliations match those of a dual-aligned personnel in play.

[58] Physical Exam, Mission, planet, Federation
Malaya IV: Undergo physical examination before heading out into deep space.
-MEDICAL + Biology + one non-MEDICAL personnel without Biology
-Span: 2; 20 points

[59] Exists as First Contact.

[60] Hysteria, Dilemma, planet
"The premature discovery of Starfleet personnel on planet Malcor III led to hysteria in parts of the population, delaying first contact indefinitely."
-Unless Diplomacy x3 and Anthropology present, place on planet. All seeded personnel encountered here are immediately discarded.

[56] n/a
[57] For example, having Major Rakal in play allows you to download the Fed/Romulan Treaty.
[58] A super-easy one to use as a game-ender for Federation MEDICAL decks.
[59] n/a
[60] In effect adds those requirements to any such mission on the spaceline, just to be on the safe side.

[61] Malencon, Arthur
[62] Malia
[63] Malinche, USS
[64] Malko
[65] Malkus IX

[61] Arthur Malencon, Personnel, Federation
"Hydraulics specialist. Part of unsuccessful terraforming project at planet Valera III. Threatened by native crystalline microbrain."
-ENGINEER, Physics; Discard to nullify one non-Ship card destroying your facility here; 

[62] Malia, Personnel, Non-Aligned, ,, 5 points
"Typical Taresian woman. Joined to Taymon and became one of his wives. Reduced him to a lifeless husk through denucleation of his cells."
-CIVILIAN, Treachery, Exobiology; Score points if downloaded by Genetic Harvest

[63] USS Malinche, Ship, Federation
"Under the command of Captain Sanders, ship that patrolled the Demilitarized Zone near Gamma 7 outpost. Attacked by Maquis raiders."
-Excelsior class[] Tractor Beam, Holodeck; All attributes +1 in DMZ region

[64] Malko, Personnel, Federation, ,
"Holosuite character. Handsome young masseur in Jadzia Dax's holosuite representation of the Hoobishan Baths of Trill."
-CIVILIAN, Youth, MEDICAL; May report for free to Hoobishan Baths program

[65] Study Sign Language, Mission, planet, Cardassian/Federation/Romulan
Malkus IX: Study gestual language used by the Leyrons, which they developped before a spoken tongue.
-Anthropology x2 + Computer Skill OR Riva
-Span: 4; 30 points; Opponent's side only: Linguistic Legerdemain is doubled here.

[61] Ship cards only represent that card type, not other cards with the word Ship in their titles.
[62] Genetic Harvest is a dilemma based on denucleation that allows an opponent to download a female personnel to kill one male personnel present.
[63] The DMZ region is indeed the Demilitarized Zone region.
[64] Does not count as an actual Trill, either joined or unjoined.
[65] The special game text encourages a certain dilemma to be played here.

[66] "Man Alone, A"
[67] "Man of the People"
[68] Manchovites
[69] Mandel, Ensign
[70] Mandl, Kurt

[66] A Man Alone, Dilemma, space/planet
"When Odo became a suspect in his own investigation of a murder, he had to be excluded from the proceedings, but opted to go it alone."
-Select one unique personnel at random. It is either "stopped" OR all other personnel present are "stopped" (your choice). Discard dilemma.

[67] Old and Crabby, Dilemma, space/planet, Countdown: 3
"When Ves Alkar took Deanna Troi as his vessel, she started to age rapidly and lost control of her emotions. Only death could free her."
-Disables one female Empath or Mindmeld personnel present (random selection) until end of countdown. Away Team or crew is "stopped" until that time unless disabled personnel is immediately discarded. Discard dilemma.

[68] Arming Both Sides, Interrupt
"Some time ago, Hagath and Gaila supplied weapons to the Manchovites as well as to their enemies, maximizing profits and bloodshed."
-If you have a personnel with Acquisition and Treachery in play, play to download to any location the same number of hand weapons just reported or downloaded by your opponent. (Not cumulative.) OR Download one hand weapon.

[69] Ensign Mandel, Personnel, Federation
"USS Enterprise crewmember assigned to ops when the ship left Mudor V. One of the few officers left on the brdige when the ship hit a quantum filament."
-OFFICER, Computer Skill, Astrophysics, Navigation; May be downloaded to your Bridge

[70] Kurt Mandl, Personnel, Federation
"Director of an aborted terraforming station on planet Valera III. Concealed the fact that the project would threaten indigenous life-forms."
-CIVILIAN, Treachery, ENGINEER, Geology, Exobiology; This facility's SHIELDS are +2; 

[66] Do you go ahead alone? Or with one member of the Away Team or crew missing?
[67] Allows you to keep the target personnel at the cost of losing precious time.
[68] It does not however entitle you to seeded and just revealed hand weapons. With the second function, you must download the weapon to wear it could normally be reported.
[69] Ship sites, unlike Nor sites, do not normally allow personnel to be reported or downloaded.
[70] He adds SHIELDS to any facility he is aboard.

[71] "Maneuvers"
[72] Manheim Effect
[73] Manheim, Dr. Paul
[74] Manheim, Jenice
[75] "Manhunt"

[71] Daring Raid, Tactic
-ATTACK bonus +1 if you have a Kazon ship firing, +2 if any Seska aboard. Hit = . Direct hit = .
*Boarded: Opponent may download Boarding Party at any time if their next action is to "ram" this ship.

[72] Exists as Manheim's Dimensional Door.

[73] Exists as Paul Manheim.

[74] Exists as Jenice Manheim.

[75] Love Interest: Manhunt, Dilemma, space/planet
"When Lwaxana Troi went through 'the phase', her amorous advances became intolerable to Captain Jean-Luc Picard who retreated into the holodeck."
-If a personnel was just relocated by previous dilemma, relocate one personnel present of the opposing gender (random selection, any Lwaxana is possible) to same location. Discard dilemma.

[71] "At any time" of course requires that it be legal for the next action to be ramming. This can be done long after the battle if the damage persists, but not once it is repaired at the damahe marker is discarded.
[72] n/a
[73] n/a
[74] n/a
[75] Lwaxana is only possible if the previously relocated personnel was a male.

[76] Mansara
[77] manta leaves
[78] Mantickian paté
[79] Manu III
[80] Maporian ale

[76]Mansara, Event
"The Native American colonists of Dorvan V had carved representations of spirits, placing Ferengi, Klingons and Vulcans equal with bears and coyotes."
-Plays on table. Your Klingon, Ferengi and Vulcan personnel with Anthropology are considered to be Native Americans for purposes of other cards.

[77] Noisy Campfire, Dilemma, planet
"While a campfire already attracts attention through its light, throwing manta leaves into it to make them pop only increases the chance of detection."
-Unless SECURITY and Biology present, up to 2 personnel present are captured (random selection).

[78] Mantickian Paté, Food
"Exotic dish prepared by Lwaxana Troi for Dr. Timicin and the engineering staff of the Enterprise-D in 2367. She used a console as a picnic table."
-Where present, your female personnel may "stop" any number of ENGINEERs present, then discard Food card.

[79] Proximity Detector Set-Up, Mission, planet/space, Cardassian/Federation/Klingon/Romulan
Manu III: Launch and regulate proximity detectors around this inhabited planet.
-SECURITY + ENGINEER + Astrophysics
-Span: 3; 30 points

[80] Maporian Ale, Food
"Alcoholic beverage. The lady Grilka liked it with a hint of pazafer. Quark gladly made and served the drink for her."
-Where present, your Klingon female personnel and Ferengi male personnel are all INTEGRITY +1. (Cumulative.)

[76] AtoZ has introduced enough Native-related cards to make some affiliations jealous, so this opens up those strategies for a few other personnel.
[77] n/a
[78] If you have more than one Paté at the location, only one is discarded with this maneuver.
[79] A simpler planet/space mission, which isn't something we have in the game.
[80] There's no upper limit to this cumulative drink.

[81] Maques
[82] Maquis interceptor
[83] Maquis ships
[84] "Maquis, Part I, The"
[85] "Maquis, Part II, The"

[81] Exists as Maques.

[82] Maquis Interceptor, Ship, Non-Aligned, 
"Modified, lightly-armed Peregrine-class courier ship, usually with a one-person Maquis crew."
-Peregrine Class[] X=4 if moving within a region; Any unique  may act as matching commander; ; Holds two personnel; Has no transporters.

[83]Maquis Raider, Ship, Non-Aligned, 
"Older spacecraft obtained from Federation sources. Used by the Maquis for ship-to-ship engagements and covert attacks. Well armed."
-Antares Class[] SD Any  personnel; 

[84]Maquis Recruitment, Event
"The Maquis managed to recruit an important number of Starfleet officers to their cause, including Ro Laren, Michael Eddington and Cal Hudson."
-Plays on your  leader. While in play, your personnel present matching that leader's affiliation gain .

[85] Cal Hudson, Personnel, Non-Aligned
"An old friend of Benjamin Sisko's, Calvin Hudson turned his back on him and the Federation by joining the Maquis. Commands a Maquis raider."
-CIVILIAN, Navigation, Leadership, Treachery; SD For the Cause! ships present are SHIELDS +2; ;

[81] n/a
[82] I've given Maquis ships a Maquis icon to match the Liberty's and will make use of them on other cards.
[83] A universal version of the Liberty.
[84] Only the current affiliation benefits, but you can switch between affiliation, shifting Maquis icons from your Feds to your NAs, for example, if Chakotay is your Maquis leader.
[85] A fully Maquis version of Hudson. Maquis ships are those that have that icon next to their lore box.

[86] Maquis
[87] Mar Oscura
[88] maraji crystals
[89] Maraltian seev-ale
[90] Maranga IV

[86]Maquis Resistance Cell, Objective
-Seeds or plays on table. Allows your  personnel to cooperate regardless of affiliation. Once each turn, your  personnel may report for free to your Badlands region facility or  ship. Also, your  personnel are all STRENGTH is +3 vs.  personnel, and your  ships in the Badlands region are all WEAPONS +2 vs.  ships.

[87] Exists as Survey Mission.

[88] Illegal Cargo, Dilemma, space
"Possession of controlled substances is illegal in some parts of space and may lead to impounding of ships. Maraji crystals are illegal in the Cardassian Union."
-Unless Smuggling present, ship is "stopped"; each opposing Law personnel here by end of opponent's next turn may capture one personnel present (opponent's choice). Discard dilemma.

[89] Maraltian Seev-Ale, Food
"Green beverage carried in Quark's private stock. Given to Kira by Odo after a particularly difficult interrogation session with Aamin Marritza."
-May seed at Quark's Bar (must be upkept before end of first full turn or be discarded). Doubles Interrogation points at same spaceline location.

[90] Attend Festival, Mission, planet, Klingon
Maranga IV: Attend Klingon Kot'baval Festival at this remote outpost.
-Honor x3 + Anthropology + Music x2
-Span: 4; 30 points; Kot'baval Festival may play for free here.

[86] Maquis ships outside the Badlands do not get the bonus, but personnel get the STRENGTH bonus anywhere in play.
[87] n/a
[88] If the ship is not stopped, opponent may not arrest (capture) personnel present.
[89] Food cards must be upkept by personnel ("consumers"), but this beverage doesn't need to be upkept immediately if seeded (it must during the first turn however).
[90] Kot'baval Festival allows for more free plays, even some that would help you solve the mission itself.

[91] Marani
[92] Marat Kobar
[93] Marayna
[94] Mardah
[95] Mareel

[91] Marani, Personnel, Bajoran, ,
"Typical denizen of the Mirror universe. Masseuse and servant of the Intendent on Terok Nor. In charge of filling the bathtub with milk."
-CIVILIAN, MEDICAL, Youth; SD Intendent's Milk Bath

[92] Marat Kobar, Personnel, Bajoran
"Bajoran national. In 2367, arrested and convicted on station terok Nor of a crime and sentenced to five years hard labor for the offense."
-CIVILIAN, Smuggling, Resistance, Geology; Once per turn, may "stop" one Law personnel present; 

[93] Marayna, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"Humanoid female who tapped into Voyager's holodeck grid to communicate with the crew. Wanted Tuvok to join her inside a nebula."
-SCIENCE, Astrophysics x2, Anthropology x2, Computer Skill x2; May report for free to any ship with Holodeck at a nebula; 

[94] Exists as Mardah.

[95] Mareel, Personnel, Non-Aligned
"Humanoid female from Khefka IV. Participated in Verad's scheme to steal the Dax symbiont in 2370. Dismayed by the new Verad Dax's attitude."
-CIVILIAN, SECURITY, Youth, Treachery; Your unjoined Trill present is CUNNING and STRENGTH +2; 

[91] The Bath is a Site card.
[92] 2367 falls during TNG, so the personnel is not AU. The skills basically make up what crime he might have committed.
[93] She is not a hologram.
[94] n/a
[95] She would have no effect on a joined Verad.

[96] Marejaretus VI
[97] Mareuvian tea
[98] Mariah IV
[99] Maribona-Picard, Javier
[100] Marijne VII beings

[96] Traditional Meal, Mission, planet, Any Away Team may attempt
Marejaretus VI: Eat meal with native Ooolans until stones struck together are finally broken.
-(Cooking OR Betazoid) + STRENGTH>35
-Span: 4; 35 points

[97] Mareuvian Tea, Food
"Beverage served by Guinan in the Ten-Forward Lounge aboard the USS Enterprise-D. One of the first that came in fashion aboard ship."
-Your El-Aurians may report directly to this location and are all attributes +1 (cumulative up to +3).

[98] Pitstop, Mission, planet, Cardassian/Non-Aligned
Mariah IV: Stop for refueling on dolamide cargo run.
-ENGINEER x2 + Geology x2 + ship with RANGE<7 in orbit
-Span: 3; 40 points

[99] Javier Maribona-Picard, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"Spanish soldier who participated in the brutal retribution against the Indians involved in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Ancestor of Jean-Luc Picard."
-SECURITY; All Picards in play are all attributes +2; Once per turn, may "stop" one Native American personnel present

[100] Subspace Beings, Trapped!, Dilemma, space/planet
"In 2370, subspace life-forms were trapped aboard the USS Raman. When they tried accessing the crew's thoughts, it proved deadly to the scientists."
-Unless 2 Empathy present, plays on your ship at this location. It is in stasis. At the start of every turn, one personnel aboard (random selection) is killed. Cure with Interface Probe.

[96] Haven't seen AtoZ's homegrown skill Cooking in a while. The Betazoids are included because the Ooolan ritual meal is a lot like theirs.
[97] This Food is from Guinan's very first episode.
[98] Actually requires a LOW Range ship.
[99] "All Picards" includes not only instances of the Picard persona (and AU Picards), but also other members of his family.
[100] Any crew beaming over will also be placed in stasis, except for the Interface Probe, of course.

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Star Trek TM Paramount Pictures; Star Trek: Customizable Card Game TM Decipher Inc.