Dream Cards AtoZ-The Encyclopedia of Dreams - G

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[51] Gamma Quadrant
[52] Gamma Tauri IV
[53] gamma radiation
[54] Gamzian wine
[55] Ganalda IV

[51] Exists as Explore Gamma Quadrant.

[52] Steal Converter, Mission, planet, Ferengi
Gamma Tauri IV: Steak T-9 energy converter from unmanned Federation monitoring post here.
-Greed x2 + Treachery x3 + ENGINEER + Computer Skill x2 + Smuggling
-Span: 2; 35 points; If you solve, you may use opponent's scan cards.

[53] Gamma Burst, Interrupt
"Modulated gamma bursts were detected in Meridian's sun Trialus by the USS Defiant as a herald of the planet appearing."
-Force any mission card to uncloak. OR Return Meridian to spaceline. OR Suspend the effects of Gaps in Normal Space for rest of turn.

[54] Gamzian Wine, Food
"Intoxicating beverage. Blamed for making Vash's and Martus Mazur's negociating skills better. Loose lips sink ships."
-Where present, your personnel with INTEGRITY<5 are CUNNING +2. Those with CUNNING<6 are INTEGRITY +2.

[55] Dishonorable Retreat, Mission, planet, Klingon
Ganalda IV: Retreat to this planet while honorable warriors battle on.
-Treachery x4 + OFFICER + (no Honor OR no hand weapons) + INTEGRITY<21
-Span: 2; 35* points; *+5 if you have fewer bonus points than opponent when you solve.

[51] n/a
[52] Opponent peeks under a mission or ship or hand? You do too.
[53] Note that AtoZ provides a planetary cloak (Aldean Cloaking Device) so that Investigate Legend isn't the only mission that cloaks.
[54] Boosts are made in the order you need them, so the Integrity boost need not make the Cunning boost impossible, for example.
[55] There's really no way to get those extra points when playing against Borg ;-).

[56] Gandhi, Mahatma
[57] Ghandi, USS
[58] Ganges, USS
[59] ganglion
[60] Garadius system

[56] Ghandi, Personnel, Federation, 
"Holographic re-creation of the great 20th-century Earth spiritual leader. Fought for Indian independence using nonviolent means."
-VIP, Diplomacy x3, Honor, Leadership; Never participates in personnel battle

[57] USS Ghandi, Ship, Federation
"Registry number NCC-26632. Ship to which Thomas Riker was assigned after his rescue from Nervala IV. Still on a terraforming mission."
-Ambassador Class[] Tractor Beam; Once per game, may nullify a battle where present

[58] USS Ganges, Ship, Federation
"Registry number NCC-72454. One of three Runabouts assigned to Deep Space 9. Has a roll bar containing sensor equipment."
-Danube Class[] SD Any scan card

[59] Honest Mistake, Dilemma, space/planet
"Dr. Julian Bashir would have been valedictorian of his graduating class if he hadn't mistaken a pre-ganglionic fiber for a post-ganglionic nerve."
-Place on one personnel present (random selection). Opponent may choose to change any of its staffing icons (to any other) OR any one of its skills (to any other skill) OR its classification (to anything but ANIMAL).

[60] Disrupt Diplomatic Relations, Mission, planet, Romulan
Garadius: Disrupt the Federation's diplomatic efforts at this planet near the Neutral Zone.
-(Treachery x4 OR Tal Shiar x2) + Diplomacy + Anthropology
-Span: 4; 30 points; Once solved, you may nullify one Federation Treaty in play.

[56] Ghandi never pairs up and doesn't add his STRENGTH to an Away Team's total in personnel battles.
[57] The ability is more from the ship's name than anything it did in the show. From the wording, a personnel battle aboard could also be averted.
[58] The scan should always be played at that location (except scans that have no spaceline location target, like Life-Form Scan).
[59] Particularly useless icons include the E-E or Excelsior icons, for example. Barbering is still the underdog of skills, and CIVILIAN is probably the worst classification. Note that you can make changes to fit the next dilemma in this combo.
[60] Not in the Neutral Zone region. This is a planet the Enterprise left for after dealing with the Apnex in "The Next Phase". I made it a Romulan mission for that reason.

[61] Garak (mirror)
[62] Garak, Elim
[63] Garan miner
[64] Garan mining colony
[65] Garan, Araya

[61] Garak - Mirror, Personnel, Cardassian, 
"In the mirror universe, first officer of the station Terok Nor. Tortured and killed the mirror Rom. Chained by the mirror Worf."
-OFFICER, SECURITY, Treachery x2, Exobiology; All other  icon personnel present may avoid random selection; 
Now exists as Security Chief Garak.

[62] Exists as Elim Garak (among other personae).

[63] Fisk, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"Administrator of the Garan mining colony. A miner at odds with a deadly macrovirus and the Tak Tak who would destroy it."
-ENGINEER, Geology, Leadership; While on unsolved Garan, Process Ore may play here (suspended if Fisk not present); 

[64]Destroy Colony, Mission, planet, Non-Aligned, 
Garan: Destroy mining colony infested with a dangerous alien macrovirus before it can spread.
-(Geology + Physics + Treachery x2 OR Any Tak Tak) + SECURITY x3
-Span: 4; 40 points; When solved, any Process Ore here is discarded.

[65]Araya Garan, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"Typical female Vhnori. Wife of Hatil Garan. Wanted Hatil to undergo the Vhnori transference ritual when he became a burden to her family."
-CIVILIAN, Anthropology; SD Cenotaph

[61] The mirror Garak may not avoid random selections himself.
[62] n/a
[63] Process Ore may be played here without the need for an Ore Processing Unit (or a Nor for that matter), allowing ore to be processed from the Delta quadrant. If the mission gets solved (Destroy Colony), Process Ore may not be played (and solving the mission discards any copy here). If Fisk isn't present, then the processing may not go on, though the objective remains on the mission. His name is from the actor who played him Michael Fiske).
[64] There will be at least one Tak Tak personnel (the consul), but you'll have to wait for it.
[65] A universal NA to solve Primitive Culture right there in the Delta quadrant.

[66] Garan, Hatil
[67] Garanian bolites
[68] Garcia, Henry
[69] garili tree
[70] Gariman Sector

[66] Hatil Garan, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"Male Vhnori. Husband of Araya Garan. Suffered a debilitating accident. Chose to undergo transference ritual, but convinced not to by Harry Kim."
-CIVILIAN, Diplomacy; May discard any Cenotaph present (nullifying any points derived from it); SD Araya Garan

[67] Exists as Garanian Bolites.

[68] Henry Garcia, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"Resident of Sanctary District A on Earth from 2022 to 2024. Ended up there after losing his job at a San Francisco brewery. Life goes on."
-CIVILIAN, Leadership, Honor, Cooking; SD Ration Card

[69] Garili Tree, Event, Countdown: 3
"Blooming tree found on the Vhnori homeworld. Its significance in that world's mythology is important as a symbol of rebirth."
-Plays on table. While in play, when any of your personnel die, they are relocated to any Time Location or  icon planet location in play (random selection).

[70] Just Another Survey, Mission, space, Any crew may attempt
Gariman Sector: Survey yet another sector, seeking out new life and new civilizations.
-SCIENCE x5 OR Stellar Cartography x4 OR Astrophysics x4 OR Geology x4 OR Youth x5
-Span: 3; 35 points

[66] If more than one Cenotaph is in play, try to keep track of which killed which personnel, so that only points derived from that Cenotaph's victims are nullified.
[67] n/a
[68] Apologies for the Life Goes On joke.
[69] Send personnel to their death (maybe to discard a dilemma) and have them pop out on an "alternate spaceline". If more than one personnel is killed, each one may be relocated to a different location since it's random selection.
[70] With so little information on this sector, I decided to have a little fun.

[71] Garin
[72] Garland, Faith
[73] garlanic tree
[74] garlic soup
[75] garnesite

[71] Garin, Personnel, Federation
"Male scientist from Bre'el IV. On duty in the planetary emergency center when the Enterprise-D tried to push Bre'el's moon to its proper orbit."
-SCIENCE, Astrophysics; If on Bre'el IV, mission may be attempted by crew of a ship a this location. Garin (and any personnel present) faces  dilemmas encountered; 

[72]Faith Garland, Personnel, Non-Aligned,
"Nurse in the Woman's Army Corps in 1947. Engaged to Jeff Carlson. Studied aliens at Roswell. Dreamed of a vast federayion of planets."
-MEDICAL, Biology; All non- personnel present are INTEGRITY +2; May switch to  and back when not at a time location

[73] Melora's Cane, Equipment
"Melora Pazlar carried a cane made from the wood of a garlanic tree indigenous to her native Elaysian homeworld to help her walk in standard gravity."
-Your personnel present with STRENGTH<4 are STRENGTH=4. At any time, discard to download Low Gravity to this location.

[74] Garlic Soup, Food
"Broth made with the cloves of an onion-like Earth plant. Tom Paris said that Doc Brown made garlic soup for his patients."
-If MEDICAL present, it may nullify one dilemma placed on a personnel present (discard Food). Otherwise, once per turn, your personnel present may stun one opposing personnel with bad breath at the start of any personnel battle.

[75] Cold Night, Dilemma, planet
"Garnesite is a mineral that can be heated with phaser fire to give off warmth and light. Sometimes, stranded Away Teams have to use it to make 'campfires'."
-Place on mission. Unless Geology AND phasers or disruptors present, one personnel present dies at the end of each of your turns. Discard when mission solved.

[71] A way to make Restore Errant Moon more Trek Sensical, by really making it space/planet. [Space] and [space/planet] dilemmas are encountered by the crew of the ship in orbit, while [planet] dilemmas are faced by Garin and co. Even opposing personnel present with Garin would face the dilemmas with him, overcoming them if possible.
[72] She cannot switch from NA to Fed when at a time location, only on the regular spacelines.
[73] Since Low Gravity only plays on a non-homeworld planet, the cane must be on the planet when discarded.
[74] A dilemma that affects a personnel is not placed on that personnel (if it kills it or places it in stasis, for example). Only dilemmas that are actually on the personnel may be "cured". The "otherwise" clause refers to your having no MEDICAL present.
[75] The requirement is Geology + any disruptor OR Geology + any phaser. You cannot overcome this dilemma - it is always placed on mission automatically. Better pray you're never stopped there unprepared.

[76] Garon II
[77] Garrett, Captain Rachel
[78] Garth system
[79] Garuth
[80] Garvin

[76] Court-Martial Preparations, Mission, planet, Federation
Garon II: Investigate disastrous away mission involving volatile young ensign to stand trial for disobeying orders.
-Span: 3; 40 points; When solved, you may capture one opposing ensign in play.

[77] Exists as Rachel Garrett.

[78] First Flight, Mission, space, Non-Aligned
Garth system: Test warp propulsion system by journeying to this star system.
-Any Malcorian + RANGE<6
-Span: 1; 30 points; Always seeds next to First Contact, creating a region.

[79] Garuth, Personnel, Non-Aligned, 
"Empathic metamorph. Figure in ancient Kriosian and Valtese history. Loved by two brothers, Valt and Krios. Caused a war between two planets."
-VIP, Empathy; Once per game, select any one skill present; While in play, all Kriosians have [Nemesis icon, gold, left-facing] and all Valtese have [Nemesis icon, gold, right-facing]

[80] Garvin, Personnel, Non-Aligned
"Inhabitant of planet Barkon IV. Town magistrate. Widower father of Gia. Took Data into his home."
-VIP, Leadership, Honor; Primitive Culture may be played on him from hand (as an event), requiring Away Teams to always meet its requirements when present on a planet

[76] An "ensign" is listed as such in its lore. Will only really work against another Federation opponent, unless you yourself are running an espionage strategy.
[77] n/a
[78] Hopefully a fun little mission. Malcorians include Mirasta Yale from Decipher and others from AtoZ. Ships with RANGE 5 or less include the Edo Vessel, the Phoenix and a few antique ships if your NAs are using aligned help.
[79] Garuth is female. Once per game, she can select a skill present to be her own. It doesn't change from then on. Those gold nemesis icons are printed with special metallic ink. No extra charge. She herself is neither Valtese nor Kriosian.
[80] The Primitive Culture "event" is never discarded (unless nullified), it simply acts as a wall for all personnel (including your own) who do not meet one of its requirement selections.

[81] Gasko
[82] gasoline
[83] Gaspar VII
[84] Gates, Ensign
[85] Gatherers

[81] Gasko, Ship, Romulan
"Romulan vessel. Reported sighting the runabout Rio Grande flying without a pilot around stardate 47573."
-Scout Class[] When first reported, select any unique  personnel to be matching commander

[82]Gasoline, Artifact
"Chemical fossil fuel used on Earth during the 19th through the 21st centuries. A volatile, flammable liquid used in combustion engines."
-Use as Equipment card. Ford Pickup Truck and 1957 Chevy may be played from hand without being acquired first. At any time, beam over to opponent's ship where it becomes an event. Next time it is damaged, flip one extra Tactic.

[83] Authenticate Credentials, Mission, planet, Cardassian/Ferengi/Romulan
Gaspar VII: Verify identity and credentials of a Starfleet captain supposedly born here.
-Leadership + Computer Skill x3 + (Acquisition OR Tal Shiar OR Obsidian Order)
-Span: 3; 30 points; Your side: Your outposts may not seed here. Opponent's side: Your  outposts may seed here.

[84] Ensign Gates, Personnel, Federation
"Bridge officer aboard USS Enterprise-D in 2370. Operated the conn during search for USS Pegasus. Attended Worf's brithday party."
-OFFICER, Navigation, Youth, Computer Skill; Ship's RANGE is +2 when phased; 

[85] Exists as The Gatherers.

[81] We don't know who was the commander of that ship, so you can pick any one. The matching commander remains the same for the length of the game.
[82] Three Artifacts for the price of one? Starry Night affects it since it's Equipment, so maybe that should be 4 for 1. When it is beamed over to an opposing ship, it becomes an event nullifiable by Kevin Uxbridge and immune to Disruptor Overload. When the ship is damaged, it gets an extra damage marker.
[83] Ferengi, Cardassian and Romulan outposts can't be seeded here (but could be built later) since this is a Federation planet. The Federation player on the other side of the table, can seed his outpost here however.
[84] The RANGE bonus is is addition to the phase cloak bonus.
[85] n/a

[86] Gaudaal's Lament
[87] Gaullists
[88] Gault
[89] Gaunt Gary
[90] Gavaline tea

[86] Gaudaal's Lament, Dilemma, space/planet, Countdown: 3
"Bajoran poem written by Akorem Laan more than 200 years ago. Required reading for Bajoran schoolchildren. Indeed it must be memorized."
-Unless Akorem Laan OR Kira Nerys OR 6 Bajorans OR 3 Anthropology, all Bajorans with Youth present are "stopped" until countdown ends. Then, discard dilemma.

[87] Political Details, Dilemma, planet
"Political perspective is sometimes important to mission completion. It may be important, for example, to know the Gaullists were no longer in power on Earth in the 2020s."
-Unless 2 Anthropology present, place on mission. Mission may not be attempted unless 5 Diplomacy present.

[88] Exists as Gault.

[89]Gaunt Gary, Personnel, Federation, 
"Holographic re-creation of a famous 20th-century Earth pool player and hustler. Plays at Chez Sandrine. Not interested in spatial phenomena."
-CIVILIAN, Greed, Treachery; May nullify Dom-Jot and Pool where present

[90] Gavaline Tea, Food
"Hot beverage. Lwaxana Troi enjoyed Gavaline tea when visiting Deep Space 9 in 2372."
-Where present, your Empaths are STRENGTH +2 (+3 if Lwaxana Troi) and may not be captured. (Nullified by Fire Sculptor.)

[86] Because of the "unless" clause, this one's ll stop anyone without the proper personnel, PLUS the Bajoran Youths for a little longer.
[87] The requirement is the Anthropology (if not there, Away Team us stopped, dilemma is placed on mission). Once on the mission, 5 Diplomacy is required to even attempt it.
[88] n/a
[89] Dom-Jot's pretty tough to pass, and the Greed/Treachery is rare for a Fed personnel.
[90] A nullified Food card is discarded and does not return to hand.

[91] Gavara system
[92] Gedana post
[93] Gema IV
[94] Gemaris V
[95] Gemulon V

[91] Gamma Quadrant Survey, Mission, space, Bajoran/Dominion, 
Gavara system: Relatively unimportant survey of a star system in Gamma quadrant.
-Stellar Cartography + Geology + Exobiology + (Any runabout OR Only  icon personnel)
-Span: 4; 30 points; Doubles Explore Quadrant if present when solved.

[92] Pilot Instruction, Mission, planet, Any Trill may attempt
Trill region*Gedana post: Instruct raw cadets in piloting skills at simulator located at this Trill base.
-Any Trill + Navigation x2 + Leadership + Youth
-Span: 3; 30 points

[93] Establish Defense Force, Mission, planet, Non-Aligned, 
Gema IV: Establish defensive Kazon force to counter possible incursion by Alpha quadrant ship.
-3 Kazon + 3 hand weapons + SECURITY x2 + STRENGTH>50
-Span: 2; 40 points

[94] Trade Dispute, Mission, planet, Federation/Ferengi
Gemaris V: Mediate trading dispute between the Gemarians and their trading neighbours, the Dachlyds.
-(Diplomacy x4 OR Acquisition x3) + (INTEGRITY>35 OR INTEGRITY<20)
-Span: 3; 30 points; Always seeds next to Settle Dispute.

[95] Check on Colony, Mission, planet, Federation/Klingon
Gemulon V: Verify arrival of colonists bound for this frontier planet.
-OFFICER + SECURITY x2 + Tricorder
-Span: 5; 25 points; Any inhabited Colony here is worth 10 bonus points while in play.

[91] Explore Gamma Quadrant's bonus points are scored only if a mission is solved in the Gamma quad. If it's this one, then the bonus points are doubled (to 10).
[92] The Trill region includes Trill (Symbiont Diagnosis). The mission may be attempted by any Away Team with at least one Trill personnel (joined or not).
[93] In effect, a Kazon mission.
[94] The flip side of the card made for Dachlyd space. Different requirements, but the same region and the same affiliations.
[95] The Colony here is worth a flat 10-point bonus in addition to any points it racks up from any personnel there.

[96] gene splicing
[97] "Genesis"
[98] Genestra, Sabin
[99] genetic bonding
[100] genetic virus

[96] Splicing, Incident
-Seeds on table during mission phase. All Alpha quadrant missions you seed thereafter are part of a different spaceline. Opponent may seed one mission on that spaceline if they wish.

[97] Predator Rip-Off, Dilemma, space/planet
"When Worf was transformed by Barclay's protomorphosis syndrome, he rampaged through the ship blowing doors off their hinges on a killing spree."
-Unless STRENGTH>40 present, lowest STRENGTH personnel present is killed. When overcome, discard dilemma and any Revolving Door affecting you.

[98] Sabin Genestra, Personnel, Federation
"Male Betazoid. Aide to Norah Satie. Investigated a security breach on the Enterprise. Mistakenly accused Simon Tarses of treason."
-VIP, Empathy, Law, SECURITY; May report directly to Norah Satie; 

[99] Genetic Bonding, Event, 10 points
"In Betazoid culture, ritual telepathic joining of children at an early age as a prelude to eventual marriage. Deanna Troi was bonded to Wyatt Miller."
-Plays on your Betazoid. Immediately download one personnel romantically involved with it. Worth points while both personnel remain together.

[100] Genetic Virus, Dilemma, space/planet, Countdown: 4
"Deadly biological weapon created by the Albino to kill the sons of his greatest enemies, Kang, Kor and Koloth."
-Unless 2 Exobiology present, place on one unique personnel present (opponent's choice). It kills any personnel present it is related to and dies when countdown ends.

[96] You may seed it at any point during mission phase, so that all 6 of your missions are in quadrant B, or only 1. Opponent may only seed one mission there. The spaceline is accessible through the usual means.
[97] The picture would show the de-evolved Worf ripping through a door. The dilemma has staying power, remaining as a killer wall as long as the STRENGTH requirement hasn't been met. When it is discarded, it also discards any Revolving Doors on your doorways (self-seed?).
[98] n/a
[99] The event doesn't get discarded even if Deanna and Riker (for example) get seperated, so bringing them back together restores the points.
[100] It killes relatives of the target personnel as soon as they are present, so it would kill all those immediately present, then those who come into contact with it in the 4 turns it has left to live.

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Star Trek TM Paramount Pictures; Star Trek: Customizable Card Game TM Decipher Inc.