Dream Cards AtoZ-The Encyclopedia of Dreams - C

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[301] Cosimo
[302] cosmic string fragment
[303] "Cost of Living"
[304] Costa, Lieutenant
[305] counselor

[301] Cosimo, Personnel, Non-Aligned, "Extradimensional intelligence that posed as a San Francisco coffee shop owner in an alternate reality caused by Harry Kim flying a shuttle through 'Cosimo''s time streams."
-CIVILIAN, Cooking; May nullify Timestream Intersection where present; One personnel present has  icon; SD Any Coffee Food card

[302] Exists as Cosmic String Fragment.

[303] Parallax Dancer, Dilemma, planet, ±1 point
"Dancing girl from the Parallax Colony who performed for Alexander Rozhenko and Lwaxana Troi in the Enterprise-D's holodeck while they took a mud bath. Is this acceptable entertainment for a young boy?"
-For each Youth present, lose points. For each Ferengi and Betazoid present, score points. Discard dilemma.

[304] Costa, Personnel, Federation
"Lieutenant serving under Geordi LaForge as part of the Enterprise-D's engineering staff. Once helped repair a malfunctioning antigrav. Didn't care for Barclay."
-ENGINEER, Computer Skill; SD Engineering PADD; SD Antigrav; Does not work with any Barclay; 

[305] Counselor Troi, Personnel, Federation
"½-Betazoid, ½-Human Deanna Troi's duties on the ship include one-on-one counseling of the crew, ship morale, crew evaluations and giving advice to the ship's captain."
-OFFICER, Anthropology, Empathy; Once per game, if present with ship's matching commander, may download one Captain's Order card; 

[301] A personnel gains AU whiel he is present, but the icon does not stay on there if they leave each other. You may switch the icon from personnel to personnel at any time.
[302] n/a
[303] I always found this an oddly inappropriate scene, so I made a card about it.
[304] n/a
[305] She must on the ship with its matching commander to download the card.

[306] counterinsurgency program
[307] Cousteau, Shuttlepod
[308] Coutu
[309] cove palm
[310] "cowboy diplomacy"

[306] Exists as Automated Security System.

[307] Cousteau, Ship, Federation
"Shuttle vehicle from the USS Aries. In 2367, was stolen by Mendez and abandonned on Tarchannen III. Named for a famous oceanographer."
-Shuttlepod[] May report aboard, be carried by and launch from the USS Aries.

[308] Exists as Coutu.

[309] Eating of the Fruit, Dilemma, planet, Countdown: 2
"Willie Potts, the child of an Enterprise-D crewman, ate a cove palm fruit in 2367. It contained a highly infectious parasite, and he needed emergency treatment at starbase."
-Unless Biology x2 OR Cooking present, plays on one Youth OR CUNNING<6 personnel present. It dies when countdown ends. Cure by bringing personnel to your outpost or Infirmiry.

[310]Cowboy Diplomacy, Objective, 
-Seeds or plays on table. When it comes into play, your unique non-Borg personnel with Diplomacy in play gain the affiliation icon of your choice (except Borg or Non-Aligned). While in play, those personnel may infiltrate any matching Away Team with dissidents, unificationists, Circle members, aligned Maquis or Duras family members. Spock and Captain Kirk are relocated to outpost if exposed. Nullified by opponent discarding any Plans card or Treaty on table.

[306] n/a
[307] The Cousteau is actually one point faster than a universal shuttlepod. Shuttlepods are affected by the same cards that affect shuttlecraft.
[308] n/a
[309] The personnel must obviously be beamed to said outpost, not just brought to the same location.
[310] All your diplomats need not pick the same affiliation icon. When the Objective is discarded, they retain the icons, but not the ability to infiltrate. "Aligned Maquis" excludes Non-Aligned Maquis. The card pretty much represents "backdoor diplomacy", that is, creating diplomatic links with the unhappy population rather than its government.

[311] Coyote Stone
[312] CPK enzymatic therapy
[313] CPK levels
[314] Crabtree, Susie
[315] cranial implant

[311] Coyote Stone, Interrupt
"Icon placed on a medecine wheel. When Commander Chakotay was declared brain-dead, a Coyote Stone was placed on the wheel to guide his spirit back to his body."
-Play to return any personnel on table thanks to Duranja, Next Emanation, Cenothaph or The Nexus to hand (nullify any points they were worth). OR Nullify Mountains of the Antelope Women.

[312] Tried and True Methods, Event,.
"CPK enzymatic therapy has been used for years in treating spinal injuries. Genetronic replication hasn't gone through the proper channels yet. Experimentation on humanoids is highly unethical."
-Seeds or plays on table. While in play, Genetronic Replicator requires the additional presence of INTEGRITY<20 OR 3 Treachery OR Toby Russel to have an effect.

[313] Reading High Levels, Dilemma, space/planet
"Whenever someone reads high or elevated levels of anything with their tricorder, you know there's going to be trouble. Moderation in all things seems to be called for in most cases."
-If any total attribute>60 OR 10 points over total attribute required for this mission (whichever is highest), opponent may immediately play one dilemma from hand to this Away Team or crew.

[314] Susie Crabtree, Personnel, Federation
"Former girlfriend of Tom Paris during his first year at the Academy. After they broke up, Paris was depressed for almost a year. Once gave him a haircut."
-CIVILIAN, Youth, Barbering; Where present, Tom Paris is attributes +2; While in play, but not present, Tom Paris is attributes -2

[315]Cranial Implant, Event, 
"Highly classified Obsidian Order biotechnological device. Designed to stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain making the operative impervious to pain, and thus torture and interrogation."
-Plays on table until relocated to your Obsidian Order personnel (if any Garak, you may immediately play another event for free). That personnel may not be Tortured, Interrogated or Brainwashed.

[311] Can be played on opponent's personnel. They of course go to owner's hand. At this point, I'm thinking of making the Medicine Wheel into a very special Doorway. [Edit: It turned out to be an Event.]
[312] Since Genetronic Replicator seems to be abused in some quarters...
[313] Attributes are looked at separately for this dilemma, so you'd penalize a crew with INTEGRITY>60 OR CUNNING>60 OR STRENGTH>60. If more than one attribute exceeds de limit, opponent does not get to play more than one dilemma from hand.
[314] I invented the haircut bit. Needed a laugh. ;-)
[315] If your Obsidian Order personnel is a Garak, you can replace your Implant with another event. You have to do right away of course.

[316] Cravic Automated Personnel Unit 122
[317] Cravic
[318] crayon
[319] Crazy Horse, USS
[320] credit chip

[316] Personnel Unit 122, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"Robot built by the Cravic people to fight in a war against robots built by the Pralor. Commanded a Cravic vessel that encountered Voyager in 2372."
-OFFICER, Leadership, Computer Skill; Black left-facing Nemesis icon
Now exists as Cravic Unit 122.

[317] Find Creators, Mission, planet, Non-Aligned, 
Cravic planet: Find the Creators. Ask them about the existence and purpose of automated life.
-Cravic robot + Pralor robot OR Archeology x2 + ENGINEER
-Span: 4; 30 points; All black left/right-facing Nemesis icons present are suspended (if solved, nullified).

[318] Box of Crayons, Dilemma, space/planet
"How can a kid refuse a box of colored crayons?"
-Unless Tora Ziyal OR any personnel affected by Rascals present, all Youth personnel present are "stopped". Discard dilemma.

[319] USS Crazy Horse, Ship, Federation
"Federation starship. Part of Task Force 3, under Captain Picard's indirect command during an expected Borg invasion in 2369. Once delivered Admiral Eric Pressman to the Enterprise-D."
-Excelsior Class[] Tractor Beam. Once per game, Eric Pressman OR one Admiral may report directly here.

[320] Credit Chip, Equipment, 
"Instrument of monetary exchange used in the early 21st-century. Other cultures have used similar systems throughout the galaxy and its history."
-May report for free at 21st-century Earth time locations. Where present, each of your Acquisition personnel may "stop" one Greed personnel present.

[316] The Nemesis icon is against all Pralor Personnel Units. 122 is not an android, he's a robot. Some cards affect robots.
[317] When solved, the Personnel Units can't use their Nemesis icons against each other.
[318] A simple filter that you can't abuse by putting it in a combo with Rascals.
[319] n/a
[320] 21st-century time locations include Montana Missile Complex and Sanctuary District A.

[321] Creole Food
[322] Creole shrimp with Mandalay sauce
[323] crew manifest
[324] CRM 114
[325] Crockett, USS

[321]Creole Style, Event,, -1 point
"Traditional Earth culinary style such as that served at Sisko's. It favors savory sauces, hot peppers and onions. Some people have a hard time digesting spicy food like this."
-Plays on table until played on any Food-serving site. For every Food card there, lose points. Discard event.

[322] Creole Shrimp with Mandalay Sauce, Food
"Spicy entrée amde with shrimp and sautéed tomatoes. Benjamin Sisko prepared the dish from his father's own recipe."
-While in play, doubles Creole Style and "stops" any Antedean at this spaceline location. Discard at any time to download any Sisko to its father.

[323] Crew Manifest, Doorway
-Seed one atop Crew Manifest side deck (up to 7 different personnel cards). Each time you report a  personnel you didn't just download, you may exchange it with one personnel from here (random selection). OR Stock in deck and use as follows: Play to download one Long-Range Scan, suspending any active Long-Range Scan Shielding. OR Nullifies any card closing your Crew Manifest; discard doorway.

[324] Breen CRM 114, Equipment
"large portable hand cannon made by the Breen. Designed to destroy moving vessels and surface emplacements. Guaranteed to cut through reactive armor in the 6 to 15 cm range."
-SECURITY use only. Where present, may destroy one equipment card in which personnel may be held per turn OR suspend a facility or site's ability to report personnel. (Cumulative.)
Now exists as Breen CRM 114.

[325] USS Crockett, Ship, Federation, 10 points
"Starfleet registry NCC-38955. Conveyed Admiral Mitsuya to station Deep Space 9 in 2370. Named after the famous American frontiersman and politician who died at the Alamo."
-Excelsior class[] Tractor Beam; If destroyed in battle, score points.

[321] I made it a Hidden Agenda because you never know when those spicy foods you ate will creep up on you. :-)
[322] The only available Antedean is Glglglglglgl. Discard to download Jake to Ben, or Ben to Grandpa.
[323] Note that the universal will take its place in the Crew Manifest and may turn up in the next random selection.
[324] Equipment that holds personnel includes Assimilation Table, but also some AtoZ cards like the 1957 Chevy and Attack Skimmer. Any personnel held aboard upon destruction are killed of course. This item is mentioned on the card Founder Secret.
[325] n/a

[326] Croden
[327] croissant
[328] Crosis
[329] "Crossfire"
[330] "Crossover"

[326] Croden, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"Fugitive from the planet Rakhar in the Gamma Quadrant. Killed Ro-Kel in a botched robbery. Hid his daughter Yareth from his government."
-CIVILIAN, Smuggling, Navigation; May "steal" any Croden's Key present; May replace any one requirement on Investigate Rumors except "Odo"; 

[327] Croissant, Food
"Type of bread developed in France on Earth. Crescent-shaped and flaky. Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher enjoyed one every morning despite attempts at different breakfasts."
-If at the same location as any moon, your personnel present are attributes +1. Once per turn, you may download one Food card to replace Croissant.

[328] Exists as Crosis.

[329]Crossfire, Interrupt
"Stray weapons fire can hit unwary ships and people, even innocent ones."
-Plays on any ship present at, but uninvolved in a battle. You may flip one Tactic card and place damage marker on that ship. OR Plays on any personnel at a site adjacent to a personnel battle. It participates in battle.

[330] Crossover, Objective, 
-Seeds or plays on table. While in play, if a  icon personnel (except Smiley) moves to the same location as its non- counterpart, that counterpart is discarded. Discard at any time to take one non- personnel captive where you have  icon personnel, relocating it to any  icon ship or facility's Brig.
Now exists as Crossover.

[326] Croden in effect has the extra skill of SCIENCE x2 OR SECURITY at Investigate Rumors only.
[327] "Moons" are indicated in the mission lore. The way Food cards work, Croissant can help you manage your cards, downloading, replacing and then replacing again at the start of the next turn, bringing the downlaoded Food card to hand if needed.
[328] n/a
[329] The first function plays on ships that have not fired or been targeted during a space battle. The second function does not move the target personnel to the battle site. It participates from where it is.
[330] Sort of like a Nemesis effect. The term "counterpart" is not related to Borg Counterparts. You can't take a captive if you do not have an appropriate Mirror icon Brig.

[331] crown roast of lamb
[332] Cruses System
[333] Crusher, Dr. Beverly
[334] Crusher, Jack R.
[335] Crusher, Wesley

[331] Crown Roast of Lamb, Food, 5 points
"Culinary main course consisting of a rack of lamb formed into a circle and roasted. Tom Paris dreamed of having this dish when he escaped from an Akitriki prison satellite."
-When you rescue a captive, score points if it ever comes to this location, then discard Food card.

[332] Exists as Study Cometary Cloud.

[333] Exists as Beverly Crusher, (two of them!).

[334] Exists as Jack Crusher.

[335] Exists as Wesley Crusher.

[331] The Food card is discarded to the bonus points area.
[332] n/a
[333] n/a
[334] n/a
[335] n/a

[336] cryonetrium
[337] cryonics
[338] cryosatellite
[339] cryostasis chamber
[340] cryostasis

[336] Cryonetrium, Interrupt
"Cryonetrium remains gaseous even a cryogenic temperatures near absolute zero. The crew of the USS Enterprise-D flooded their warp drive with it to halt the effects of invidium contamination."
-Suspends any  dilemma you just encountered while you move any unstopped ship and/or personnel to this location and beam personnel to or off ship. When dilemma resumes, you must have at least one personnel present still facing it. Nullified by Fire Sculptor.

[337] Freeze!, Event, Hidden Agenda
"In the 20th and 21st century, people had themselves frozen cryogenically either to endure the long space journeys of the time, or to go to a future where their diseases could be cured."
-Plays on table. Suspends any of your opponent's normal card plays to play your own card from hand (including Frigid). Then discard event.

[338] Exists as Cryosatellite.

[339] Cryostasis Chamber, Artifact
"Storage device used to preserve living beings, such as Amelia Earhart and other people from 1937 as the Briori did, at cryogenic temperatures for later revival."
-Place in hand until played on a past  Time Location as an Event card. Any Natives of that Time Location are placed in stasis, relocated to the Mission location, and placed out of stasis (they are "stopped").

[340] Cryostasis, Interrupt
"Medical procedure used to slow down biological functions in a critically injured patient, allowing a physician more time to find a remedy."
-Plays on any just encountered dilemma that requires MEDICAL to be present. It now has a [Countdown: 3] icon, and only has its effect on the target personnel when the countdown ends unless the cure is present by then.

[336] Allows you to either bring extra help to a crew, or remove your targeted crewmembers from the attempting ship. You can't beam everyone off the ship though. One personnel must remain.
[337] You can play any card during your opponent's turn with this, and it hits the table before his does. Note that you can play Frigid, usually only stocked in the Q-Continuum, legally from hand with this.
[338] n/a
[339] It fights the use of TLs as a way to redirect an opponent's AU personnel off the spaceline. But it can also be used as a form of time travel. Note that the personnel are in stasis just long enough to be affected by such cards as Dead in Bed.
[340] Dilemmas without cures simply kill if the target personnel can still be targeted. Of course, if a personnel was targeted because of its skill, it could lose that skill (Reflection Therapy?) and not be a target anymore. Dilemmas follow personnel around even if they jump ship, or split up (in the case of a dilemma that affects a number of personnel).

[341] cryostatic chamber
[342] cryostatic suspension
[343] cryptobiolin
[344] crysata
[345] Crystalline Entity

[341] Food Sterilization, Interrupt
"Foods could be sterilized by subjecting them to extremely cold temperatures. This would usually take a little something away from their taste, not to mention what it did to live gagh."
-Nullifies one Food card in play, unless a Replicator is present. (Immune to Amanda Rogers.)

[342] Cryostatic Suspension, Event, Countdown: 4
"Bahrat punished criminals at the Nekrit Supply Depot by placing them in suspended animation for the duration of their sentence."
-Plays on any captive personnel to place it in stasis. While in stasis, it cannot be rescued, nor can any other events be played on it.

[343] Improved Soldier, Event
"The Angosians used cryptogoblin and other chemicals to turn their soldiers into supersoldiers, making them more effective in combat. The effects were irreversible."
-Plays on your biological personnel present with MEDICAL and Treachery (except Roga Danar). Its STRENGTH is now either +3 or 10, whichever is higher. May not be nullified.

[344] Last Ritual, Mission, planet, Non-Aligned,.
Drayan Moon: Perform final ritual for Drayan elders at the end of their lives.
-Drayan with Youth (discarded when Mission is solved) + Honor + (MEDICAL or any Tuvok)
-Span: 1; 25 points; Must play next to Drayan II

[345] Exists as Crystalline Entity.

[341] The Kevin Uxbridge of Food cards.
[342] Use to either stop someone from rescuing their personnel, or to protect yours from Brainwash, Interrogation or Torture.
[343] Trek Sense would indicate Roga Danar's STRENGTH was 9 before the procedure.
[344] Universal, yes, but only two copies can be played: one on each side of Drayan II.
[345] n/a

[346] crystalline emiristol
[347] crystillia
[348] Culluh, Jal
[349] cultural database
[350] Cumberland, Acts of

[346] Track Probe, Interrupt
"The Enterprise-D was able to follow the radioactive trail left by the Kataan probe to its point of origin thanks to the rocket propellant it used to get off planet thousands of years ago."
-Plays on any probe in play. If a mission card, you may add or remove one skill to its requirements. If any other type of card, it immediately goes to your hand.

[347]Flowers, Event, 5 points
"Data presented a bouquet of range and yellow crystilia to Lieutenant Jenna D'Sora while the two were briefly involved."
-Plays where you have two romantically involved personnel. While they are together, their attributes are +2. If they get separated, discard event and score points.

[348]Jal Culluh, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"First maje of the Kazon-Nistrim. Commander of a Kazon cruiser. Tried to gain an advantage over the other orders by capturing the USS Voyager. Mate of Seska. Real father of her child."
-OFFICER, Treachery, Geology, Greed; If Seska present, Kazon ship he is on has transporters; ; Nistrim icon
Now exists asCulluh.

[349]Cultural Database, Doorway
-Plays where you have Anthropology to download any card required there. OR Plays on table. While in play, any affiliation (except Borg) may attempt Cultural missions. Such missions are worth +5 points to you. (Nullified by Computer Crash.)

[350] Androids Have No Rights, Dilemma, space/planet
"The Acts of Cumberland from the 21st-century maintained that an android would be the property of its builder's government. Judge Advocate Phillipa Louvois was noted for reversing the ruling."
-Unless 2 Law present, place on table. Your androids in play are INTEGRITY -2 and must be part of any Away Team leaving their location. (Not cumulative.)

[346] Probes include Investigate Probe, Alien Probe and the various Class-1, etc. AtoZ Probes. A probe still has its effect before going to your hand.
[347] The Flowers are of course discarded to the bonus point area.
[348] I didn't give him Leadership because the order fell apart because of him. We all know who wears the pants in this family. Each order of Kazon has its own icon which makes it incompatible with other orders unless specific cards are in play.
[349] Cultural missions are any missions that have the word "Cultural" (like Cultural Observation) or "Culture" in its title.
[350] For example, if your android is on your ship, and an Away Team beams down to a planet, your android(s) must accompany it. If you create more than one Away Team, your androids will always follow the first. Your android can, of course, form its own one-man Away Team and leave a ship.

[351] Curie, Marie
[352] Curie, Shuttlecraft
[353] Curtis Creek program
[354] Custodian, The
[355] cutter

[351] Marie Curie, Personnel, Federation, 
"Holographic re-creation of the Earth physicist who co-discovered radium and polonium. Earned two Nobel Prizes for her work on radioactivity."
-SCIENCE, Physics; May report for free at The Doctor's location; Once per game, may nullify one Radioactive Garbage Scow OR Dangerous Goods present

[352]Curie, Ship, Federation
"Shuttle assigned to the USS Enterprise-D. Commanded by Worf, it passed through a quantum fissure propelling him into a series of alternate realities."
-Type VI Shuttlecraft[] While aboard, personnel gain or lose an  icon, as appropriate

[353] Curtis Creek, Program, 
"Holographic simulation of a mountain stream on planet Earth. In the Barash illusion, Jean-Luc Riker told his 'father', Will Riker, that they used to fish there."
-While in play, one  icon personnel per turn may report for free directly here. If Jean-Luc Riker here, Humuhumunukunukuapua'a plays as an Event.

[354] Custodian, Artifact
"Sophisticated computer system built and programed hundreds of centuries ago by the Progenitors of Aldea. Provided for all needs of its citizens, leaving them free to pursue the arts."
-Immediately place on planet (or discard if none present). Your Away Teams present are considered to have all eight classifications while present. Suspended by Computer Crash.

[355] Cutting to the Core, Event, -5 points
"In a mining team, cutters split asteroids with phasers so that excavators can gain access to the asteroid's interior."
-Plays on any unsolved asteroid location where you have Geology. Download one Equipment, Ship, android or implant card to this location and reduce mission's points. When mission is worth 0, discard event.

[351] n/a
[352] If you're using a game mechanic whereby your personnel may report directly aboard a ship, you'll be able to report AU personnel to the Curie if your AU Door is closed. An easy way to solve Fissure Research without an AU Door too.
[353] n/a
[354] "Immediately" refers to right after the Artifact is acquired of course. The extra classifications exist within the Custodian itself, not on the personnel. How useful is this? I think it can be creatively used, even though you won't be able to use the ability to solve any dilemmas (though some cards in AtoZ allow you to pick up an Artifact before the mission is solved). It'll help with Post Garrison and the like.
[355] Asteroid locations are those with obvious asteroids in the picture or lore (Pegasus Search, Mineral Survey, Seek Life-Form, are all examples).

[356] cyanoacrylates
[357] cybernetic regeneration
[358] Cygnian Respiratory Diseases, A Survey of
[359] Cyprion cactus
[360] Cypriprdium

[356] Krazy Glue, Event
"Cyanoacrylates is a chemical term used to describe several types of fast-bonding adhesives. By the 24th-century, another use was found for them: stimulating the growth of some strains of plasma plague."
-Plays on any Equipment card or Artifact played as Equipment. One personnel present (random selection) is matched to that card. From now on, only it may benefit from the Equipment, and if either is discarded, so is the other, along with event.

[357] Cybernetic Regeneration, Interrupt
"Medical treatment researched by Dr. Beverly Crusher. She wrote a paper on the subject which caught the attention of neurogeneticist Toby Russell."
-Plays on any Borg, Bynar or personnel with an Implant just mortally wounded to upgrade its condition up to stunned. OR If you have Cybernetics in play, download Genetronic Replicator.

[358] Big Fat Medical Book, Dilemma, space
"Dr. Julian Bashir studied the 24th-century edition of A Survey of Cygnian Respiratory Diseases in 2371 while preparing for the visit of a medical school colleague. Good thing he was genetically enhanced."
-Crew may not continue unless a MEDICAL personnel with CUNNING>7 present. When overcome, you may download one medical Equipment card to this location.

[359] Cactus!, Dilemma, planet
"Commander Riker once accidentally rolled over on a Cyprion cactus with 12 cm spines during one visit to the arboretum with tactical officer Smith."
-Immediately place on any of your personnel affected by a Love Interest or Romance dilemma (random selection). If personnel's STRENGTH<5, it dies.

[360] A Plant Is a Plant Is A Plant, Event
"The crew of the USS Voyager found a flower much like the Earth cypridium, an orchid also known as the Lady's slipper or Moccassin flower, on a planet in the Delta quadrant. Such duplication isn't that uncommon."
-Plays on table. While in play, you may exchange any Flowers, Chrysanthemum Solution, Drought Tree or Clematis Set-Back in your hand with any copy of these cards from outside the game. OR Download Gardening Tips and discard event.

[356] The term "cyanoacrylates" was badly used in the show to mean a substance that generated low levels of some technobabble radiation. It's really Krazy Glue! The card makes a disruptor only work for one personnel, and if you Disruptor Overload it, it kills said personnel.
[357] n/a
[358] A wall with a recompense other than bonus points when you pass it.
[359] A personnel relocated to a planet by a Love Interest who hasn't moved or attempted a mission since then is still considered to be under the influence of that dilemma.
[360] Only stock one of these and get the one you really need mid-game.

[361] Cyrano de Bergerac
[362] Cyrillian microbe
[363] Cytherians
[364] cytoplasmic protein
[365] cytoplasmic stimulator

[361]Cyrano de Bergerac, Personnel, Federation, 5 points
"Lieutenant Reginald Barclay once played the role of Edmond Rostand's great warrior and poet, Cyrano de Bergerac, in one of Dr. Crusher's productions while under the influence of the Cytharian probe."
-ENGINEER, ENGINEER, Computer Skill x3, Music; Whenever you are leading by a nose (5 or fewer points), score points; 

[362] A Single Cell, Interrupt
"Some organisms are single cells. Others live in single cells. Both may be microbes."
-Nullifies Andorian Amoeba (discarded card remains discarded). OR Plays on captive alone in Holding Cell. That Holding Cell may not contain any more captives. Discard when captive is released.

[363] Exists as Cytherians.

[364] Plant Compounds, Interrupt
"Plant cells all have similar biochemical compounds in their jellylike cytoplasm. Some of these compunds can be used for medical or nutritional purposes."
-Plays to keep one personnel from dying at the same spaceline location as your Drought Tree or Arboretum. OR Download one Food card to table. OR Stop one SCIENCE-classification personnel on a planet for rest of turn.

[365]Toxic Shock, Interrupt, Countdown: 2
"Neelix's toxicity levels shot up when his lungs were removed by the Viidians in 2371. A cytoplasmic stimulator stabilized them again."
-Plays on any personnel paired with a Viidian in personnel battle. If stunned, place in stasis. When countdown ends, personnel dies unless MEDICAL present.

[361] n/a
[362] It nullifies Andorian Amoeba's bonuses to attributes and skills, but does not return the "merged" copy to the table.
[363] n/a
[364] n/a
[365] The countdown only starts after the personnel has been stunned. If not stunned that turn, discard interrupt (since the target has to be paired up with a Viidian and no longer will be after the battle is resolved).

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Star Trek TM Paramount Pictures; Star Trek: Customizable Card Game TM Decipher Inc.